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Crispin Ac: more detail | |||||
61. STF - Star Trek Federation Translate this page crispin, ac / Duane, Diane / Cooper, Sonni, Star Trek - Auftrag für Raumschiff Enterprise(Schwarzes Feuer / Sohn der Vergangenheit / Der verwundete Himmel), 18 http://www.st-federation.de/mod.php?mod=userpage&menu=80202&page_id=34 |
62. Science Fiction Weekly Interview Star Trek novelist ac crispin beams down to take on SF s scammers. By KellyHarmon Tell us something the average reader doesn t know about ac crispin. http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue347/interview.html | |
63. A C Crispin Dragon s Libraryac crispin Books by the author ac crispin. Look for the same at accrispin amazon.ca or at ac crispin amazon.co.uk! 1 10 of 48, More Results. http://www.dragonlibrary.com/scifi/author/A_C_Crispin.php | |
64. Online Catalogue | Results Titles 1 9 shown. The Hutt Gambit ac crispin Paperback Spectra Fiction - Science Fiction 0-553-57416-7 August 1997 $9.99. http://www.randomhouse.ca/catalog/results.pperl?authorid=6024 |
65. AC Crispin, Paradise Snare (Star Wars S.) TV Film Science ac crispin, Paradise Snare (Star Wars S.) in TV Film Science Fiction Books / BookReviews reviews at Review Centre. ac crispin, PARADISE SNARE (STAR WARS S.). http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews26681.html |
66. AC Crispin, Rebel Dawn (Star Wars Han Solo Trilogy (Paperback)) ac crispin, Rebel Dawn (Star Wars Han Solo Trilogy (Paperback)) in TV Film ScienceFiction Books / Book Reviews reviews at Review Centre. ac crispin, Rebel http://www.reviewcentre.com/reviews26710.html |
67. Star Trek: The Book Guide - Author Biography (A. C. Crispin) Star Trek The Books. Not logged on Log On. ac crispin has writtenthe following Star Trek books Series, No. Cover, Title. http://startrek.epguides.info/Books.asp?AuthorID=2496 |
68. All Fantasy Reviews Total Authors 151. ac crispin. Biography. ac crispin is the author of the bestsellingStar Trek novels Yesterday s Son, Time for Yesterday, and The Eyes of the http://www.all-fantasy-reviews.com/authors/biography.aspx?AuthorID=77 |
69. The Arche Web Site Homepage of the Arch© research centre, founded by crispin Wright at the University of St. Andrews. It is concerned with the philosophy of logic, language, metaphysics, mathematics and mind. http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~arche/ | |
70. Barnegat Books: Sarek (Star Trek Ser.) By Crispin, A. C. New York, NY,USA Pocket Books, 1994, Hard Cover. As New/As New. ISBN0671795619....... Author crispin, ac Title Sarek (Star Trek Ser.) http://www.barnegatbooks.com/cgi-bin/barnegat455.cgi/14578.html | |
71. Barnegat Books: Yesterday's Son (Star Trek Ser.: The Original) By Crispin, A. C. New York, NY, USA Pocket Books, 1990, Mass Market Paperback. Near Fine....... Author crispin, ac Title Yesterday s Son (Star Trek Ser. The Original) http://www.barnegatbooks.com/cgi-bin/barnegat455.cgi/17091.html | |
72. Author Topics : A.C. Crispin Speculations Author Topics ac crispin. Writer. 29 messages havebeen posted regarding this article. Preview First. If you were http://www.speculations.com/rumormill/?z=452 |
73. A.C. Crispin Op De Boekenplank Homepage Naslag Auteursregister A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U VW X Y Z. crispin, A(nn) C(arol). Links. http//www.sfwa.org/members/crispin/. http://www.deboekenplank.nl/naslag/aut/c/crispin_a.htm | |
74. A. C. Crispin: New & Used Books: Find The Lowest Price ac crispin Compare new and used books prices among 98 book stores ina click. Find the lowest price. Searched in books for ac crispin. http://www.fetchbook.info/search_A._C._Crispin/searchBy_Author.html | |
75. A.C. Crispin Fan Club ac crispin. Enter your email ac crispin AllScifi Scholar Profiles TOP SCHOLAREd Phillips SCHOLARS Want your ac crispin thoughts to appear here? http://www.allscifi.com/Topics/Topic_4243.asp |
76. Allscifi Information Page Shadow World Starbridge 3 - ac crispin Book Review. Ed Phillips, Resident accrispin Scholar. Detailed literary breakdown of Shadow World - Starbridge 3, http://www.allscifi.com/topics/info_10307.asp | |
77. Star Trek Goldmann Verlag crispin, ac. Band 13 Der verwundete Himmel(06/4458); Duane, Diane. Band 44 Zeit für Gestern (06/4969); crispin, ac. http://www.stud.uni-hannover.de/~peterr/dokus/medien/trek.htm | |
78. A.C. Crispin Book Store Featuring 13 A.C. Crispin And Related Books At Discount ac crispin Book Store. Buy Discount ac crispin books here. Choose from atotal of 15 ac crispin books sorted by popularity. ac crispin Books. http://www.rbookshop.com/science_fiction/c/A_C_Crispin/ | |
79. Randomhouse.com | AUTHOR CATALOG ac crispin. cover, The Hutt Gambit Written by ac crispin Paperback, 368 pages August1997 cover, Rebel Dawn Written by ac crispin Paperback, 400 pages March 1998 http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=6024 |
80. Randomhouse.com | Rebel Dawn By A.C. Crispin Written by ac crispin, Spectra. Category Fiction Science Fiction. Imprint Spectra. Excerptedfrom Rebel Dawn by ac crispin Copyright© 1998 by ac crispin. http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=0553574175&view=excerpt |
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