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         Delillo Don:     more books (101)
  1. Valparaiso: A Play by Don DeLillo, 2000-06-13
  2. Weißes Rauschen. by Don DeLillo, 1997-10-01
  3. Falling Man by Don DeLillo, 2007
  4. Teaching Beauty in DeLillo, Woolf, and Merrill by Jennifer Green-Lewis, Margaret Soltan, 2008-03-15
  5. Falling Man by Don DeLillo, 2009-02
  6. Ruido De Fondo (Spanish Edition) by Don DeLillo, 2006-10-01
  7. Körperzeit. by Don DeLillo, 2003-03-01
  8. Die Namen by Don DeLillo, 2006-11-30
  9. Spieler. by Don DeLillo, 2001-10-01
  10. Libra by Don DeLillo, Michel Courtois-Fourcy, 2001-01-01
  11. Weißes Rauschen by Don DeLillo, 2006-11-30
  12. Joueurs by Don DeLillo, Marianne Véron, 2002-11-07
  13. Valparaiso: A Play by Don DeLillo, 2000-06-13
  14. Libra. by Don DeLillo, 2003-08-31

81. Nakladatelství BB Art
Autori. don delillo. don delillo se narodil 20. listopadu 1936 v Americe jako díte italských pristehovalcu. Krome krátkého

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Author Search delillo, don. Found 9 title(s), 1 The Body Artist delillo, don ··· Softcover ··· Qty Avail 5 Our Price $4.99 ··· You Save $7.01 (59%), Don&search

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  • Daeninckx, Didier
  • Daly, Michael ...
  • Durocher, Luc Excellent: Bon: Passable:
  • Daeninckx, Didier: Passages d’enfer,
      Passages d’enfer est un recueil de nouvelles. Les nouvelles sont courtes et se veulent un moyen de dénoncer certaines réalités absurdes, de supprimer une hypocrisie née de la société ou de mettre en avant des défauts comme la vanité ou l’orgueil. En fait, on ne sait trop quoi penser du livre. Les nouvelles ne sont pas mauvaises, certaines sont même très bien. Mais le tout semble manquer de cohérence, on ne comprend pas vraiment où l’auteur veut en venir. À lire pour certaines des nouvelles, un recueil malgré tout sans grand intérêt. Cédric Blanchard
  • 84. Reason Magazine -- May 2001, Don DeLillo's Bum Luck By Nick Gillespie
    Related REASON s culture resources. REASON * May 2001. don delillo s Bum Luck The novelist s low status in an age of cultural proliferation. By Nick Gillespie.
    Related: REASON's culture resources R EASON * May 2001 Don DeLillo's Bum Luck
    The novelist's low status in an age of cultural proliferation By Nick Gillespie In February, a literary event of no small significance occurred. Don DeLillo, arguably America's finest living novelist still in full control of his talents and inarguably one of the most important and respected writers of the past 30 years released his 12th work of fiction, a novella called The Body Artist . Though the critical response to The Body Artist has been less than uniformly positive, its sheer volume testifies to DeLillo's eminence. This is a book that has been written up everywhere that matters The New York Times even saw fit to review it twice and many places that don't. Since his 1971 debut, Americana , DeLillo has gone from sometimes being dismissed as an epigone of Thomas Pynchon to being acclaimed (in the words of hard-to-please novelist Martin Amis) as "a writer of high intellect and harsh originality, equipped with extraordinary gifts of eye and ear and of nose, palate and fingertips." Along the way, DeLillo has crafted an oeuvre that includes such highly regarded novels as 1972's

    85. - Don DeLillo: Die Namen.
    Translate this page Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen Unterwelt. delillo, don Unterwelt. 27,90 EUR. Cosmopolis. delillo, don Cosmopolis. 16,90 EUR. Mao II.
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    schon ab 20,- EUR versandkostenfrei! DeLillo, Don : Unterwelt.
    27,90 EUR DeLillo, Don : Cosmopolis.
    16,90 EUR DeLillo, Don : Mao II.
    19,90 EUR KUNDENBEWERTUNG Sie kennen diesen Artikel? Schreiben Sie hier Ihre Meinung dazu MEHR ZUM THEMA Amerikanische Belletristik / Kriminalromane Amerikanische Belletristik / Romane, Erzählungen Mehr von... DeLillo, Don Empfehlen Sie... diesen Artikel weiter Kontakt Impressum AGB ... Datenschutz Realisiert von,

    86. PAL: Don DeLillo (1936- )
    Paul P. Reuben. Chapter 10 Late Twentieth Century don delillo (1936- ). Outside Links About don delillo The don delillo Society . don delillo.
    PAL: Perspectives in American Literature
    A Research and Reference Guide - An Ongoing Project Paul P. Reuben Chapter 10: Late Twentieth Century - Don DeLillo (1936- )
    About Don DeLillo The Don DeLillo Society Primary Works Selected Bibliography ... Home Page
    Source: Welcome to DeLillo's America Top Primary Works Great Jones Street. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973. PS3554 .E4425 G7 Ratner's star. NY: Knopf, 1976. PS3554 E4425 R3 Running dog. NY: Knopf, 1978. PS3554.E4425 R8 The names. NY: Knopf, 1982. PS3554.E4425 N3 White noise. NY: Viking, 1985. PS3554 .E4425 W48 The day room: a play. NY: Knopf, 1987. PS3554 .E4425 D39 Libra. NY: Viking, 1988. PS3554 .E4425 L53 Mao II. NY: Viking, 1991. PS3554 .E4425 M36 Underworld. NY: Scribner, 1997. PS3554 .E4425 U53 The body artist: a novel. NY: Scribner, 2001. PS3554 .E4425 B63 Top Selected Bibliography "Don DeLillo." Critique 42.4 (Sumr 2001). Special Edition. Karnicky, Jeffrey. "Wallpaper Mao: Don DeLillo, Andy Warhol, and Seriality." 339-56. Nel, Philip. "Amazons in the Underworld: Gender, the Body, and Power in the Novels of Don DeLillo." 416-36.

    Translate this page LIBRA - delillo, don 592 p. 17x11 cm (rústica) / Castellano Precio de venta al público 1163.8 Pta, 6.64 Euros. LIBRA - delillo, don

    88. DELILLO, Don., Underworld.
    Rees O Neill Rare Books. delillo, don. Underworld. London Picador 1998. First English edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dustwrapper., First Edition.
    DELILLO, Don. Underworld. London: Picador 1998. First English edition. Signed by the author. Fine in dustwrapper., First Edition. This item is listed on Bibliopoly by ; click here for further details.

    89. Quill & Brush - First Edition, Rare, Signed Books
    $35.00 ( 32388) Full Listing. delillo, don. AMERICANA. $450.00 ( 32796) Full Listing. delillo, don. END ZONE. $275.00 ( 32724) Full Listing. delillo, don.
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    H. (Hilda Doolittle) SEA GARDEN: IMAGIST POEMS. $200.00
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    H. (Doolitle, Hilda). HYMEN. $150.00
    Full Listing D.,
    H. [Hilda Doolittle]. PALIMPSEST:- $75.00 Full Listing D., H. (Hilda Doolittle). HEDYLUS. $200.00 Full Listing D., H. RED ROSES FOR BRONZE. $35.00 Full Listing D., H. (Hilda Doolitle). BY AVON RIVER. $75.00 Full Listing D'Amato, Barbara. HARD CHRISTMAS: $25.00 Full Listing d'Usseau, Arnaud. Gow, James. DEEP ARE THE ROOTS. $35.00 Full Listing Dahl, David. FAR CRY. $30.00 Full Listing Dahl, Roald. KISS KISS. $75.00 Full Listing Dahlberg, Edward. DO THESE BONES LIVE. $60.00 Full Listing Dahlberg, Edward. THE SORROWS OF PRIAPUS. $50.00 Full Listing Dahlberg, Edward. EPITAPHS OF OUR TIMES $35.00 Full Listing Dahlberg, Edward. THE OLIVE OF MINERVA OR THE COMEDY OF A CUCKOLD. $40.00 Full Listing Daitch, Susan. THE COLORIST. $30.00 Full Listing Daitch, Susan. THE COLORIST. $60.00 Full Listing Daley

    90. Welcome To DeLillo's America
    Welcome to delillo s America.
    Welcome to DeLillo's America

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