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81. Samuel R. Delany And Me samuel R. delany and Me. samuel delany reading The author samuel R. delany keeps popping up every now and then in my life. Early Adolescence. http://www.rdrop.com/~half/Personal/Stories/SamuelRDelany.html | |
82. SciFan: Writer: Samuel R. Delany (bibliography, Books, Series, Web Links) Writers samuel R. delany (1942 , United States), Bibliography, Internet links, samuel R. delany Information. (Wayback Machine - Google cache), http://www.scifan.com/writers/dd/DelanySamuel.asp | |
83. Delany, Samuel R.THE FALL OF THE TOWERS delany, samuel R. THE FALL OF THE TOWERS. ND NY . Ace Books . Not First Edition . Paperback . Very nice, strong, clean copy with minimal signs of use. . http://www.popula.com/sh/no_657/2136108.htm | |
84. Delany, Samuel R.Empire Star delany, samuel R. Empire Star. delany, samuel R.. Empire Star. Bantam Books. 1983 Mass market (pocket size) pape Near Fine condition http://www.popula.com/sh/no_25/17949.htm | |
85. Samuel R. Delany: Science Fiction Inventions Science Fiction Inventions by samuel R. delany. samuel R. delany was born in 1942 in Harlem, New York. He published his first novel http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/AuthorTotalAlphaList.asp?AuNum=7 |
86. Samuel R. Delany CD - Samuel R. Delany CDs The SpinSilly.com samuel R. delany CD Mall is a mall of samuel R. delany CDs for samuel R. delany CD fans. samuel R. delany CDs http://www.spinsilly.com/mall-cds-artists-Samuel-R-Delany.asp | |
87. Samuel R Delany : An Icon Of The Creative Universe - A Master Of Science Fiction samuel R delany An Icon of the Creative Universe A Master of Science Fiction and Fantasy Quill - Paver of Past, Present, and Future. http://www.inlogosveritas.com/science_fiction_and_fantasy_2/samuel_r__delany.htm | |
88. Samuel R. Delany Written by Neil Gaiman , samuel R. delany , Shawn MacManus , Colleen Doran , Bryan Talbot , George Pratt , Stan Woch , Dick Giordano Published by DC Comics http://www.biologybooks.net/search_Samuel_R._Delany/searchBy_Author.html | |
89. Delany, Samuel R.: Triton Translate this page delany, samuel R. Triton. samuel R. delany Triton (ed. or. Triton, 1976) Traduzione di Franco Giambalvo Milano Nord, pp. 409, L. 22.000 http://www.fantascienza.com/edf/recensioni/delany-triton.html | |
90. Delany, Samuel R.: Stelle Lontane Translate this page delany, samuel R. Stelle lontane. samuel R. delany Stelle lontane Milano, Interno Giallo, 1992 Distant Stars (1981) L. 28.000 Fra http://www.fantascienza.com/edf/recensioni/delany-stelle.html | |
91. Plan-It Purple Event Details: 2004 Leon Forrest Lecturer, Samuel R. Delany - Apr Event Title 2004 Leon Forrest Lecturer, samuel R. delany. Event Date April 15, 2004. Event Time 430 PM 600 PM. Event Location http://aquavite.northwestern.edu/cal/pp/eventd.cgi?e=17808 |
92. [Delany, Samuel R.] Edited By Sallis, James. ASH OF STARS: On The Writing Of Sam delany, samuel R. edited by Sallis, James. ASH OF STARS On the Writing of samuel R. delany. bookfever.com. delany, samuel R. edited by Sallis, James. http://www.bookfever.com/new_offerings/26564.html | |
93. UPNE | Subject: African & African American Studies Atlantis Three Tales, delany, samuel R. The eds. Dhalgren, delany, samuel R. William Gibson, fwd. Dien Cai Dau, Komunyakaa, Yusef. http://www.upne.com/subject/AfricanAmerican.html | |
94. Samuel R. Delaney samuel R. Delaney. samuel R. Chip Delaney is a noted sciencefiction author. One of his most famous novels is Dahlgren, an apocalyptic http://www.uic.edu/depts/quic/history/samuel_delaney.html | |
95. Chicago Reader Performing Arts Critics' Choices banner advertisement click here. http://www.chireader.com/listings/static/performingcritic.html | |
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