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61. TecaLibri: Philip K. Dick: Vita Breve E Felice Di Uno Scrittore Di Fantascienza Bibliografia, copertine e brani scelti tratti dai romanzi dell'autore. http://web.infinito.it/utenti/t/tecalibri/D/DICK_scrittore.htm | |
62. Philip K. Dick : Il Est Vivant, Et Nous Sommes Morts dick. http://www.cafardcosmique.com/auteur/dic.html | |
63. Philip K. Dick. Biografía Y Libros En Español Translate this page Vida y obras completas de philip K. dick. Libros electrónicos gratuitos, enlaces y todo tipo de recursos. INICIO. Autor dick, philip K. http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/dick_es.htm | |
64. Philip K. Dick In Science Fiction List of science fiction novels which contain references to dick, or in which he is a character. http://www.adherents.com/lit/sf_PKD.html | |
65. Philip K. Dick. Biography And Complete Works Life and complete works of philip K. dick. Free electronic books, links and much more. Search for a writer (enter last name). HOME. Author dick, philip K. http://www.booksfactory.com/writers/dick.htm | |
66. Philip K. Dick: Breve Biografia Presenta cenni biografici e bibliografici relativi al grande scrittore statunitense. http://www.geocities.com/fictionpub/autori/dick.htm | |
67. Philip K. DICK philip K. dick. http://www.chronicart.com/dick/eve_somm.php3 | |
68. Uwe Minuth´s Personal WebNet Studientexte.Literatur Im Medienspektrum Buchbesprechung und zur Person von philip K. dick. http://machno.hbi-stuttgart.de/~minuth/Artikel/Studium/LIM/lim03.html |
69. The Dick Factor: Philip K. Dick's Hollywood Informative discussion of film adaptations of dick's novels and stories. http://www.stim.com/Stim-x/0896August/Automedia/pkdick.html | |
70. HERMENAUT: Philip K. Dick (1928-1982) philip K. dick (19281982). philip References. Divine Invasions A Life of philip K. dick, by Lawrence Sutin (Harmony Books, 1989). California http://www.hermenaut.com/a4.shtml | |
71. Philip K. Dick Un articolo sullo scrittore americano di fantascienza philip K.dick, di Antonio Caronia. http://www.ilportoritrovato.net/html/philipdick2.html | |
72. Philip K Dick Bibliography A bibliography of philip K dick s books and short stories, with book covers and links to related authors. philip K dick (philip Kindred dick) USA (1928 1982). http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Philip_K_Dick.htm | |
73. Philip K. Dick's Black Iron Subdermal Prison philip K. dick s Black Iron Subdermal Prison By Wade Inganamort As we slingshot into the 21st Century, it is becoming increasingly apparent that the http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_inganamort_121702_subdermal.html | |
74. Philip K. Dick Listing of films based on his fiction. http://us.imdb.com/name/nm0001140/ | |
75. Philip K. Dick's Divine Interference, By Erik Davis philip K. dick s Divine Interference by Erik Davis. 1Cited in Lawrence Sutin, Divine Invasions A Life of philip K. dick, (Harmony Books, NY, 1989), 210. http://www.techgnosis.com/pkdnet.html | |
76. Philip K. Dick Bibliography Extensive bibliography of philip K. dick's work with cover art from many of his books. http://www.geocities.com/pkdbooks/bibliohome.html | |
77. Reality Philip K. Dickwise Devoted to dick and his writings. Includes biography, quotes, a philip K. dick Phasion Show and links. http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/1380/pkd/ |
78. The Filming Of Philip K. Dick By Alexander Star When the science fiction writer philip K. dick died in 1982, he had just returned from a screening of Blade Runner, the first of many movies that would be made http://slate.msn.com/?id=2064755 |
79. Dick, Philip K. Book At The Best Price Buy dick, philip K. books from the best shops. dick, philip K. Browse by author dick, philip K. (125 of 41). 1. Title Eye in the Sky. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_vtl_author_c19358927.html | |
80. Dick, Philip K. Book At The Best Price Buy dick, philip K. books from the best shops. dick, philip K. Browse by author dick, philip K. (2641 of 41). 26. Title La Mente Alien. http://books.kelkoo.co.uk/b/a/cpc_5101_vtl_author_c19358927_2.html | |
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