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81. The Life Of Erasmus Darwin Charles darwin, Preface and a preliminary notice to Ernst Krause, erasmus darwin.Translated from the German by WS Dallas. SUSANNAH darwin to erasmus. http://pages.britishlibrary.net/charles.darwin3/erasmus.html | |
82. Charles Darwin's 'The Life Of Erasmus Darwin' Home Catalogue Charles darwin s The Life of erasmus darwin . Charles darwin s The Life of erasmus darwin . Charles darwin, Edited by Desmond KingHele. http://www.cambridge.org/aus/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=0521815266 |
83. No. 335: Erasmus Darwin No. 335 erasmus darwin. Charles darwin s grandfather, erasmus darwin, was a keysoldier in the Revolution. He was a doctor, a scientist, and a popular poet. http://www.uh.edu/engines/epi335.htm | |
84. Neuerwerbungslisten 12/2003 / Institut Für Geschichte Der Translate this page Hf 27. darwin, erasmus Zoonomie oder Gesetze des organischen Lebens / von erasmusdarwin. Aus dem Engl. übers. und mit einigen Anm. begleitet von JD Brandis. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/nel_inst/00/MG/2003_12_163.html | |
85. Huntington Library And Art Gallery List 1796. Call no. 312010. darwin, erasmus. The Botanic Garden. 1791. 1 st editionof Part I. Call no. 493826. darwin, erasmus. The Botanic Garden. 1791. http://www.blakearchive.org/cgi-bin/nph-1996/dynaweb/collection_lists/huntington | |
86. Essick Collection List 1796. darwin, erasmus. The Botanic Garden. 1791. 3 copies. With 1 st editionof part I. darwin, erasmus. The Botanic Garden. 1791. 2 copies. http://www.blakearchive.org/cgi-bin/nph-1996/dynaweb/collection_lists/essick/@Ge | |
87. Erasmus Darwin A brief page on erasmus darwin exploring his ties with the eighteenthcentury gothic novel. erasmus darwin, grandfather of Charles http://pluto.scs.ryerson.ca/~monica/erasmus darwin.htm | |
88. Becker Medical Library Books An account of the retrograde motions of the absorbent vessels of animal bodiesin some diseases darwin, erasmus, 17311802. A=darwin, erasmus, 1731-1802. http://becker.wustl.edu/miniecat/BAD105.html | |
89. Erasmus Darwin (1731-1802), Physician And Poet National Portrait Gallery, list of portraits for erasmus darwin including erasmusdarwin after Joseph Wright, New morality; or - the promis d installment of http://www.npg.org.uk/live/search/person.asp?LinkID=mp01197 |
90. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: D: Darwin, Erasmus Translate this page Home Arts Literature Authors D darwin, erasmus. Search DMOZ-VerzeichnisAll Categories Categories Onlye. Links URL hinzufügen. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/D/Darwin__Erasmus/ | |
91. Erasmus Darwin Centre, Lichfield, Staffordshire. The Museums Of Lichfield, Staff erasmus darwin Centre, Lichfield, Staffordshire. erasmus darwin Centre. An eleganteighteenth century house within 200 yards of Lichfield cathedral. http://www.information-museums.co.uk/museum.php?id=503 |
92. Bibliography, Asherbooks Rare Books BIOGRAPHY OF darwin S GRANDFATHER, erasmus darwin (17311802). 2 KRAUSE,Ernst and Charles R. darwin. erasmus darwin. erasmus darwin. http://www.asherbooks.com/main_stock.phtml/subject/14/1/Bibliography.html | |
93. CHARLES DARWIN'S "THE LIFE OF ERASMUS DARWIN" From Pickabook Books Book Title CHARLES darwin S THE LIFE OF erasmus darwin . The first unabridged editionof Charles darwin s biography of his grandfather erasmus darwin. Stock http://www.pickabook.co.uk/details/0521815266/display.html | |
94. Index Of /erasmus.d Parent Directory 01Sep-1998 1353 -......Index of /erasmus.d. Name Last modified Size http://freespace.virgin.net/erasmus.d/ | |
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