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         Dick Philip K:     more books (99)
  1. In Pursuit of Valis: Selections from the Exegesis by Philip K. Dick, 1991-09
  2. 5 Stories by Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick, 2009-08-16
  3. The Variable Man by Philip K. Dick, 2010-07-06
  4. The Man in the High Castle by Philip K. Dick, 1992-06-30
  5. Deus Irae: A Novel by Philip K. Dick, Roger Zelazny, 2003-11-11
  6. Philip K. Dick: VALIS and Later Novels: A Maze of Death / VALIS / The Divine Invasion / The Transmigration of Timothy Archer (Library of America No. 193) by Philip K. Dick, 2009-07-30
  7. Paycheck And Other Classic Stories By Philip K. Dick by Philip K. Dick, 2003-09-01
  8. Only Apparently Real/the World of Philip K. Dick by Paul Williams, 1986-05
  9. Second Variety (The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 3) by Philip K. Dick, 2002-04-01
  10. Martian Time-Slip by Philip K. Dick, 1995-05-30
  11. A Scanner Darkly by Philip K. Dick, 2006-05-23
  12. The Postmodern Humanism of Philip K. Dick by Jason P. Vest, 2009-03-16
  13. Clans of the Alphane Moon by Philip K. Dick, 2002-05-14
  14. Minority Report. by Philip K. DICK, 2002

41. The Religious Experience Of Philip K. Dick
Enjoy The Religious Experience of philip K. dick. In typical dick fashion, you will find that it raises more questions than it answers.
Weirdo #17
The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick by R. Crumb
This feature about Philip Dick's "Valis" experience was published in Weirdo comic #17 from summer, 1986. It is an interesting graphic interpretation of a series of events which happened to Dick in March of 1974. He spent the remaining years of his life trying to figure out what happened in those fateful months. You will find all 8 pages of this story here. The file sizes are rather large (120-140K each) so that the text was readable and the detail visible. Enjoy The Religious Experience of Philip K. Dick . In typical Dick fashion, you will find that it raises more questions than it answers. Brought to you by R. Crumb, Weirdo magazine and your friends at
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42. Dick, Philip K.
Strona fan³w Dicka. Zawiera biografię, bibliografię, opisy książek, słownik termin³w używanych przez pisarza.

43. Philip K. Dick The Minority Report
News about the movie.

44. The Absolutely Essential Page Of Great Quotes
Quotes from Grant Morrison, philip K. dick, Chuck Palahniuk, William S. Burroughs, and Hunter S. Thompson.
Main My First Home Page htmlAdWH('7002588', '234', '60'); The Absolutely Essential Page of Great Quotes VERSION 2.0 Philip K. Dick:
“I am a living animal, tied to a dying soul.” Philip K. Dick
“What he did not know then is that it is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” Philip K. Dick’s VALIS
“Let it be said that one of the first symptoms of psychosis is that the person feels perhaps he is becoming psychotic. It is another Chinese fingertrap. You cannot think about it without becoming part of it.” Philip K. Dick’s VALIS
“1) Those who agree with you are insane. 2) Those who do not agree with you are in power.” Philip K. Dick’s VALIS
“The basic tool for the manipulation of reality is the manipulation of words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words.” Philip K. Dick
“Just because something bears the aspect of the inevitable one should not, therefore, go along willingly with it.”

45. Philip K. Dick Auf | Dedicated To Sci-fi-master
Translate this page Frankfurt aM Suhrkamp, 1994 - dick, philip K. Die besten Stories von philip K. dick / philip K. dick. 1986 - dick, philip K. Valis / philip K. dick.
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Erkenntnis und Erlösung im Werk Philip K. Dicks
"What does it matter, a dream
of love, or a dream of lies, we all
gonna be the same place
when we die."
T. Waits "'Meine Wette lautet', erwiderte
Zina, 'daß es keine Rolle spielt.
Real oder nicht (...).'"
P. K. Dick Die Suche nach Erkenntnis und Erlösung ist ein in der Literatur häufig aufgegriffenes Thema. In diesem Essay soll es in erster Linie um die Science Fiction (SF) gehen; und dabei speziell um einen untypischen Vertreter dieses Genres: den amerikanischen Autor Philip K. Dick (1928-1982). Eines der Motive bei der Suche nach Erlösung, das in der SF und auch für Philip K. Dick eine große Rolle spielt, ist das des Erlösers. Weiter führende Literatur zu diesem Thema in der SF allgemein bieten die Aufsätze "Über das Risiko, Messiasgestalten in der Science Fiction zu schildern" von Rosemarie Hundertmarck und "Golgatha Live - Operation Jesus - Pontius Pilatus: Über Zeitreisen zur Zeitenwende" von Matthias Neiden . Beide Texte gehen leider nicht auf Dick ein.

46. Philip K. Dick
Translate this page Home_Page philip K. dick (1928-1982), philip Kendred dick nació prematuramente junto a su hermana gemela Jane, el 2 de Marzo de 1928, en Chicago.
Philip K. Dick
P Lotería solar (1955), y más tarde El hombre en el castillo (1975). A pesar de la paranoia y la animosidad hacia su tercera esposa, en la época de ese matrimonio, Dick inició una de sus más prolíficas y brillantes épocas como escritor. Obras como El hombre en el castillo Tiempo de Marte , y Los tres estigmas de Palmer Eldricht , fueron escritas durante aquel periodo. Retirado en una cabaña para alejarse de sus conflictos domésticos, Dick escribió la casi increíble cifra de once novelas entre 1963 y 1964. Su adicción a las drogas le produjo, entre otros problemas, el cuarto divorcio. Después de una tentativa de suicidio y una corta estancia en un centro de rehabilitación, Dick volvió a reencontrarse a si mismo. Su literatura parece en ocasiones escrita por un paranoico y sus angustiosos entornos, como en Ubik y en Fluyan mis lágrimas . Una de las mayores virtudes de Dick es que produjo ciencia ficción seria y, sobre todo asequible, para el gran público. Fue un escritor consistente y brillante, y de los más originales del género. Curiosamente, es un autor mucho más apreciado en Europa que en los propios Estados Unidos, habiendo países, donde es el escritor de ciencia-ficción por excelencia, en detrimento de otros ilustres como Asimov, Clarke o Bradbury. En cualquier caso Dick es un autor controvertido, siendo sorprendente para algunos críticos que, habiéndose especializado en la irracionalidad, en el seno de una literatura tan básicamente apartada de ella como es la ciencia-ficción, haya tenido un reconocimiento tan profundo. Philip. K. Dick murió en 1982, de un fallo cardiaco, a la edad de 53 años, dejando un libro inacabado y, sin duda, muchas ideas sin desarrollar. © Jorge Oscar Rossi

47. Dick, Philip K. Alltmer Hyllad Science Fiction-författare
PDF Fredrik Ekman recenserar The Shifting Realities of philip K. dick och ger en bakgrund till dicks f¶rfattarskap.

48. SF Winners
Speculative fiction novels that have won the Hugo Award, Nebula Award, John W. Campbell Award, and philip K. dick Award.
Award-Winning Novels Welcome to Speculative Fiction Winners! Here you'll find a list of all the major speculative fiction award-winning novels with links to where you can (in most cases) get a book synopsis, read reviews, and purchase each title. If there are awards in the speculative fiction field that are not listed here that interest you, please let me know. Hugo Award Winning Novels Nebula Award Winning Novels John W. Campbell Award Winning Novels Philip K. Dick Award Winning Novels ... Top-Twelve Novels (Survey of SF Professionals)

49. Guardian Unlimited Books | Authors | Dick, Philip K
philip K dick (19281982). Recommended biography Divine Invasions A Life of philip K dick by Lawrence Sutin; dick s autobiographical Valis.,5917,-57,00.html
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"I was 12 when I read my first SF magazine: I was actually looking for popular science. I was most amazed. Stories about science? My view became magic equals science, and science of the future equals magic." Birthplace

Chicago, US
UC Berkeley, US (German and philosophy; dropped out)
Other jobs
He worked in a second-hand jazz store.

50. Bibliópolis: Ubik, De Philip K. Dick
De philip K. dick.
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Philip K. Dick
Matrix, Abre los ojos, Dark City, Nivel 13 Ubik
, uno de los principales logros del mitificado escritor. Lo peor, lamentablemente, en este Ubik Santiago L. Moreno portada reseñas opinión artículos ... nosotros

51. Guardian Unlimited Books | Links | Dick, Philip K
Go to Guardian Unlimited home.,6135,97392,00.htm

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Philip K Dick
Work online Essay: 'How To Build A Universe That Doesn't Fall Apart Two Days Later' Audio and video files The Exegesis online effort (excerpt) The Ten Major Principles of the Gnostic Revelation from Exegesis Background Philip K. Is Blade Runner a misogynist text? Wall Street Journal 1999 appreciation Interview on Dick's philosophy ... Towards a theory of Paranoia: The science fiction of PKD

52. Ubik World Domination
Textos de Borges, Dolina, philip K. dick, Fernando Bonsembiante y Oliverio Girondo.



53. The Philip K Dick Award
The philip K dick Award. The Official philip K. dick Awards Home Page. April 06, 2004. 2003 philip K. dick Award Winner. philip
The Philip K Dick Award
The Official Philip K. Dick Awards Home Page
April 06, 2004
2003 Philip K. Dick Award Winner
Philip K. Dick Awards
c/o PO Box 3447
Hoboken, NJ 07030
April 9, 2004
For Immediate Release 2003 Philip K. Dick Award Winner Announced It was announced Friday at Norwescon 27, in SeaTac, Washington, that the winner for the distinguished original science fiction paperback published for the first time during 2003 in the U.S.A. is: ALTERED CARBON by Richard K. Morgan (Del Rey Books) Special citation was given to: DANTE'S EQUATION by Jane Jensen (Del Rey Books) The Philip K. Dick Award is presented annually for distinguished science fiction published in paperback original form in the United States. The award is sponsored by the Philadelphia Science Fiction Society. The 2003 judges were Stephen L. Burns, Suzy McKee Charnas, Craig Jacobsen (chair), Richard Parks, Janine Ellen Young The 2004 judges are Arthur Byron Cover, Karin Lowachee, Syne Mitchell, James Van Pelt, and Sherryl Vint (chair).
For more information, contact the award administration:

54. Blade Runner -
Recensione del cultmovie fantascientifico di Ridley Scott con Harrison Ford e Rutger Hauer tratto da un racconto di philip K. dick. A cura di Alberto Cassani.
Alberto Cassani, 9 Luglio 2003
Blade Runner
di Ridley Scott Los Angeles, Novembre 2019. L'evoluzione robotica è giunta alla creazione di esseri virtualmente identici a quelli umani, denominati Replicanti: copie degli esseri umani in ogni senso, fatta eccezione per le emozioni. I Replicanti sono più forti e agili degli umani, e gli sono almeno pari in intelligenza, ma vengono usati per lavori di fatica nelle colonie extra-mondo. In seguito ad un ammutinamento, la loro presenza sulla Terra è stata dichiarata illegale, e le squadre speciali della polizia - i Blade Runner - hanno l'ordine di sparare per uccidere. Ma quando spari ad un Replicante non lo stai uccidendo, lo stai "ritirando".
Rick Deckard, "ex poliziotto, ex cacciatore di replicanti, ex killer", viene convinto a tornare in servizio come Blade Runner per dare la caccia a quattro pericolosi Replicanti appena scappati sulla Terra da una colonia extra-mondo. Aveva lasciato la polizia per smettere di uccidere, ma dare la caccia ai replicanti è meglio che diventare una loro preda... La sceneggiatura di Hampton Fancher e David Webb Peoples riesce a rendere perfettamente credibile l'ambientazione, cosa che si ripercuote positivamente sull'efficacia dei personaggi e del concetto di "Replicante". Pur con qualche eccesso filosofico, la commistione tra ambientazione fantascientifica e impianto poliziesco funziona egregiamente, anche se va detto che buona parte della suggestione tipica da film noir che "Blade Runner" sa ricreare deriva dall'uso della voce narrante in stile hard-boiled, che Scott non voleva. Il finale imposto dalla produzione (con sequenze prese da "Shining") è decisamente fuori luogo, ma quello della versione "director's cut" non è poi molto meglio.

55. Philip K. Dick Interview
After spending the bulk of his life cranking out pulp paperbacks for peanuts, the science fiction writer philip K. dick is now finally recognized as one of the

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Speaking with the Dead
Philip K. Dick
[by Erik Davis] After spending the bulk of his life cranking out pulp paperbacks for peanuts, the science fiction writer Philip K. Dick is now finally recognized as one of the most visionary authors the genre has ever produced. While masterminds like Arthur C. Clarke anticipated technological breakthroughs, Dick, whose speed-ravaged heart called it quits in 1982 when the man was only 53, foresaw the psychological turmoil of our posthuman lives, as we enter a world where machines talk back, virtual reality rules, and God is a product in the check-out line. Dick's fractured and darkly funny novels have left their mark on video games and rock bands, avant-garde theater and electronic opera. But his influence has been particularly profound in Hollywood. Ridley Scott turned Dick's novel Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? into Blade Runner , one of the most powerful SF films of all time. A 1966 short story formed the basis of the Schwarzenegger hit Total Recall , and Steven Spielberg turned Dick's tale "Minority Report" into his darkest flick yet. The reality slips and cartoon metaphysics of

56. Hideout - Cultura Dell'immagine E Della Parola
Recensione del film di John Woo tratto da un racconto di philip dick. A cura di di Claudia Triolo.

57. The Case Of Philip K. Dick
Comparison/contrast essay.
References to VALIS from The Ibogaine Story Has the sequel to the VALIS trilogy finally been written?
Cures Not Wars
Are visions induced by temporal lobe epilepsy caused by endogenous beta-carboline nor-harman antagonism of a massive glutamate discharge?
The Case of Philip K. Dick
For those yearning for a diagnosis to slap onto 2-3-74, good news: Temporal lobe epilepsy can induce seizures that are neither disabling nor obvious for purposes of medical diagnosis or the individual's own sense of something amiss. It can't be disproven that PHil may have had such seizures during 2-3-74 or other times throughout his life. And if he did, everything is explained from the AI Voice to the endless Exegesis. Consider this eerily on-the-money description from a medical study:
Not bad as a skeptic's schematic of 2-3-74. A standard psychiatric textbook includes the following as behavioral traits of patients suffering from temporal lobe seizures: Hypergraphia is an obsessional phenomenon manifested by writing extensive notes and diaries. [...] The intense emotions are often labile, so that the patient may exhibit great warmth at one time, whereas, at another time, anger and irritability may evolve to rage and aggressive behavior. [...] Suspiciousness may extend to paranoia, and a sense of helplessness may lead to passive dependency. [...] Religious beliefs not only are intense, but may also be associated with elaborate theological or cosmological theories. Patients may believe thaat they have special divine guidance. [...]

58. Tiscali Webspace - Errore - Sito
Biografia, notizie su P.K.dick e link a risorse correlate.
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59. The Philip K. Dick Show
Gute Links und ein Beitrag, wie ein kleiner SFAutor nicht nur von Hollywood ausgebeutet wird.
Philip K. Dick:
(aus: Filmlogbuch, 1985) Links Artikel:
(aus CITY 44/97)
(c) 1997 by Chris Haderer, Vienna. If you want to contribute, please contact me at

60. Quetzalcoatl's Essay: Reality Or Simulacra By Amedeo Felix
Reality Or Simulacra is an essay, by Amedeo Felix, exploring postmodernism and notions of reality through the film Blade Runner and the literature of philip K dick.

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