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21. Delany, Samuel R. delany, samuel R., in full samuel RAY delany, JR. ( b delany attended City College of New York (now City University of New York) in the early 1960s http://www.britannica.com/blackhistory/micro/727/6.html | |
22. North Jersey Media Group A short essay on true 'diversity'. http://www.bergenrecord.com/special/2000/jbdelan199812205.htm | |
23. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:DELANY, SAMUEL R. carpe librum samuel R. delany. delany, samuel R. - Nova. delany, samuel R. Testberichte vom Verbraucher bei dooyoo.de. samuel R. delany - In der Edition Phantasia erscheinen limitierte Sammlerausgaben delanys. samuel R. http://www.phs2.net/cwde/L3/ob359d.htm | |
24. Samuel R Delany Bibliography A bibliography of samuel R delany s books and short stories, with book covers and links to related authors. Fantastic Fiction, samuel R delany USA (1942 ). http://www.fantasticfiction.co.uk/authors/Samuel_R_Delany.htm | |
25. Samuel R. Delany In der Edition Phantasia erscheinen limitierte Sammlerausgaben Delanys. http://www.edition-phantasia.de/delany/index.htm | |
26. Samuel Delany You ll never feel empty again. Photo Copyright Beckett Logan. Books by samuel R. delany. BOOKS BY samuel delany. FICTION The Jewels of Aptor. http://members.aol.com/bruxe/delany.htm | |
27. Revolutionizing The Genre: Black Science Fiction Writers Dedicated to samuel R. delany, Octavia Butler and Nalo Hopkinson three black writers of science fiction. http://sharon7210.tripod.com/scifisites/ | |
28. The Onion A.V. Club | Archives | Samuel R. Delany When samuel R. delany first started writing science fiction in the early 1960s, he was one of only a tiny handful of blacks active in the field, and he had trouble shaking the erroneous label of \ http://www.theavclub.com/avclub3727/bonusfeature1_3727.html | |
29. The Onion A.V. Club | Archives | Samuel R. Delany When samuel R. delany first started writing science fiction in the early 1960s, he was one of only a tiny handful of blacks active in the field, and he had http://www.theonionavclub.com/avclub3727/bonusfeature1_3727.html | |
30. Delany, Samuel R. delany, samuel R.,. in full samuel RAY delany, JR. (b. April 1, 1942, New York, NY, US), AfricanAmerican science-fiction novelist http://search.eb.com/blackhistory/micro/727/6.html | |
31. The Village Voice: Features: Future Shock By Samuel R. Delany Future Shock by samuel R. delany. Scifi Novelist samuel R. delany Imagines New York City Circa 3000 . Published December 29, 1999 - January 4, 2000 http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/9952/delany.shtml | |
32. LIT-SF Authors Delany, Samuel R. samuel R. delany Links. SF Lover's Bibliography to 1995. samuel delany Page by ozymandias G desiderata with a bibliography, links, and lots of opinion/information. samuel R. http://ebbs.english.vt.edu/lit-sf/back/delanysr.html | |
33. WHSmith.co.uk: Books, Stationery, CDs, DVDs, Magazines, PC & Video Games, Gifts, You searched for delany, samuel R. We have found 20 items Displaying items 1 to 20 Refine your search. Babel17; delany, samuel R. Paperback, £6.99, http://www.whsmith.co.uk/whs/go.asp?Type=ExactAuthor&a=Delany, Samuel R.&SEQ=AVA |
34. Dalkey Archive Press: Interview With Samuel R. Delany An Interview with samuel R. delany By K. Leslie Steiner. K. LESLIE STEINER Recently you ve discouraged personal interviews, urging http://www.dalkeyarchive.com/interviews/interview_delany.html | |
35. Ciencia Ficción - Delany, Samuel R. delany, samuel R. Resultados de la búsqueda 1 hasta 1 de 1, Consejos sobre delany, samuel R. en la web. Consejos sobre musica en la web. http://www.ciao.es/Delany_Samuel_R_207809_4 | |
36. Ciencia Ficción - Delany, Samuel R. delany, samuel R. Precio. delany, samuel R. - Nova (delany,samuel R.), Nova (delany,samuel R.), 1 Opinión. . http://www.ciao.es/ciao.php/Pid/1,12,10519,10633,205591/SortOrder/4 | |
37. Nerve.com - Space Cowboy An Interview With Samuel R. Delany You have reached a Nerve Premium offering. Space Cowboy An Interview with samuel R. delany by Scott Westerfeld. Premium SUBSCRIBERS please login to continue. http://www.nerve.com/Dispatches/Westerfeld/SpaceCowboy/ | |
38. Rainbow Query: Search The Queer Internet For Delany, Samuel R. Search For delany, samuel R. All of RainbowQuery. delany, samuel R. (Scroll down to view 1 to 2 of 2 entries). What s Related To delany, samuel R. ·, Authors. http://www.rainbowquery.com/Categories/Delany,_Samuel_R..html | |
39. Science Fiction Weekly Interview samuel R. delany exposes the heart of Dhalgren over a naked lunch. By Scott Edelman amuel R. delany launched his sciencefiction http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue217/interview.html | |
40. Delany, Samuel R. Title Most Popular Similar Authors. delany, samuel R. (samuel delany). The bridge of lost desire samuel R. delany Publisher New York Arbor House, c1987. http://isbndb.com/d/person/delany_samuel_r.html | |
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