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61. Alibris: Samuel Delany 1. Cover may not depict edition offered for sale, Dhalgren more books like this by delany, samuel R. In the future America, little has changed save for the fact http://www.alibris.com/search/books/author/samuel delany | |
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63. Books By Samuel R. Delany Books by samuel R. delany. Aye, and Gomorrah by samuel R. delany. Vintage Books Random House , paper , 320 pages. Due/Published April 2003, In Stock. http://www.frontlist.com/author/12123 | |
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66. Epilog Person - Samuel R. Delany (1942-) US-Amerikanischer Schriftsteller Translate this page ALIEN CONTACT. samuel R. delany. US-Amerikanischer Schriftsteller (* 1942). 1994. Leser-Service Lieferbare Titel von samuel R. delany http://www.epilog.de/Person/D/Del/Delany_Samuel_R_1942.htm | |
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71. Samuel R. Delany - Feministische Phantastisch-utopische Literatur delany, samuel R.. Microsoft® Encarta® Africana; http://www.feministische-sf.de/einzelne_autorinnen/fsf_samuel-delany.html | |
72. Language Author Index Of Books-Media Greenberg, Joanne. delany, samuel R. Babel17 - delany, samuel R. Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand - delany, samuel R. Delvin http://www.langmaker.com/db/bks_index_languageauthor.htm | |
73. Author/Editor/Director Index Of Books-Media Dean Parisot, Galaxy Quest. delany, samuel R. Babel17 Jewel-Hinged Jaw Stars In My Pocket Like Grains Of Sand. Delay, Florence, Etxemendi. http://www.langmaker.com/db/bks_index_authoreditordirector.htm | |
74. Books By Samuel R. Delany Books by samuel R. delany. Atlantis by samuel R. delany Hardcover April 1995 List price $35.00 Click here to compare prices at dozens of online stores! http://www.allbookstores.com/browse/Author/Delany, Samuel R. | |
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78. Samuel R Delany Dragon s Librarysamuel R delany Books by the author samuel R delany. Buy new $11.20. 6. Babel17 by samuel delany, samuel R. delany (Paperback - 1999) Avg. http://www.dragonlibrary.com/scifi/author/Samuel_R_Delany.php | |
79. LINKSNET - Samuel R. Delany Translate this page Umwelt. Links.Net. Sozialabbau. Gewerkschaften. samuel R. delany. 1 Artikel bei Linksnet veröffentlicht (als primärer Autor). Letzte Artikel bei Linksnet http://www.linksnet.de/autor.php?id=185 |
80. Fantask.com - Resultatet Af Din Søgning: books , Ayh, and Gomorrah. delany, samuel R. Science Fiction kr 154,00. books , Babel17 6. delany, samuel R. SF Masterworks Science Fiction kr 112,00. http://www.fantask.dk/result.asp?cboChoice=qryResultBook&stype=ALL&chkCover=on&k |
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