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         Coupland Douglas:     more books (101)
  1. HEY, NOSTRADAMUS! by Douglas Coupland, 2007-11-12
  2. Dictators' Homes: Lifestyles of the World's Most Colourful Despots by Peter York, Douglas Coupland, 2006-10-12
  3. Polaroids From the Dead 1ST Edition Uk by Douglas Coupland, 1996
  4. Shampoo Planet by Douglas Coupland, 1993
  5. Generation X: Roman (In French/En Francais) by Douglas Coupland, 1993
  6. Toutes les familles sont psychotiques by Douglas Coupland, Maryvonne Ssossé, 2002-09-23
  7. Amerikanische Polaroids. by Douglas Coupland, 2001-02-01
  8. All Families are Psychotic by Douglas Coupland, 2002-07-01
  9. Dictator Style: Lifestyles of the World's Most Colorful Despots by Peter York, 2006-05-04
  10. Microserfs by Douglas Coupland, 2004-03-15
  11. Douglas Coupland (Contemporary American and Canadian Novelists) by Andrew Tate, 2008-03-15
  12. Lgbt Art in Canada: Lgbt Artists From Canada, Douglas Coupland, Norman Mclaren, Scott Treleaven, Patrick Fillion, Clara Sipprell
  13. Canadian Screenwriters: Mordecai Richler, Douglas Coupland, Paul Haggis, Jeff Green, Sarah Polley, Jason Reitman, Paul Gross, Paul Quarrington
  14. Members of the Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Pitseolak Ashoona, Barton Myers, Douglas Coupland, Allan Fleming, Macy Dubois, Stanley Royle

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62. Douglas Coupland’s Generation X: An Alternative Voice
An essay about the author's novel.
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture : an alternative voice
This page last revised 18 May 1998 Contemporary Literary Criticism , Vol. 39, 29). The subsequent success of Generation X both in America and Europe, indicate that the experiences Coupland records are global, appealing to a wide audience who share his fears and expectations. While the debate about the lack of a distinctive Canadian voice continues, the critical reaction to Generation X Globe and Mail Generation X , or that Books in Canada Books in Canada , Vol. 21, 44-6). Typical of this critical reaction, Laurel Boone in a Books in Canada review of Generation X Generation X Books in Canada . Vol. 20, 50-1). (Coupland, Douglas. Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture The reason Coupland was overlooked may be due to the fact that his novel was viewed as the antithesis of conventional Canadian writing. While there is a Canadian dimension to Generation X Generation X , 86), the characters create their own rules and attempt to live by them. Forging their own identities they recall their earlier existences, realizing that many within the collective mass routinely and monotonously continue to live similar lives, but due to the nature of society are powerless to escape: ...the realization that the smiles that they wear in their daily lives are the same as the smiles worn by people who have been good-naturedly fleeced, but fleeced nonethelessand who are unable because of social convention to show their anger (

63. MSN Encarta - Coupland, Douglas
Translate this page coupland, douglas. coupland, douglas (Base NATO di Baden-Söllingen, Germania 1961), scrittore canadese. Trova altre informazioni su coupland, douglas,
MSN Home My MSN Hotmail Shopping ... Iscriviti a Encarta Premium Cerca in Encarta
Articolo riservato agli iscritti MSN Encarta Premium: Puoi consultare questo e altri 30.000 articoli, un atlante interattivo, un dizionario bilingue e altre risorse, effettuando l'iscrizione a MSN Encarta Premium per €29,95 all'anno. Per saperne di pi¹. L'articolo ¨ disponibile solo per gli utenti iscritti a MSN Encarta Premium. Gi  iscritto? Per accedere fare clic sul pulsante Accedi in alto a destra. Coupland, Douglas Coupland, Douglas (Base NATO di Baden-S¶llingen, Germania 1961), scrittore canadese. Dopo gli studi di scultura a Vancouver, Sapporo e Milano si... Vuoi altri contenuti di Encarta? Iscriviti subito e avrai a tua disposizione:
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64. Jungle World 44/2002
In seinem neuen Roman Alle Familien sind verkorkst plottet sich douglas coupland um Kopf und Kragen.
Nr. 44/2002 - 23. Oktober 2002 Im Archiv suchen:
Interview Disko Inland ... Sport Rubriken Nachrichten
... Alternative Lebensformen Sonstiges Archiv Jungle Abos Impressum Neu: Kleinanzeigen
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Kranker geht's nicht
'Du klingst wie 'ne Seifenoper.' Das ist es leider nicht. Ted hat recht. Hier klingt alles wie eine Seifenoper.
Douglas Coupland: Alle Familien sind verkorkst. Hoffmann und Campe, Hamburg 2002, 336 S., 19,90 Euro
Fax ++ 49-30-61 8 20 55

65. Douglas Coupland - Literat Der Single-Generation
Translate this page douglas coupland Generation X und die Entstehung der Bobos. Kurzbiographie. douglas coupland in seiner eigenen Schreibe. coupland, douglas (2002) Zeitgeist.
Generationendebatte Singles in den USA News Suche ... Homepage
Douglas Coupland: Generation X und die Entstehung der Bobos
  • Kurzbiographie
    • 1961 auf einem deutschen NATO-Stützpunkt geboren 1991 Debütroman "Generation X" 1995 Roman "Microserfs" (deutsch "Mikrosklaven") 1996 Erzählband "Polaroids from the Dead" 2000 Roman "Miss Wyoming" 2000 Fotobuch "City of Glass" 2002 Roman "Alle Familien sind verkorkst" lebt in Vancouver Aktuellster Beitrag
    Douglas Coupland in seiner eigenen Schreibe
    Douglas Coupland: Porträts und Gespräche
    • GÄCHTER, Sven (1995): Der X-orzist.
      "Mit "Generation X" bescherte Douglas Coupland den 90er Jahren einen Schlüsselbegriff und sich selbst jede Menge Publicity. jetzt ist er auf der Suche nach Gott

66. Jungle World 36/2002
douglas coupland ¼ber seine Bilder.
Nr. 36/2002 - 28. August 2002 Im Archiv suchen:
Interview Disko Inland ... Junk Word Rubriken Nachrichten
... Alternative Lebensformen Sonstiges Archiv Jungle Abos Impressum Neu: Kleinanzeigen
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Beautiful Stains
Japan 1964
Toxic Butterflies
Wie die meisten Leute meines Alters habe ich als Kind Hunderte - wenn nicht Tausende - von Comic-Heften gelesen. Und wie bei den meisten Lesern gab es auch bei mir verschiedene Phasen: erst Charlie Brown, dann Uncle Scrooge, dann Archie, dann Horrorcomics und so weiter. Mit Superhelden hatte ich nie viel am Hut, aber meine Horrorphase war lang - seltsam, denn heute verschwende ich nie mehr einen Gedanken an dieses Genre, und ich mag auch keine Horrorfilme.
Aus dem Amerikanischen von Jens Friebe Ausstellung:
Vernissage: Freitag, 30. August, 18 Uhr (Einladung und Voranmeldung unter erforderlich) Samstag, 31. August, 18 Uhr: Open End: Lange Nacht der Museen Sonntag, 1. September bis Donnerstag, 5. September, 14 bis 18 Uhr

67. Douglas Coupland Miss Wyoming Roman / Rezensionen U-lit Literatur Magazin
Eine Rezension des Buches Miss Wyoming im ulit Literatur Magazin.
Douglas Coupland
Miss Wyoming.
Roman. Deutsch von Tina Hohl.
Hoffmann und Campe, 2001.
336 S.
Das wahre Leben im falschen finden
Das finanzielle Desaster, aber auch seine Todeserfahrung lassen in ihm den Wunsch aufkommen, ohne Geld durch Amerika zu gehen. Als wohlhabender Hollywood-Produzent prallt er dabei auf die reale Welt, die von seinen romantischen Vorstellungen weit entfernt ist: T.C.Boyle in „America“ dargestellt. D “Miss Wyoming” Brett Easton Ellis T “Mikrosklaven” n seinem wohl bekanntesten Buch “Generation X” “Emallgration: Abwanderung in Gegenden mit niederem Technologie- und Informationsniveau, in denen dem Konsumverhalten geringere Bedeutung beigemessen wird.” Die Figur des Videoverleihers Ryan in “Miss Wyoming” D C
"The Coupland Files"

Douglas Coupland´s Site

Literatur Magazin Start!
Literatur Magazin Themen! ... Literatur Magazin Literatur Links

68. Coupland, Douglas. Girlfriend In A Coma.
How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine. coupland, douglas. Girlfriend in a Coma. Apr. 1998. 284p. HarperCollins/Regan, $24 (006-039178-2).
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Social Sciences ... Booklist Home Page How to subscribe to Booklist Magazine Coupland, Douglas. Girlfriend in a Coma. Apr. 1998. 284p. HarperCollins/Regan, $24 (0-06-039178-2). The Stand Dead Zone [1979]), part It's a Wonderful Life , with a little of his own Generation X (1991) thrown in, Coupland's immensely readable new novel shows him scared of the future and sounding the alarm for the millennium. Benjamin Segedin (Booklist/February 1, 1998) Top of Page Adult Booklist Index Booklist Archive ... Subscribe to Booklist Magazine

69. Coupland, Douglas. - Items In Stock Listing

70. NewBrainframes. Liberi Costruttori Di Idee: Comunicazione + Globalizzazione + Sv
Translate this page Maggio 1970 scegli World Bank - Banca Mondiale BM. coupland, douglas. economie Microservi Feltrinelli / scegli maggiori informazioni., Douglas

71. Bokus Bokhandel > Shampoo Planet Av Coupland, Douglas
Shampoo Planet. av coupland, douglas. Paperback. Whitaker. Shampoo Planet. Författare coupland, douglas. Bindning Paperback. Antal sidor 304.

72. Bokus Bokhandel - Välkommen Att Köpa Böcker I Sveriges Största Bokhandel!
Hey Nostradamus! av coupland, douglas Paperback. Souvenir of Canada av coupland, douglas Trade Paper. douglas McIntyre, USA, 200404 (ISBN 1550549170)., Douglas&FAST_VALUE=A

73. Douglas Coupland Discussion
Generation X Tales for an Accelerated Culture by coupland, douglas Released 10/1992. LIFE AFTER GOD LIFE AFTER GOD by coupland, douglas Released 03/1995. coupland.html
gnod web music books ... movies
Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture
by Coupland, Douglas
Released 10/1992
Hey Nostradamus! : A Novel
by Coupland, Douglas
Released 07/2003
by Coupland, Douglas
Released 06/1996
All Families are Psychotic : A Novel by Coupland, Douglas Released 09/2002 Souvenir of Canada by Coupland, Douglas Released 04/2004 LIFE AFTER GOD : LIFE AFTER GOD by Coupland, Douglas Released 03/1995 City of Glass: Douglas Coupland's Vancouver by Coupland, Douglas Released 04/2003 Life After God by Coupland, Douglas Released 03/1994 Polaroids from the Dead by Coupland, Douglas Released 10/1997 Microserfs by Coupland, Douglas Released 06/1995 Shampoo Planet by Coupland, Douglas Released 05/1993 Girlfriend in a Coma by Coupland, Douglas Released 03/1999 School Spirit by Huyghe, Pierre Released 01/2003 Miss Wyoming by Douglas Coupland Released 01/2001 Girlfriend in a Coma by Coupland, Douglas Released 04/1998 Discussion: Douglas Coupland Douglas Coupland's writing has meant more to me than any other writers'. I won't even lend his books to everyone; there's a screening process involved. His particular combination of social awareness, beautiful poetry as prose, and impressions of existence as an outcast are reserved solely for the like-natured. Read him! If you don't like what you read, don't tell anyone, as it surely reflects poorly on you. Because of what you wrote I will be popping down the library to get one of D Coupland's books. It's good to see someone with passion for books like me.

74. Collection Coupland, Douglas - Photo History Of SIGCHI
SIGCHI Special Interest Group on Computer Human Interaction, Home ? Photo History, Photo History of SIGCHI 1982 - 2001, Computer Human Interaction 2003

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76. Douglas Coupland @ Catharton Authors
douglas coupland. ? Bored? Can t find what you want here? Try searching Google for douglas coupland List of Works XXX (?) Correct this list of works.
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all of Catharton just Authors Catharton Authors C : Coupland, Douglas Douglas Coupland Bored? Meet people at Café Catharton Websites: The Official Site The Coupland File Generation X Neo-logisms On the Road: "Hubs" ... The Polaroids From The Dead Interview Message Boards: Suggest or Request a board Mailing Lists: douglascoupland coupland Chat Rooms: douglascoupland coupland Can't find what you want here? Try searching Google for Douglas Coupland List of Works:

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77. - Douglas Coupland -

douglas coupland Girlfriend in a coma.

79. MåBra
Till Resor Nöjen. douglas coupland Alla familjer är psykotiska. coupland, douglas Alla familjer är psykotiska. coupland, douglas Girlfriend in a coma.ökBokArtikelAB

Interview with douglas coupland. by Alexander Laurence (c) 1994. douglas coupland is a lucid Canadian writer who loves nature. He reminded me of that fact.
Interview with Douglas Coupland
by Alexander Laurence
(c) 1994 Douglas Coupland is a lucid Canadian writer who loves nature. He reminded me of that fact. "Whenever I smoked pot in high school it was always around nature." He is the author of three books: Generation X, Shampoo Planet, and most recently, Life After God. His new book of short stories and drawings describes the mental framework of someone who grew up in a secular environment. Coupland is a frequent contributor for The New Republic, The New York Times, and Wired. For Wired he recently wrote "Microserfs" which was about Bill Gates and the Microsoft company. Coupland was born on December 30, 1961 in a NATO base in West Germany. He now lives in Vancouver, where he grew up. He claims that the most important images in his life were Marcia Brady, The Poseidon Adventure, and Patty Hearst. His story, "Patty Hearst," recalls the days of her captivity in a Western Addition room in San Francisco. One of the Baudrillard-like comments by Coupland in his new book explores his new view of memory: "I believe that you've had most of your important memories by the time you're thirty. After that, memory becomes water overflowing into an already full cup." Coupland, as a writer, has always been short on character and psychology, and big on ideas and conceptual things. Many excerpts from his new book, can be seen on MTV. He may be one of the few contemporary writers who is guilty of too much thinking.

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