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         Dick Philip K:     more books (99)
  1. The Collected Stories Of Philip K. Dick Volume 4: The Minority Report (Citadel Twilight) (Volume 0) by Philip K. Dick, 1998-01-27
  2. Galactic Pot-Healer by Philip K. Dick, 1994-05-31
  3. Ubik by Philip K. Dick, 1991-12-03
  4. The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings by Philip K. Dick, 1996-01-30
  5. Philip K. Dick: Five Novels of the 1960s & 70s by Philip K. Dick, 2008-07-31
  6. A Maze of Death by Philip K. Dick, 1994-05-31
  7. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?: 1800 Headwords (Oxford Bookworms Library) by Philip K. Dick, 2007-12-06
  8. The Divine Invasion by Philip K. Dick, 1991-07-02
  9. Valis by Philip K. Dick, 1991-07-02
  10. Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said by Philip K. Dick, 1993-06-29
  11. The Short Happy Life of the Brown Oxford and Other Classic Stories (The Collected Stories of Philip K. Dick, Vol. 1) (Vol 1) by Philip K. Dick, 1990
  12. Radio Free Albemuth by Philip K. Dick, 1998-04-14
  13. The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike by Philip K. Dick, 2010-03-02
  14. The Transmigration of Timothy Archer by Philip K. Dick, 1991-07-02

21. Wired 11.12: The Second Coming Of Philip K. Dick
the latest Hollywood thriller from the battered typewriter of philip K. dick, is a bullet whether it's actually happening or not. philip K. dick liked nothing better than to toy
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The Second Coming of Philip K. Dick
The inside-out story of how a hyper-paranoid, pulp-fiction hack conquered the movie world 20 years after his death.
By Frank Rose Nicole Panter FEATURE: The Second Coming of Phillip K. Dick PLUS: Reality Check The Metaphysics of Philip K. Dick The Hollywood Treatment The unbilled costar of Paycheck , the latest Hollywood thriller from the battered typewriter of Philip K. Dick, is a bullet. A crack engineer named Jennings, played by Ben Affleck, finds himself in a jam, as Dick's characters invariably do, and the bullet is headed his way. Spiraling through the air in superslow motion, it pierces his chest in a plume of red and bores into his heart. Or does it? Though the image recurs throughout the film, it's hard to tell whether it's actually happening or not. Philip K. Dick liked nothing better than to toy with the fundamentals of human existence, reality chief among them, so what better for the movie than a bullet that may or may not be tearing through the main character's flesh? Like other Dick protagonists - Tom Cruise in Minority Report , Arnold Schwarzenegger in Total Recall , Harrison Ford in Blade Runner - Affleck finds himself struggling for equilibrium in a world where even the most elemental questions are almost impossible to answer. Can the senses be trusted? Are memories real? Is

22. Philip K. Dick
ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ. by birthday from the calendar. Credits and feedback. philip K(indred) dick (19281982) philip K. dick was born in Chicago, Illinois, as the son of Joseph Edgar dick, a
Choose another writer in this calendar: by name:
B C D ... Z by birthday from the calendar Credits and feedback Philip K(indred) Dick (1928-1982) "He would die, and presently they would realize their mistake. Perhaps at some other time, when there was no war, men might not act this way, hurrying an individual to his death because they were afraid. Everyone was frightened, everyone was willing to sacrifice the individual because of the group fear." (from the short story 'Imposter' Philip K. Dick was born in Chicago, Illinois, as the son of Joseph Edgar Dick, a Federal Government employee, and Dorothy Kindred. His twin sister Jane died just a few weeks after the birth, and his parents divorced when he was four. The family moved to California when he was young. He attended Berkeley High School and studied from 1945 to 1946 at the University of California at Berkeley. He operated a record store and worked as a disk jockey for the KSMO radio station. During these years Dick started to write science fiction stories and sold his first tale in 1952 to Planet Stories . One of Dick's short stories from this period, 'Paycheck', was filmed in 2003 by John Woo, starring Ben Affleck and Uma Thurman. Dick also composed over half-a-dozen mainstream novels without much success. Frustrated by this inattention he turned to science fiction, a genre which he found ideal for his philosophical speculations.

Americk½ scifi autor. Život, d­lo a film.
P. K. Dick byl americký spisovatel sci-fi minulého století P. K. Dick was american sci-fi writer in last century

24. Philip K. Dick Fan Club
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25. Amets Egiten Dute Yonkiek Tripi Elektrikoekin?
Amets egiten dute yonkiek tripi elektrikoekin? Zientzia fikzioko idazle baten gaineko gunea euskaraz.
Amets egiten dute yonkiek tripi elektrikoekin? (Philip K. Dick) Agian idazle gutxi eduki dute hainbeste eragina gaurko zientzia fikzioan eta hala ere guztiz ezezaguna da jende gehienarentzat. Ezagutzen ez dutenentzat, derrigorrezkoa da bi filme aipatzea. Lehena Blade Runner da, Ridley Scott-ek zuzenduta eta Harrison Ford-ek protagonizatuta, Philip K. Dick-en " amets egiten dute androideek ardi elektrikoekin? " elaberrian oinarrituta dago. Elaberria eta filmea nahiko ezberdinak badira ere, Philp K. Dick-ek bere elaberrian egiten zuen erreflexioa mantentzen da filmean: makina eta gizakien arteko ezberdintasunak murriztuko diren etorkizun batean zer bereiztuko gaitu makinetatik? edo beste era batean esanda: kanpoko itxura alde batera utzirik zer da gizakiak egiten gaituena? Beste filmea Total Recall da, Paul Verhoven-ek zuzenduta eta Arnold Schwarzenegger-ek protagonizatuta, Philip K. Dick-en ipuin batean oinarrituta dago. Filme honen efektu berezi eta ekintza eskenen azpitik begiratzen badugu Philip K. Dick-en ohizko gaiak aurkituko ditugu, batez ere bere lanetan oinarrizkoa izan den gai bat: zer da errealitatea? nola jakin ahal dugu gure zentzuek erakusten diguna erreala denik? Eta gai honek, printzipioz, Philip K. Dick-ekin zerikusirik ez daukan filme batera eramaten gaitu: Matrix . Filme hau ez dago Philip K. Dick-en lan batean oinarrituta eta hala ere Dick-en eragina nabarmena da. Dick-en aurretik zientza fikzioa guztiz errazionalista zen, gure zentzuek erakusten diguna errealitatea dela esaten zuen, baina Philip K. Dick-ek zalantza hau ezarri zuen: eta gure zentzuek erakusten diguna erreala izan ez balitz? galdera honek aukera anitz zabaltzen zuen zientzia fikziorako.

26. Study Guide For Philip K. Dick: Blade Runner (1968)
Study Guide for philip K. dick Blade Runner (1968). Using this Guide philip K. dick is one of the crucial figures in modern science fiction.
Study Guide for Philip K. Dick: Blade Runner
Using this Guide List of other study guides Doing Science Fiction research? Check out the Science Fiction Research Bibliography. Looking for information on the film? Try the Blade Runner Online Magazine See also Carlos Seligo's Bladerunner site at Stanford Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 4 ... Chapter 22
Philip K. Dick is one of the crucial figures in modern science fiction. He was too prolific for his own good, churning out dozens of novels for cheap paperback publication, often in such haste that their conclusions tend to be their weakest part. He was obsessive, disorganized, and in his later years paranoid. Yet his conceptions were often brilliant, and he has come to be looked on as one of the masters, though only a small fraction of his work is in print at any one time. His titles are often wonderfully surrealistic, as in the striking Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said ; and Blade Runner was originally titled (for reasons that will become apparent as you read it) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

27. Philip K. Dick Auf
Translate this page philip K. dick im Internet auf der deutschen Website über philip K. dick, den wohl interessantesten Autor zeitgenössischer Science Fiction.
Paycheck - Anschauen oder abhauen?
Am 22. Januar startet Paycheck in den deutschen Kinos, die Hollywood-Verfilmung der gleichnamigen Story von Philip K. Dick. durfte den Film schon vorher sehen und stellt für alle Dick-Fans die Sinnfrage: Kann man den Streifen guten Gewissens anschauen? Eine kritische Einschätzung. UBIK in neuem Gewand
Nur der Form halber: die Neuausgabe des Klassikers UBIK von Philip K. Dick liegt vor. Heyne setzt mit Taschenbuch für 9,95 Euro die laufende Serie von PKD-Neuauflagen fort. Im Januar und April 2004 folgen überarbeitete Ausgaben der Werke "Der dunkle Schirm" und "Eine andere Welt". Trip ins Paralleluniversum der Heftromane
Realität ist nur eine Frage des Standpunktes. Oder des Wissens. Oder eine Mischung aus beidem. PKD-Fan Michael Baumgartner jedenfalls hat eben jene Realität einen Streich gespielt, der manchem PKD-Enthusiasten gen Ende der Lese- und Sammellaufbahn über den Weg gelaufen sein dürfte. Trügerische Wirklichkeit
Dr. Franz Rottensteiner analysiert das Werk von Philip K. Dick - eine interessante Konstellation, gilt Rottensteiner doch als intimer Kenner der Science Fiction. Nur eine seiner Thesen: Realität ist bei Dick nur eine dünne Haut über einem brodelndem Chaos von psychotischem Grauen.

28. Philip K. Dick Et Le Conflit Mimétique, Philip K. Dick Et Le Conflit Mimétique
Analyse de la nouvelle 'Second Variety' et de son adaptation cin©matographique 'Plan¨te Hurlante'.
vers AlphaBestiaire L'objet de ces quelques pages est l'analyse d'une trahison. Celle de la nouvelle Second Variety , écrite par Philip K. Dick en 1953, adaptée au cinéma sous le titre français de Planète Hurlante (en anglais The Screamers Présenté par la critique comme fidèle à l'original, ce film détourne habilement le regard extrêmement intelligent que portait Philip K. Dick sur le thème de la violence. L'auteur de Blade Runner , dont l'oeuvre est entièrement dominée par le problème du "double", anticipait pour beaucoup les thèses magistralement développées par René Girard à propos de la crise mimétique. Comme toujours, la violence filmée se révèle spectaculaire, alors que le propos de l'auteur d' Ubik était tout autre.
L'analyse de cette trahison cinématographique va nous permettre de suivre cette habile subversion par la violence du message de paix et de fraternité posé par Dick dans sa nouvelle.
Il n'est pas nécessaire de connaître l'oeuvre de Philip K. Dick (bien que je vous encourage à la découvrir ou à la redécouvrir) pour suivre ces développements, mais je vous conseille de parcourir au préalable ce très rapide résumé du film et de la nouvelle.

29. Philip K. Dick - Science Fiction Author - Official Site
philip K. dick. February 21, 2004 Read the unusual history of Lies, Inc. More . February 21, 2004 Audio philip K. dick Reads Famous 1977 Metz Speech More .
Philip K. Dick
February 21, 2004
Read the unusual history of Lies, Inc. Vintage Books to release new edition in March, 2004.
More >> February 21, 2004
Audio: Philip K. Dick Reads Famous 1977 Metz Speech
More >> April 15, 2004
The Economist Explores Hollywood's Fascination With Philip K. Dick
More >> April, 2004
Philip K. Dick's
Second Variety Nominated for a Retro Hugh Award More >> April 9, 2004
Altered Carbon
by Richard K. Morgan Wins 2003 Philip K. Dick Award More >> February 28, 2004
German Rolling Stone
Profiles Philip K. Dick
More >>
The former site, including PKD fan forums , is now located at Home About the Author Novels ... Site Map

30. Philip K. Dick - Science Fiction Author - Official Site
Official site. Bibliography, biography, media clips, press releases, and links.
Philip K. Dick
February 21, 2004
Read the unusual history of Lies, Inc. Vintage Books to release new edition in March, 2004.
More >> February 21, 2004
Audio: Philip K. Dick Reads Famous 1977 Metz Speech
More >> April 15, 2004
The Economist Explores Hollywood's Fascination With Philip K. Dick
More >> April, 2004
Philip K. Dick's
Second Variety Nominated for a Retro Hugh Award More >> April 9, 2004
Altered Carbon
by Richard K. Morgan Wins 2003 Philip K. Dick Award More >> February 28, 2004
German Rolling Stone
Profiles Philip K. Dick
More >>
The former site, including PKD fan forums , is now located at Home About the Author Novels ... Site Map

31. Philip K. Dick - Author - Official Biography - Science Fiction
philip K. dick. He edited the philip K. dick collection The Shifting Realities of philip K. dick Selected Literary and Philosophical Writings .
Philip K. Dick
By Lawrence Sutin
Here is a subtle but startling irony: in several of his best novels, Philip K. Dick - world-famous as a science-fiction writer and hence, by definition, a creator of futuristic worlds - set his narratives in the late twentieth century, an epoch we left behind with great pomp in the celebration of the New Millennium. And yet the novels, and the stories, and the essays of Dick seem as futuristic as ever, which is to say - as vitally relevant to our own time as only great literature can be.
Science Fiction Visionary
Since his untimely death at age 53, there has been an extraordinary growth of interest in his writings, which during his lifetime were largely ignored by serious mainstream critics and readers. Such is no longer the case, and the novels of Philip K. Dick frequently appear on university curricula devoted to modern American literature. But that is only the beginning of the transformation. Since 1982, when Ridley Scott's Blade Runner (based on Dick's novel, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?) made its debut, seven feature films based on Dick's fiction have appeared, the other six being

International forfatterbibliografi.
A B C D ... Z
Philip Kindred Dick født 16. december 1928 i Chicago, USA og døde 2. marts 1982 i Santa Ana, Californien “Øjet på himlen” (“Eye in the Sky”)
Hasselbalchs Science Fiction : 1968 “Vi husker det for Den en gros” , novelle i “Impuls 1 : en antologi”
Hasselbalchs Science Fiction : 1969 “Den elektriske myre” , novelle i “Den elektriske myre og andre science fiction-fortællinger” ved Jannick Storm
Borgens Billigbogs Bibliotek, 14, 1. udg. : 1972
Borgen, 2. udg : 1984 “En håndfuld mørke” (“A Handful of Darkness”, 1955)
Stig Vendelkær (SV Science Fiction) : 1973 “Manden i den store fæstning” (“The Man in the High Castle”, 1962)
Stig Vendelkær (SV Science Fiction) : 1973 “Drømmer androider om elektriske får?” (“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”, 1968)
Notaben (Science Fiction, 8) : 1973
Borgen, 2. udg. : 1993(1)
“Ubik” (“Ubik”, 1969)
Noabene (Science Fiction, 4) : 1973 “Anden udgave” (“Second Variety”) Tangentforlaget : 1982 “Den umulige planet” , i novellesamlingen “Science Fiction” ved Ole Ravn Systime : 1983 “Fastfrosset i rejsen” , i novellesamlingen “Faseskift : Science Fiction noveller : et udvalg” ved Palle Juul Holm Dansklærerforeningen : 1984 “Strøm mine tårer, sagde politimanden”

33. Delos 61: Philip K. Dick Nel Moratorium
Un articolo di Vittorio Curtoni sul celebre scrittore di fantascienza.
di Vittorio Curtoni
In un celebre romanzo scritto nel 1966 e pubblicato nel 1969, Ubik Philip Kindred Dick Divine Invasions Philip Dick con Ridley Scott Blade Runner di Ridley Scott (1982; tratto dal romanzo Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
Confessioni di un artista di merda
Un ritratto di Philip Dick di Giuseppe Festino Scorrete lacrime, disse il poliziotto ), e che possono arrivare al punto di desiderare la trasformazione in pianta, per bearsi solo e unicamente della luce solare ( Labirinto di morte Follia per sette clan La trasmigrazione di Timothy Archer
Trilogia di Valis La fede dei nostri padri , Dick aveva parlato di un Dio mostro, un Dio che vuole divorare i propri figli; nel 1981, in La trasmigrazione di Timothy Archer
Tutti i diritti sono riservati. E' vietata la riproduzione in tutto o in parte del testo e delle fotografie senza la previa autorizzazione della direzione di Delos Science Fiction e degli aventi diritto.

Bücher Suchergebnisse philip K. dick. - philip K. dick. epilog - Bayern2Radio philip K. dick, Träumen Androiden. philip K.dick. philip K. dick - Zur Person
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  • 35. Philip Kindred Dick
    En mars 1982, quelques mois avant la sortie du Blade Runner Retour à Lilliput , dès l'âge de treinze ans. A l'origine, il voulait devenir paléontologue, mais un jour il acheta un numéro de Stirring Science Stories au lieu de Popular Science , son magazine habituel. L'écriture ne constituait qu'un passe-temps; il travaillait à la boutique de vente et de réparation de télés et au magasin de radio et de disques. En 1947, Dick s'inscrivit à l'université de California à Berkeley pour étudier l'allemand et approfondir ses connaissances en philosophie. Bien que forcé d'abandonner ses études au bout de quelques mois, les questions qu'il commençait déjà à se poser devaient le préoccuper tout le restant de sa vie. "C'est de là que m'est venue l'idée d'une mystérieuse qualité de l'univers qui pouvait être abordée dans la science-fiction." Il fit ensuite la connaissance d' Anthony Boucher , rédacteur en chef du Magazine of Fantasy and Science-Fiction . Dick écrivit alors du fantastique et de la science-fiction à jet continu. Il continuait de produire une littérature générale, mais c'est la science-fiction qui se vendait, et bien. Fin 1954, Dick avait publié 62 nouvelles (en tout juste trois ans de métier) et achevé son premier roman de S.F.

    36. Philip K. Dick Bibliography
    Pictorial bibliography of philip K. dick with coverscans.
    s="na";c="na";j="na";f=""+escape(document.referrer) t> You have reached a website devoted to the bibliography of cult- author Philip K. Dick This is the most complete pictorial bibliography of Philip K. Dick available on the web (and elsewhere). You will find more than 1100 covers of Philip K Dick's books, including a complete collection of covers of American and British editions of his books (science -fiction, mainstream, non-fiction and collections) and a complete collection of pulp magazines containing PK Dick's short stories. There is also an important collection of magazines/fanzines, anthologies, French editions of his books and a lot more... This website is meant to be a source of information for those who are interested in collecting PKD's books or just enjoying the books coverart. Some of the covers posted on the site cannot be found anywhere else. What you will not find here is philosophical discussions about Philip K. Dick's work, there are many websites doing it well...Enjoy your visit. k Bibliography- Philip K. Dick Books - Philip K. Dick Bibliographies - Philip. K. Dick Books - P. K. Dick Bilbiography

    37. Philip K. Dick Biography
    philip K. dick The Other Side. Paul Rydeen. Jack Isidore (1). My first exposure to the mindbending fiction of philip K. dick was in early 1981.
    Gnostic Studies on the Web
    GNOSTIC SOCIETY LIBRARY Date: 01 Apr 94 15:52 EST
    To:, [For those who may have missed it the first time, here is a copy of an article I wrote last year. It originally was published in Crash Collusion magazine, no. 5. Copies may be had for $4 from Box 49233, Austin, TX 78765. Issue 7 is due very soon, and features an article by Adam Gorightly called "PKD, the Unicorn, and Soviet Psychotronics". It's also $4. For those of you who saw this article last time I posted it, note that this is a cleaned-up copy with all scanning errors and typos removed. Feel free to distribute it elsewhere. As always, your comments are welcome.]
    Philip K. Dick: The Other Side
    Paul Rydeen
    ... the group had taken an active interest in their situation, viewing it as a manifestation on an earthly plane of certain super-terrestrial forces. - Jack Isidore (1) My first exposure to the mind-bending fiction of Philip K. Dick was in early 1981. It must have been January or February because I remember it still being quite cold. To my surprise, a friend of my dad's had given him a recent issue of Playboy, which I eagerly perused whenever I had the chance. On one such occasion I needed to prove to myself a maturity beyond the pictures of naked ladies, so I commenced to read the magazine's various features. It turned out to be the December 1980 issue; one feature was Phil's story "Frozen Journey" (2). Although this high-school senior had been reading science fiction for a decade or more, I must confess I was confused by the shifting realities portrayed in "Frozen Journey". Further readings did little for my comprehension.

    38. Philip K. Dick And Human Kindness
    philip K. dick and Human Kindness. I have never been able to stand the selfconscious novelist, who teaches university for a living
    Philip K. Dick and Human Kindness
    I have never been able to stand the self-conscious novelist, who teaches university for a living and delivers one Great American novel a year. Self-reverential and -referential, this individual bleeds "literature" to the exclusion of anything unconscious and true. Opposed to this is the natural, the idiot savant, the desperate man who has no idea that he is writing anything memorable, the madman whose pulp fiction is half garbage and half genius. This was Philip K. Dick, who started and ended his career writing cheap Ace paperbacks, who did too many drugs and left too many marriages and died at age 53, but whose writing has a quality of unexpected wild insight that guarantees he will be remembered. He is best known as the author of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? , which was filmed, not very faithfully, as Blade Runner . The originalwhich would have made a better, but less popular, movie if filmed exactly as written is among the best of Dick's explorations of the question: What is human? Dick took too many hallucinogenic drugs in his lifetime, and they undid him. There is a very funny, yet very grave scene in

    39. -=*=- The Official BLADE RUNNER On-Line Magazine -=*=-
    Based on collector's edition BR Souvenir Magazine. Focused on the movie, but also includes biographical information and the last interview philip K. dick gave before his death.

    40. Philip K. Dick The web site devoted to science fiction words. If you can control the meaning of words, you can control the people who must use the words. (philip K.dick). philipKdickFans, Philip K.

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