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         Dick Philip K:     more books (99)
  1. Puttering About in a Small Land by Philip K. Dick, 2010-04-01
  2. Beyond Lies the Wub (The Collected Stories of Philip K Dick) by Philip K. Dick, 1990-05-17
  3. The Defenders and Three Others by Philip K. Dick, 2009-05-18
  4. 11 Science Fiction Stories by Philip K. Dick (Formatted for Kindle) by Philip K Dick, 2010-08-06
  5. Philip K. Dick: Contemporary Critical Interpretations (Contributions to the Study of Science Fiction and Fantasy)
  6. The Golden Man by Philip K. Dick, 1986
  7. The Three Stigmata Of Palmer Eldritch. by Philip K. Dick, 1966
  8. Understanding Philip K. Dick (Understanding Contemporary American Literature) by Eric C. Link, 2010-02-28
  9. The Penultimate Truth: A Novel by Philip K. Dick, 2007-12-18
  10. Solar Lottery by Philip K. Dick, 2003-06-01
  11. The Minority Report by Philip K. Dick, 2009-07-01
  12. The Early Work of Philip K. Dick, Volume 2: Breakfast at Twilight and Other Stories by Philip K. Dick, 2009-11-15
  13. Martian Time-Slip and The Golden Man by Philip K. Dick, 2007-04-02
  14. Dr. Futurity: A Novel by Philip K. Dick, 2005-08-09

61. TecaLibri: Philip K. Dick: Vita Breve E Felice Di Uno Scrittore Di Fantascienza
Bibliografia, copertine e brani scelti tratti dai romanzi dell'autore.
Autore Philip K. Dick Titolo Vita breve e felice di uno scrittore di fantascienza Edizione Feltrinelli, Milano, 2001 [1997], UE 1658 , pag. 160, dim. 125x195x9 mm , Isbn 88-07-81658-X Originale The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick [1995] Prefazione di Lawrence Sutin Traduttore Gianni Pannofino Lettore Renato di Stefano, 2001 Classe fantascienza critica letteraria
Due frammenti dal romanzo mainstream Gather Yourself Together (1949)
Ma lui non lo capiva. E, allora, com'era possibile che fosse il suo mondo? Era uscito per sorridere ai fiori e all'erba. Ma aveva trovato dell'altro, qualcosa cui era impossibile sorridere. Qualcosa di assolutamente sgradevole. Qualcosa che non gli piaceva, che lui non capiva e neppure voleva. Dunque, non era il suo mondo. Se fosse stato il suo mondo, lui l'avrebbe organizzato diversamente. Era stato assemblato male. Molto male. Assemblato in modi che lui non poteva approvare. Dopo un po', gli sovvenne. Il gatto. Il vecchio gatto morente, con le sue orecchie lacere, privo di un occhio, il corpo smilzo e prosciugato e chiazze di pelo che venivano via. Il gatto e l'uccello. Altre cose. Le mosche svolazzanti all'intorno. File di formiche. Cose mortali, che scompaiono in silenzio, che vanno alla deriva. E nessuno che veda o se ne curi. Non l'aveva mai capita, quella cosa da lui trovata nel vasto e caldo mondo. Non significava nulla. Non aveva alcun senso. C'era uno scopo? Una ragione?

62. Philip K. Dick : Il Est Vivant, Et Nous Sommes Morts
DICK est vivant, et nous sommes tous morts
Son premier roman, Loterie Solaire VAN VOGT
The Man in the High Castle,

Prix HUGO 1963 Et aussi ... pour commencer facile
Dr Bloodmoney
Dr. Bloodmoney or How We Got Along After the Bomb,
Le premier roman de science-fiction de DICK traitant d'aventures transtemporelles.
Banc d'essai pour l'auteur en vue de Simulacres et de Ubik
Les Clans de la Lune Alphane Clans of the Alphane Moon, The Penultimate Truth, Et aussi ... pour aller plus loin Le Dieu venu du Centaure The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch, Palmer Eldritch, u Loterie solaire Solar lottery, Proche de VAN VOGT L'OEil dans le ciel Eye in the Sky, Simulacres The Simulacra, Now wait for last year, Des nouvelles... Blade Runner Bref, Blade Runner Minority Report Philip K. DICK Le ParaDick FBI Files

63. Philip K. Dick. Biografía Y Libros En Español
Translate this page Vida y obras completas de philip K. dick. Libros electrónicos gratuitos, enlaces y todo tipo de recursos. INICIO. Autor dick, philip K.
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Autor: Dick, Philip K.

English version Fecha y lugar de nacimiento:
Nació el 16 de Dic. de 1928 en Chicago, U.S. Falleció el 2 de Marzo de 1982 en Santa Ana, California Vida y obras:
Asimov El hombre en el castillo Tiempo de Marte , y Los tres estigmas de Palmer Eldricht The three stigmata of Palmer Eldritch ), fueron escritas durante aquel periodo. Una mirada a la oscuridad Una mirada a la oscuridad en particular y en otras muchas ocasiones. Su literatura parece en ocasiones escrita por un paranoico y sus angustiosos entornos, como en Ubik y en Asimov Clarke o Bradbury El hombre en el castillo y el John Campbell Memorial por En novelas como Blade Runner , basada en su novela Obras escogidas:

64. Philip K. Dick In Science Fiction
List of science fiction novels which contain references to dick, or in which he is a character.
Philip K. Dick in Science Fiction
This annotated bibliography list, a subset derived from the Religion in Literature database, is intended as a resource for literary research. It lists mainstream science fiction novels or short stories which contain references to Philip K. Dick. It is not necessarily a comprehensive list of such literature, but all Hugo-, Campbell-, Nebula- and Locus-winning novels have been indexed, as have many other major works. Philip K. Dick is one of the most enigmatic and distinctive writers in the history of science fiction. His personal life was in many ways as unusual as his fiction. Fans and other writers have enjoyed PKD's numerous novels and short stories, which were always unique but at the same time hit upon a number of "Dickian" themes. PKD frequently wrote about the very nature of reality, and about how we know what we know. Spiritual, religious and philosophical themes were prominent. He considered advances in technology not in the optimistic or pessimistic modes typical of other genre writers, but as commonplace components of a shockingly commonplace existence. Dick's worlds managed to be more bizarre than those of other writers, while at the same time exuding a greasy, lived-in, almost mundane reality. Even years after his death in 1982, Philip K. Dick remains one of the world's best known science fiction writers, due in part to the success of a number of movies based on his stories and books. Adaptation of PKD's fiction include "Blade Runner" (1982, directed by Ridley Scott, directed by Paul Verhoeven, starring Harrison Ford), "Total Recall" (1990, starring Arnold Schwarzenegger), "Minority Report" (2002, starring Tom Cruse, directed by Steven Spielberg, produced by Jerry Molen) and "Paycheck" (2003, directed by John Woo, starring Ben Affleck and Aaron Eckhart).

65. Philip K. Dick. Biography And Complete Works
Life and complete works of philip K. dick. Free electronic books, links and much more. Search for a writer (enter last name). HOME. Author dick, philip K.
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Author: Dick, Philip K.
Date and Place of birth:
b. Dec. 16, 1928, Chicago, U.S. d. March 2, 1982, Santa Ana, California Life and Works:
American science fiction writer, Philip K. Dick was a complex man about whom many things can be said. Immensely talented, he was arguably a genius; and yet he was deeply troubled all his life. Prone to psychosomatic disorders, he also suffered from agoraphobia, depression, suicidal tendencies, and exhibited violent behavior to at least one of his wives. For most of his career, Dick lived in poverty, although he was prolific and wrote more than 30 novels and over 100 short stories, most of them falling under the spacious umbrella of science fiction. Things got even worse when he ruined his health by heavy use of psychedelics. Philip Kendred Dick and Jane Kendred Dick were born in Chicago on December 16 th , 1928. The twins were six weeks premature and Jane died 41 days later. Dick irrationally blamed himself for her death for most of his life until he learned that she died of malnutrition, after which he shifted the blame to his mother. At age 1 his family moved to Berkeley, California. His parents divorced when Philip was five and his father moved to Reno, Nevada.

66. Philip K. Dick: Breve Biografia
Presenta cenni biografici e bibliografici relativi al grande scrittore statunitense.
Philip Kindred Dick
bio - bibliography
1991: Sci-Fi Chronicle Special Award
Philip Kindred Dick
Verso la fine degli anni Quaranta si trasferisce in California, dove, per qualche anno, studia musica classica, e frequenta la Berkeley University disc-jokey
Il suo incontro con la fantascienza avviene nel 1949, quando compra per errore una copia di Stirring Science-Fiction al posto di Popular Science , rivista di divulgazione scientifica. Ma l'evento casuale contribuisce ugualmente a far nascere in lui la passione per la narrativa di genere. Il suo primo racconto pubblicato, Beyond Lies the Wub , appare sul numero di luglio del 1952 di Planet Stories The Magazine of Fantasy and Science-Fiction Little Movement Anthony Boucher New Wave : nel 1955 pubblica Solar Lottery The World Jones Made , descrizione di un Governo totalitario reso possibile dai poteri precognitivi del protagonista (il Jones del titolo), che gli permettono di leggere gli avvenimenti futuri quasi Eye in the Sky Time Out of Joint
Mary and the Giant Pilgrim on the Hill Puttering About in a Small Land In Milton Lumky Territory Confessions of a Crap Artist Humpty Dumpty in Oakland The Man whose Teeth were All Exactly Alike
mainstream I Ching , il Libro dei Mutamenti The Man in the High Castle , vincitore, nel 1963, di un Hugo Award Ucronia The Man in the High Castle Martian Time-Slip The Penultimate Truth The Simulacra The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch Dr. Bloodmoney, or How we Got Along After the Bomb

67. Philip K. DICK
philip K. dick.


Alors que sort l'intégrale de ses nouvelles chez Denoël, Philip K. Dick est plus que jamais d'actualité. Dick est un virus, et nous sommes infectés. ENTRETIEN AVEC PHILIP K. DICK
Les journalistes et écrivains D. Scott Appel et K.C. Briggs rencontrèrent longuement Philip K. Dick en 1977. Extraits des entretiens. LES TROIS STIGMATES DE PHILIP K. DICK
En 1977, Philippe Hupp a eu l'idée saugrenue de faire venir Philip K. Dick en France pour le festival de science-fiction de Metz qu'il venait juste de fonder... PAROLES D'EDITEUR

Note rédigée un dimanche pluvieux par Pierre-Paul Durastanti, traducteur des premiers romans et nouvelles de Philip K. Dick. SURF MY DICK

(1947-1952 et 1953-1981)

La transmutation de Philip K. Dick

Les derniers jours de l'auteur par Norman Spinrad Nouvelles If you think this world is bad (...) Real Audio Windows Media Player

68. Uwe Minuth´s Personal WebNet Studientexte.Literatur Im Medienspektrum
Buchbesprechung und zur Person von philip K. dick.

69. The Dick Factor: Philip K. Dick's Hollywood
Informative discussion of film adaptations of dick's novels and stories.
by Greg Kuchmek Paranoid and profound, Philip K. Dick's mind-altering, ground-breaking science-fiction novels are influential, infectious and highly attractive to Hollywood. Four films and at least two theatrical productions have been based on his work. It is also rumored that Stanley Kubrick's in-production film, A.I., is based on Dick's Martian Time Slip , and a script based on his story, The Minority Report , is circulating Hollywood. These films, in turn, have caused a resurge in interest in Dick's work; there is a proliferation of quality trade editions of his formerly near out-of-print work. Dick's jittery paranoid vision appeals to contemporary readers, and his dominant theme of the fragility of "reality" particularly lends itself to filmmaking. During his 1928-82 life span, Dick was a prolific author, with over forty science-fiction novels, several "mainstream" novels, countless stories, and a personal memoir to his credit. Exploring present, future and other-dimensional worlds, Dick always questioned and attacked the fabric of reality. Whether by drugs, technology, schizophrenia, conspiracies, or random twists of fate, Dick's characters lose their grip on life, and find all they perceive as real to be spurious or immaterial. They descend through layer upon layer of false realities until they reach the very foundation of what MUST be real, and then Dick begins to pick away at that also. Since cinema itself is based on creating a false reality, Dick's vision has a resonance when made into film. And when the vision is paired with insidious technology, mind-blowing drugs or endless conspiracies, you can't help but have a thriller. However, it is just these qualities that often undermine the creation of a film that really addresses PKD's philosophical concerns: it's just too easy to make a great action film based on his concepts.

70. HERMENAUT: Philip K. Dick (1928-1982)
philip K. dick (19281982). philip References. Divine Invasions A Life of philip K. dick, by Lawrence Sutin (Harmony Books, 1989). California
Feedback Go to Wicked Pavilion
Joshua Glenn 15: Fake Authenticity
Philip K. Dick (1928-1982)
The Daily Dick ; at twelve he taught himself to type (he was eventually able to output 120 words per minute); and at fifteen he got his hands on a printing press and published a newspaper called The Truth. But he did not do well in high school: a self-diagnosed agoraphobic and "schizoid personality," Dick suffered attacks of vertigo, and dropped out in 1947. Solar Lottery Over the course of the '60s Dick turned out all but a couple of those books on which (what passes for) his reputation rests today. Out-of-control potboilers like Dr. Futurity Vulcan's Hammer The Crack In Space The Penultimate Truth The Zap Gun The Unteleported Man Counter-Clock World The Ganymede Takeover , and Our Friends from Frolix 8 flew from his fingers almost as afterthoughts to wacked-out, sometimes astonishingly great works which treat-as one of Dick's critics notes-"ideas about politics, consciousness, reality, ethics, and love with an intensity of feeling, with comedy and sorrow, that was completely unprecedented in sf." These include: We Can Build You (w. 1962, p. 1969), in which the brilliant but coldly schizoid Pris Frauenzimmer (based on Dick's wife Anne) seems far less human than the engaging, depressed Abraham Lincoln simulacrum she helps design;

71. Philip K. Dick
Un articolo sullo scrittore americano di fantascienza philip K.dick, di Antonio Caronia.
BIBLIOTECA La magnifica ossessione Philip K. Dick Tutti mondi possibili Opere scelte Come costruire un universo che non cada a pezzi dopo due giorni scrive Dick in quel testo L'androide e l'umano Tempo fuori luogo Truman Show L'uomo nell'alto castello Le tre stimmate di Palmer Eldritch e il Joe Chip di Ubik Ma gli androidi sognano pecore elettriche? ; e in questo solo per fare qualche esempio. Libro tibetano dei morti Valis, Divina invasione, La trasmigrazione di Timothy Archer OPERE SCELTE Ma gli androidi sognano pecore elettriche? L'uomo nell'alto castello Deus Irae . In uscita fra il 2002 e il 2003 Confessioni di un artista di merda Minority report e altri racconti (in occasione del nuovo film di Spielberg tratto da Minority report Galactic Pot-Healer , e Le tre stimmate di Palmer Eldritch I simulacri Tempo fuori luogo . In altre collane Fanucci almeno Ubik e Noi marziani Le presenze invisibili Divine invasioni La vita di Philip Dick (Fanucci), e il volume di saggi e scritti autobiografici di Dick Mutazioni , a cura di Sutin (Feltrinelli) Antonio Caronia LINK TO LINK!

72. Philip K Dick Bibliography
A bibliography of philip K dick s books and short stories, with book covers and links to related authors. philip K dick (philip Kindred dick) USA (1928 1982).
Fantastic Fiction Authors D
Philip K Dick
(Philip Kindred Dick)
Search Authors Search Books About Philip K Dick Top
Philip K. Dick was born in Chicago in 1928 and lived most of his life in California. He briefly attended the University of California, but dropped out before completing any classes. In 1952, he began writing professionally and proceeded to write numerous novels and short-story collections. He won the Hugo Award for the best novel in 1962 for The Man in the High Castle and the John W. Campbell Memorial Award for best novel of the year in 1974 for Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said. Philip K. Dick died on March 2, 1982, in Santa Ana, California, of heart failure following a stroke.
New and Forthcoming Hardbacks Top
February 2004 Order


And 24 Other Classic Stories

New and Forthcoming Paperbacks Top March 2004 Order from Amazon Order ... Lies, Inc. May 2004 Order from Amazon UK ... Five Great Novels Series Top Valis Valis The Divine Invasion The Transmigration of Timothy Archer Novels Top Solar Lottery aka World of Chance The Man Who Japed The World Jones Made The Cosmic Puppets Eye in the Sky ... Dr. Futurity

73. Philip K. Dick's Black Iron Subdermal Prison
philip K. dick s Black Iron Subdermal Prison By Wade Inganamort As we slingshot into the 21st Century, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the
Consider the following from Philip K. Dick's Divine Interference , by Erik Davis:
In the excepts of the Exegesis reworked into the "Tractates Crytptica Scriptura" that close the novel VALIS, Dick expresses the MIT computer scientist Edward Fredkin's view that the universe is composed of information. The world we experience is a hologram, "a hypostasis of information" that we, as nodes in the true Mind, process. "We hypostasize information into objects. Rearrangement of objects is change in the content of information. This is the language we have lost the ability to read." With this Adamic code scrambled, both ourselves and the world as we know it are "occluded," cut off from the brimming "Matrix" of cosmic information.
Instead, we are under the sway of the "Black Iron Prison," Dick's terms for the demiurgic worldly forces of political tyranny and oppressive social control. Rome is the eternal paragon of this "Empire," whose archetypal lineaments the feverish Dick recognized in the Nixon administration.
Demonstrating that prisons, mental institutions, schools, and military establishments all share similar organizations of space and time, Foucault argued that a "technology of power" was distributed throughout social space, enmeshing human subjects at every turn. Foucault argued that liberal social reforms are only cosmetic brush-ups of an underlying mechanism of control. As Dick put it, "The Empire never ended."

74. Philip K. Dick
Listing of films based on his fiction.

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Philip K. Dick
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Date of birth (location)
16 December
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Date of death (details)
2 March
Santa Ana, California, USA. (heart failure)
Mini biography
Philip Kindred Dick was born in Chicago in December 1928, along with a... (show more)
Sometimes Credited As:
Phillip K. Dick Jack Dowland Richard Phillips
Philip K. Dick Video DVD Soundtrack Also available: Books Writer - filmography In Production
  • Scanner Darkly, A (2005) pre-production (novel) Paycheck (2003) (short story) Minority Report (2002) (short story) Impostor (2002) (story Impostor) TV Series (short story We Can Remember It For You Wholesale) ... aka "Total Recall: The Series" (1999) (USA) Blade Runner (1997) (VG) (novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?)
  • 75. Philip K. Dick's Divine Interference, By Erik Davis
    philip K. dick s Divine Interference by Erik Davis. 1Cited in Lawrence Sutin, Divine Invasions A Life of philip K. dick, (Harmony Books, NY, 1989), 210.
    Philip K. Dick's Divine Interference
    by Erik Davis
    It was February of 1974, and the American science-fiction writer Philip K. Dick was in pain. The man whose darkly comic novels of androids, weird drugs, and false realities stand as some of the most brilliant and visionary in the genre had just had an impacted wisdom tooth removed, and the sodium pentathol was wearing off. A delivery woman arrived with a package of Darvon, and when the burly, bearded man opened the door, he was struck by the beauty of this dark-haired girl. He was especially drawn to her golden necklace, and he asked her about its curious fish-shaped design. "This is a sign used by the early Christians," she said, and then departed. Most of us who hit the freeways in the U.S. know this fish well, as its Christian and Darwinian mutations wage a war of competing faiths from the rear ends of BMWs and Hondas. As a Christian logo, the fish predates the cross, and its Piscean connotations of baptism and magical bounty (the miracle of loaves and fishes) reaches back to the time when the harshly persecuted cult secretly gathered in the catacombs of Alexandria. Ichthus, the Greek word for fish often inscribed within the symbol, is also a code, an acrostic of the phrase "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Savior." One apocryphal story claims that Christians would secretly test the spiritual allegiance of new acquaintances by casually drawing one curve of the fish on the ground. If their companion was "in the know," he or she would complete the fish shape.

    76. Philip K. Dick Bibliography
    Extensive bibliography of philip K. dick's work with cover art from many of his books.
    s="na";c="na";j="na";f=""+escape(document.referrer) t> You have reached a website devoted to the bibliography of cult- author Philip K. Dick This is the most complete pictorial bibliography of Philip K. Dick available on the web (and elsewhere). You will find more than 1100 covers of Philip K Dick's books, including a complete collection of covers of American and British editions of his books (science -fiction, mainstream, non-fiction and collections) and a complete collection of pulp magazines containing PK Dick's short stories. There is also an important collection of magazines/fanzines, anthologies, French editions of his books and a lot more... This website is meant to be a source of information for those who are interested in collecting PKD's books or just enjoying the books coverart. Some of the covers posted on the site cannot be found anywhere else. What you will not find here is philosophical discussions about Philip K. Dick's work, there are many websites doing it well...Enjoy your visit. k Bibliography- Philip K. Dick Books - Philip K. Dick Bibliographies - Philip. K. Dick Books - P. K. Dick Bilbiography

    77. Reality Philip K. Dickwise
    Devoted to dick and his writings. Includes biography, quotes, a philip K. dick Phasion Show and links.

    78. The Filming Of Philip K. Dick By Alexander Star
    When the science fiction writer philip K. dick died in 1982, he had just returned from a screening of Blade Runner, the first of many movies that would be made

    79. Dick, Philip K. Book At The Best Price
    Buy dick, philip K. books from the best shops. dick, philip K. Browse by author dick, philip K. (125 of 41). 1. Title Eye in the Sky.
    Search all of kelkoo Search within "Books" Bookmark this page Departments Home Books Digital Came... Electronics Flights Games, Conso... Household Ap... Mobiles, Pho... Music Shopping 4 B... Travel
  • Dr Ali's Nutrition Bible
    Ali, Mosaraf
    Eats, Shoots and Leaves
    Truss, Lynne
  • more top books >
  • Tolkien, J.R.R. Blyton, Enid Rowling, J.K. Pratchett, Terry ... D Dick, Philip K. Browse by author : Dick, Philip K. (1-25 of 41) Title: Eye in the Sky Author(s): Dick, Philip K. What begins as an ordinary laboratory visit turns into a bizarre and apocalyptic experience when a particle-light beam slices across the visitors' paths,... more Title: Solar Lottery Author(s): Dick, Philip K. The operating principle was random selection: positions of public power were decided by a lottery. Everyone had a chance to be the boss, the Quizmaster.... more Title: World Jones Made, The Author(s): Dick, Philip K. Floyd Jones is sullen, ungainly, and quite possibly mad, but he really can see exactly one year into the future. This means that in a very short time he... more Title: Divine Invasion, The
  • 80. Dick, Philip K. Book At The Best Price
    Buy dick, philip K. books from the best shops. dick, philip K. Browse by author dick, philip K. (2641 of 41). 26. Title La Mente Alien.
    Search all of kelkoo Search within "Books" Bookmark this page Departments Home Books Digital Came... Electronics Flights Games, Conso... Household Ap... Mobiles, Pho... Music Shopping 4 B... Travel
  • Dr Ali's Nutrition Bible
    Ali, Mosaraf
    Eats, Shoots and Leaves
    Truss, Lynne
  • more top books >
  • Tolkien, J.R.R. Blyton, Enid Rowling, J.K. Pratchett, Terry ... D Dick, Philip K. Browse by author : Dick, Philip K. (26-41 of 41) Title: La Mente Alien Author(s): Dick, Philip K. more Title: Confessions of a Crap Artist Author(s): Dick, Philip K. Jack Isidore, a young man living with his sister and her family in California, joins a UFO group that believes the world will end on April 23, 1959. more Title: Deus Irae Author(s): Zelazny, Roger Dick, Philip K. more Title: Game-players of Titan, The Author(s): Dick, Philip K. Pete Garden was a Bindman and one of the finest Game-players this side of Titan. His skill had already won him half of California and 18 wives, but was... more Title: Martian Time-slip Author(s): Dick, Philip K.
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