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Delany Samuel R: more books (100) | ||||||||
41. Samuel R. Delany Op De Boekenplank delany, samuel R. Verenigde Staten (New York City), 1 Apr. 1942. Opgegroeid in New York s Harlem district volgde SD de Bronx High School of Science. http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/d/delany_s.htm | |
42. Delany, Samuel R. Babel17 , samuel R. delany. Millennium, UK paperback, 1999 (© 1967), £6.99, 193 pages. ISBN 1-85798-805-1. Published as SF Masterworks No. 6. http://www.moss53.freeserve.co.uk/delany.htm | |
43. Samuel R. Delany -- All Books A complete list of all books by samuel R. delany. Includes summaries, pricing information, and links to order by mail. samuel R. delany All Books. http://www.non.com/books/Delany_Samuel_R_cc.html | |
44. Samuel R. Delany -- Out Of Print Books A list of samuel R. delany s out of print books, including publication year. Titles more. samuel R. delany Out of Print Books. http://www.non.com/books/Delany_Samuel_R_cu.html | |
45. Samuel Delany over 100 years old, and published Having Our Say The delany Sisters First Michael W. Peplow, Through a Glass Darkly Bibliographing samuel R. delanyin Black http://www.fact-index.com/s/sa/samuel_delany.html | |
46. La Science-fiction - Delany, Samuel R. (Samuel Ray), 1942- Babel 17 / samuel R. delany ; traduit de l américain par Mimi Perrin. http://www.sdm.qc.ca/txtdoc/sf/adu/DELANYSAMUELRSA.html | |
47. Samuel Delany Bibliography DRIFTGLASS/STARSHARDS; delany, samuel R.; $13.00; Brings together virtually all the short stories delany has written during the last thirty years, and includes http://www.sexuality.org/l/art/delaney.html | |
48. Samuel R. Delany Translate this page Edition Phantasia, S AMUE L R . DELAN Y. Äquinoktium Hogg Bibliographie. Home Autoren Bestellen Kontakt Links Programm. http://www.edition-phantasia.de/delany/ | |
49. Samuel R. Delany: Bibliographie (1) Translate this page Diesterweg Verlag (S. 56 - 66) Übersetzung Wulf Bergner Unveränderter Nachdruck von 1) 3) JAWOHL, UND GOMORRAH samuel R. delany TREIBGLAS (Driftglass http://www.edition-phantasia.de/delany/biblio.htm | |
50. Samuel R. Delany: A Who2 Profile samuel R. delany Writer. samuel R 1999). samuel R. delany Information A fan presents a large collection of online resources, samuel http://www.who2.com/samuelrdelany.html | |
51. Delany, Samuel R. delany, samuel R. Selected titles in delany, samuel R. A Game of You (Sandman, Book 5). Nova. The Fall of the Towers. Babel17 Empire Star. http://www.bookchecker.com/cat/15024 | |
52. Delany, Samuel R. Deskmod.org Arts Literature Authors D delany, samuel R. samuel R. delany Bibliography Summary A good bibliographic summary. http://www.deskmod.org/Arts/Literature/Authors/D/Delany,_Samuel_R. | |
53. Dhalgren By Samuel R. Delany samuel R. delany Reference and Information samuel R. delany MetaDaddy Bibliography Summary Contributing Editor to the New York Review of Science Fiction http://www.paraethos.com/library/dhalgren.htm |
54. Samuel R. Delany -- Britannica Concise Encyclopedia Online Article Britannica Concise Encyclopedia, delany, samuel R(ay) Britannica Concise. MLA style samuel R. delany. Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. 2004. http://concise.britannica.com/ebc/article?eu=387767 |
55. Brief Record Hitlist - Web2 Fiction delany, samuel R. Babel17 ; Empire star / samuel R. delany. Fiction delany, samuel R. Dhalgren / samuel R. delany ; foreword by William Gibson. http://www.toledolibrary.org/scripts/titlelink3.exe?a1=delany,samuel |
56. Samuel R. Delaney 17/Empire Star, Babel17/Empire Star from Vintage Price $9.60 Customer Review Who better to write a sci-fi novel about alien linguistics but samuel R. delany. http://www.dropbears.com/b/broughsbooks/literature/samuel_r_delaney.htm |
57. Dani Zweig's Belated Reviews PS#7: Samuel R. Delany Belated Reviews PS 7 samuel R. delany. delany s books range from fairly to extremely good. samuel R. delany is more a stylist than a storyteller. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/sf/dani/PS_007.htm | |
58. SS > SF > Book Reviews > Samuel R. Delany home SF book reviews samuel R. delany. samuel R. delany. 1988. Novels/Collections reviews. samuel R. delany. Babel17. Millennium. 1966. http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~susan/sf/books/d/delany.htm | |
59. Samuel R. Delany samuel R. delany, 223 pagine. http://www.intercom.publinet.it/delany.htm | |
60. Delany, Samuel R. D Delany, Samuel R. Authors's Science Fiction & Fantasy Books delany, samuel R. D delany, samuel R. Authors s Science Fiction Fantasy Books Book Online Books Sh Your one stop shopping place for all Books and Magazines http://www.booksmags.com/books/shop9770/Books/Delany_Samuel_R/ | |
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