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61. Complete Index Of Hanging Loose Demory, Sean. Arkansas Traveller, Rapture, 67. Denham, Paula. This Is theNature of a Tree, 43. derricotte, toi. Morning ride, 29. Dersley, Keith. http://www.hangingloosepress.com/poetry_index_d.html | |
62. Find A Poet: The All-poetry Encyclopedia. Submit A Site!: Poets : D : Toi Derric Join the Everypoet Exchange Banner Network. Find a Poet the allpoetryencyclopedia. Submit a site! Poets D toi derricotte. http://www.everypoet.com/links/pages/Poets/D/Toi_Derricotte/ | |
63. The Black Scholar-Books Received Ordering Information. derricotte, toi. Natural Birth. Ithaca, NYFirebrand Books, $10.95 paper, 86 pages; 2000; ISBN 156341-120 http://www.theblackscholar.org/booklist_30_1-1.htm | |
64. High School Science Class toi derricotte. toi derricotte had published four volumes of poetry,including Captivity, and, most recently, Tender. Her The Black http://www.undwritersconference.org/1998_conference.htm | |
65. A Gathering Of Poets 29 Davis, Marilyn. 30 derricotte, toi. 31 DiPrima, Diane. 7) toi derricotte The Drugstore (part). 2 5/4/90 Wright-Curtis 1000 pm . Side A http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/4may70/75.html | |
66. African American Registry For Thursday May 27th 2004 PAPA BELL ST. HELENA ISLAND ST. HELENA ISLAND; derricotte, toi ONTURNING UP OF UNIDENTIFIED BLACK FEMALE CORPSES; Dixon, Willie I http://www.aaregistry.com/poets.php?sletter=D |
67. African American Registry For Thursday May 27th 2004 RIDGEWOOD, MD; derricotte, toi ON TURNING UP OF UNIDENTIFIED BLACKFEMALE CORPSES; Dodson, Owen POEM FOR PEARLÂ’S DANCERS; Douglass http://www.aaregistry.com/poets.php?sletter=D&category=7 |
68. Marygrove College - It's All About You! POET toi derricotte EXAMINES RACE AS A RECURRING THEME IN HER WORK Detroitborn poetand essayist, toi derricotte, has a reputation among students and scholars http://www.marygrove.edu/news/news/releases/2001/press041201.htm | |
69. AWP: Prior Chronicle Article Indicies: 4, p. 28 Delbanco, Nicholas; no. 1, p. 1 derricotte, toi; no. 2, p. 13 Diogenesat the Theatre or, the TeacherÂ’s Lament; no. 4, p. 1 Dunn, Stephen; no. http://www.awpwriter.org/magazine/artindex15.htm | |
70. The Greenwood Encyclopedia Of American Poetry: 20th Century Poets Davidson, Michael. short. Yes, Delgado, Juan. short. Dennis, Carl. short. derricotte,toi, short. Deutsch, Babette. short. De Vries, Peter. short. Digges, Deborah. short.Yes, http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~eoap/20thcentury.htm | |
71. WSTU Library Routledge, 2000. Black Notebooks, The, derricotte, toi, WW Norton,1997. Black Women in White America, Lerner, Gerda, Vintage Books,1972. http://www.du.edu/wstu/LIBRARY.htm | |
72. Voices From The Gaps Nora; Deloria, Ella C. derricotte, toi; Desai, Anita; Desai, Kiran;Diggs, Anita; Divakaruni, Chitra Banerjee; Dong, Stella; Douglass, Sarah http://voices.cla.umn.edu/newsite/WRITERSbyname.html |
73. Reviews-D-F 83. derricotte, toi, Natural Birth Poems (Joe Weixlmann) 17 180182, Natural Birth (Pinkie Gordon Lane) 35 686-687. DeVeaux http://aar.slu.edu/revdf.htm | |
74. Subject-D 16 83. derricotte, toi 17 180182; 35 686-687 Natural Birth17 180-182; 35 686-687. Derrida, Jacques 29 55-66. De Veaux http://aar.slu.edu/sub-d.htm | |
75. A Celebration Of Women Writers: AFRICAN AMERICAN WRITERS derricotte, toi (1941); Deveaux, Faith (1971-); Dickinson, BlancheTaylor (1896-); Diggs, Anita Doreen (fl.2002); Diosa, Reina (fl.2002 http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/AFRICAN AMERICAN.html | |
76. Events At Deep Listening Space Readers toi derricotte, Michael S. Harper Afaa M. Weaver. toi derricottewas born in Detroit, MI and has published four collections of poetry. http://www.deeplistening.org/cavecanem.html | |
77. Poetry! Catalog D-K By Author 7527. Poetry. $12.00 906. derricotte, toi. Captivity. . University of PittsburghPress, 1989. 7252. Poetry. $25.00 907. derricotte, toi. The Black Notebook. . http://www.sover.net/~poetry/catdk.html | |
78. Poet Reads, Relates Race, Self Through Her Works - The Daily Targum - News toi derricotte, author of The Black Notebooks and Tender and winner of the 1998Paterson Poetry Prize, read her poetry at the Rutgers Student Center on the http://www.dailytargum.com/news/2003/02/24/News/Poet-Reads.Relates.Race.Self.Thr | |
79. African-American Poetry Books By Individual Poets Coleman, Wanda; Cornish, Sam; Cortez, Jayne; Cotter, Joseph Seamon, Jr. Crouch,Stanley; Cruz, Victor Hernandez; Danner, Margaret; Davis, Thulani; derricotte,toi; http://www.imcpl.lib.in.us/ams_afro2.htm | |
80. Arts - Literature - Authors - D Directory - Search Engine deMonterice, Alexa (1); Denby, Edwin (3); Denby, Joolz (1); derricotte,toi (2); Desai, Anita (4); Deshpande, Shashi (1); Desnos, Robert http://www.sedirectory.net/Arts/Literature/Authors/D/ |
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