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21. Lindsey Davis International forfatterbibliografi. http://www.bibliografi.dk/davis_lindsey.htm | |
22. SAINT SIMONS ISLAND GEORGIA - SAINT SIMONS ISLAND Homes And Real Estate For Sale Properties for sale as investments, income producing properties, and for primary and second home buyers. http://joandavis.com | |
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24. Lindsey Davis Author Page (Italian-mysteries.com) © 2004 Italianmysteries.com. HISTORICAL MYSTERIES. Set in Italy. ANCIENT ROME. Authors. Steven Saylor. lindsey davis. John Maddox Roberts. Marilyn Todd. Ron Burns. Barbara Hambly. Jane Finnis. MIDDLE AGES. RENAISSANCE. 1800s. lindsey davis lindsey davis was horn in Birmingham but now lives in Greenwich http://italian-mysteries.com/LDap.html | |
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26. Lindsey Davis Page Updated 18/05/00, Page 1, Page 2. lindsey davis Page 1, Ode to a BankerOde to a Banker 01 Jun 00. Falco on his MetalFalco on his Metal. http://www.twbooks.co.uk/authors/ldavis.html | |
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28. Marcus Didius Falco And Lindsey Davis Fan Site (FalcoPhiles) FalcoPhiles about the Marcus Didius Falco historical mysteries by lindsey davis set in ancient Rome lindsey davis is the award winning creator of Marcus Didius Falco, the hero of a series of lighthearted historical http://www.classical-webdesigns.co.uk/falco | |
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