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Derricotte Toi: more books (18) | |||
21. Derricotte, T. Captivity derricotte, T. Captivity Twentieth Century American Poetry; Captivity; toi derricotte , 1941; 71 p.; University of Pittsburgh Press; Pittsburgh; London; 0822954222; 1989; derricotte, toi toi http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/ampo20-AM20094&y |
22. Derricotte, Toi ISBN Title Most Popular Similar Authors. derricotte, toi 1941 (toi derricotte). ISBN0-39304-544-7. Captivity toi derricotte Publisher Pittsburgh, Pa. http://isbndb.com/d/person/derricotte_toi.html | |
23. Toi Derricotte issue of racism over and over like a wound." toi derricotte ( Photo Kathy Keeney) of an oncoming car " writes toi derricotte, a lightskinned black woman http://aalbc.com/authors/toi.htm | |
24. Cummings To Edison. Author Index. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996 Depardieu, Gérard, 16103. De Quincey, Thomas, 16104 to 16113. Derickson, Uli,16114. derricotte, toi, 16115. Derrida, Jacques, 16116 to 16118. De Sales, St. http://www.bartleby.com/66/a5.html | |
25. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: D: Derricotte, Toi http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/D/Derricotte__Toi/ | |
26. Laurable's Poetry Audio Links: Downloadable Audio Links By Poet What the Nurse Likes (QT download) (text) with commentary. toi derricotte.On Stopping Late in the Afternoon for Steamed Dumplings (.au) (text). http://www.laurable.com/download.html | |
27. Poet: Toi Derricotte - All Poems Of Toi Derricotte toi derricotte, 8, by Mary Biggs (1990). Written in 1983. Comments ontoi derricotte, Click here to write your comments on toi derricotte. http://www.poemhunter.com/toi-derricotte/poet-13219/ | |
28. Poetry Bay - Online Poetry Magazine toi derricotte has published four books of poetry, and a memoir, the BlackNotebooks, which was a New York Times notable book of the year. http://www.poetrybay.com/autumn2000/sample_autumn9.html | |
29. Poetry Bay - Online Poetry Magazine in a voice that is quiet, understated and at times startling uniquley her own. As for Cave Canem cofounder and co-director toi derricotte - who helped http://www.poetrybay.com/winter2001/winter2001_25.html | |
30. FURIOUS FLOWER | Toi Derricotte: Study Guide toi derricotte. toi derricotte and Opal Moore speak openly about theoften unspoken issues of black women s sexuality and intimacy. http://www.newsreel.org/guides/furious/derricot.htm | |
31. Titanic Operas: Toi Derricotte WE AIN T SEEN NOTHING YET! by toi derricotte. Page 1. I hope I canconvey the spirit I feel. I hope I can convey the spirit I feel http://www.emilydickinson.org/titanic/derricotte.html | |
32. Titanic Operas: Toi Derricotte WE AIN T SEEN NOTHING YET! by toi derricotte Page 2. This woman appreciatedbeautybeauty in nature and in language. No matter what http://www.emilydickinson.org/titanic/derricotte2.html | |
33. Ploughshares, The Literary Journal Boston, MA 02116 Donate to Ploughshares. Authors Articles toi derricotteThis bio was last updated on 07/09/2002. toi derricotte. http://www.pshares.org/authors/authordetails.cfm?prmAuthorID=378 |
34. Abrams derricotte, toi, Captivity, derricotte, toi, Captivity, derricotte, toi,Captivity, derricotte, toi, Captivity, Diederich, Paul, Measuring Growthin English, http://www.wpawritingproject.org/library.htm | |
35. Powell's Books - Tender (97 Edition) By Toi Derricotte ISBN 0822956403 Author derricotte, toi Publisher University of Pittsburgh PressSubject Poetry (poetic works by one author) Subject Literature Subject http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/product?isbn=0822956403 |
36. Powell's Books - Captivity (Pitt Poetry) By Toi Derricotte ISBN 0822954222 Author derricotte, toi Publisher University of Pittsburgh PressSubject Literature Subject American Subject Poetry Subject American http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/product?isbn=0822954222 |
37. Toi Derricotte promise you that. toi derricotte. Gist Street Reading Series Copyright© 20022004 Gist Street Readings. All rights reserved. http://www.closkey.com/giststreet/html/toi_derricotte.html | |
38. Readers In 2004 toi derricotte, a professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh, has publishedfour books of poems, The Empress of the Death House, Natural Birth http://www.closkey.com/giststreet/html/readers_in_2004.html | |
39. University Of Pittsburgh Department Of English - People English home, toi derricotte. Professor of English (Photograph byLinda Koolish). Phone (412) 6246527 Email toiderri@pitt.edu Fax http://www.english.pitt.edu/people/derricotte.html |
40. English Department Directory DEMO, SUSAN, PT, 447, 45563, susanm@pitt.edu, derricotte, toi, FT,617 N, 4-6527, toiderri@mindspring.com, DICE, LAURA, PT, laurad@pitt.edu, http://www.english.pitt.edu/people/directory.html | |
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