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         Corso Gregory:     more books (100)
  1. Mindfield: New and Selected Poems by Gregory Corso, 1998-12-30
  2. Gasoline (City Lights Pocket Poets Series) by Gregory Corso, 2001-01-01
  3. Elegiac Feelings American. by Gregory Corso, 1970-06
  4. Long Live Man by Gregory Corso, 1962-12-12
  5. A Happy Birthday of Death by Gregory Corso, 1960
  6. The American Express (Volume 0) by Gregory Corso, 2008-06-23
  7. An Accidental Autobiography: The Selected Letters by Gregory Corso, 2003-04
  8. Gregory Corso: Doubting Thomist by Kirby Olson PhD, 2002-08-30
  9. Gregory Corso, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg (Penguin Modern Poets 5) by Gregory; Ferlinghetti, Lawrence; Ginsberg, Allen Corso, 1963-01-01
  10. Gregory Corso (Riverside Interviews,)
  11. A Clown in a Grave: The Complexities and Tensions in the Works of Gregory Corso by Professor Michael Skau, 1999-09-10
  12. Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit by Gregory Corso, 1981-10-01
  13. The Japanese Notebook Ox by Gregory Corso, 1974-06
  14. Olympia 4 by William, Gregory Corso, Etc. Contributors Burroughs, 1963

1. The Beat Page - Gregory Corso
Gregory Corso was born on March 26, 1930 in New York. He has spent time working as a manual laborer in New York City and as an employee


Last Night I Drove a Car


The Mad Yak
I Held a Shelley Manuscript
Other Writers: Richard Brautigan Charles Bukowski William S. Burroughs Neal Cassady Robert Creeley Diane di Prima Robert Duncan William Everson Lawrence Ferlinghetti Allen Ginsberg John Clellon Holmes LeRoi Jones Bob Kaufman Jack Kerouac Ken Kesey Philip Lamantia Denise Levertov Michael McClure Frank O'Hara Peter Orlovsky Kenneth Patchen Kenneth Rexroth Gary Snyder Anne Waldman Lew Welch Philip Whalen William Carlos Williams PHOTO GALLERY Gregory Corso was born on March 26, 1930 in New York. He has spent time working as a manual laborer in New York City and as an employee of the Los Angeles Times. In addition, he was a merchant seaman on Norwegian vessels and has had some acting experience, including an appearance in Andy Warhol's film, Couch.
As a writer in the 1950's and 60's, Corso became a key member of the Beat movement. He pressed for social and political changes and Allen Ginsberg even called him an "awakener of youth".

2. Gregory Corso
Gregory Corso was born in New York City on 26 March 1930. His mother, sixteen years old when Gregory was delivered, abandoned the family a year later and returned to Italy.
Los Angeles Examiner and later served as a merchant seaman. In 1954 he unofficially attended Harvard University, where students contributed to the publication of his first collection of poems, The Vestal Lady on Brattle and Other Poems. Two years later he joined Ginsberg in San Francisco, where Lawrence Ferlinghetti published his volume of poems Gasoline. In 1957 Corso joined Kerouac and Ginsberg for a series of unconventional readings and interviews. Since that time he has traveled extensively, especially in Mexico and Eastern Europe. He taught briefly at the State University of New York at Buffalo and occasionally during summer sessions at the Naropa University in Boulder, Colorado. His major publications after Gasoline include The Happy Birthday of Death The American Express Long Live Man Elegaic Feelings American Herald of the Autochthonic Spirit (1981), and Mindfield -Michael Skau, Modern American Poetry
Corso Pics
Jack Magazine Tribute to Corso Long Shot Magazine Tribute to GC ... Tribute to Gregory Corso Interviews On "Bomb" On "Marriage" The Riverside Interviews with Gregory Corso
Archives Gregory Corso Notebooks and Papers The Other Side of April Selected Poems Bomb I Held a Shelley Manuscript Destiny Marriage ... The Whole Mess ... Almost

3. Gregory Corso
Gregory Corso Photo CreditArthur Winfield Knight. Gregory Corso (19302001)
Gregory Corso: Photo CreditArthur Winfield Knight Gregory Corso
Biographical Note
On "Bomb" On "Marriage" Online Poems ... Works Cited Prepared and Compiled by Michael Skau Return to Modern American Poetry Home Return to Poets Index

4. L'Arengario. Beat Generation: Gregory Corso
55). corso gregory, Gasoline.
(New York 1930 - Minneapolis 2001) Bibliografia

The Vestal Lady on Brattle and Other Poems
The Happy Birthday of Death
Early Poems
American Express
Selected Poems
Long Live Man
The Mutation of the Spirit Elegiac Feelings American
"Internato a tredici anni in riformatorio. A vent’anni si stabilì nel Greenwich Village, fece leggere le poesie scritte in carcere ad Allen Ginsberg , diventò suo amico e si affermò presto come uno dei poeti più significativi degli anni Cinquanta" (Pivano 1978: pag. 354). Gregory Corso (1960) fotografia di Howard Smith Opere di Gregory Corso CORSO Gregory Bomb , San Francisco, City Lights Books, 1958; 90x19 cm., foglio pieghevole stampato al recto e al verso. Prima edizione (Pivano 1978: pag. 354). "Questa poesia fu ispirata a Gregory Corso da una dimostrazione contro la bomba atomica alla quale il poeta assistè in Inghilterra nel 1958. Di quella dimostrazione non lo impressionò tanto lo scopo quanto la carica di odio, di violenza, di rabbia. Un odio simile, una violenza simile gli parvero almeno altrettanto mostruosi che la bomba e gli parve che la mostruosità distruggitrice della bomba non fosse diversa dalla mostruosità distruggitrice di uomini che tentavano di annientare una cosa nel momento stesso che l'avevano creata. (...) Così Gregory Corso scrisse una lettera d'amore alla bomba atomica; e non capì perché tutti inorridissero. Perché tutti provavano orrore per la bomba atomica e non ne provavano invece nel vedere «i bambini abbandonati nei parchi» o «gli uomini che muoiono sulle sedie elettriche»?

5. - Literatura I Sztuka ::: Corso Gregory :::
corso gregory (19302001), pisarz amerykanski. Zdobyl rozglos jako uczestnik ruchu tzw. corso gregory. corso gregory (1930-2001), pisarz amerykanski.
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    Corso Gregory
    Corso Gregory (1930-2001), pisarz amerykañski. Zdoby³ rozg³os jako uczestnik ruchu tzw. beatników, zbuntowanych przeciwko mieszczañskiemu ¿yciu i zawiedzionych cywilizacj± zachodni±, zw³aszcza amerykañsk±. Dzia³a³ w Nowym Jorku wraz z jedn± z g³ównych postaci tego ruchu - poet± A. Ginsbergiem. 1956 zamieszka³ w San Francisco. Opublikowa³ zbiory wierszy: Gasoline (1958), Long Live Man (1962), Elegiac Feelings American (1970).
    Spis publikacji dzia³u "Corso Gregory" Tytu³ publikacji Autor/opiekun Data publikacji ods³./op.

    6. Corso Gregory
    Book Finder, Book Reviews and Compare Prices for corso gregory Literature Fiction Poets AZ corso gregory. corso gregory Book Review and Price Comparison.
    Book Reviews and Compare Prices for Corso Gregory
    Home Browse Books Bookstore List Top Selling Books ... Rate Book Stores Search: Title/Author/Keywords/ISBN
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    Corso Gregory Book Review and Price Comparison
    Pages: Next Top Selling Books for Corso Gregory An Accidental Autobiography: The Selected Letters of Gregory Corso
    AUTHOR: Gregory Corso, Patti Smith, Bill Morgan
    ISBN: 0811215350
    Publish Date: March 2003
    Format: Paperback
    Compare prices for this book
    Gregory Corso: Doubting Thomist
    AUTHOR: Kirby Olson
    ISBN: 0809324474
    Publish Date: October 2002 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book A Clown in a Grave: Complexities and Tensions in the Works of Gregory Corso AUTHOR: Michael Skau ISBN: 0809322528 Publish Date: September 1999 Format: Hardcover Compare prices for this book Literary Landmarks: The Book Lover's Guide to New York AUTHOR: Bill Morgan ISBN: 0789308541 Publish Date: November 2002 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Beat Hotel: Ginsberg, Burroughs and Corso in Paris, 1957-1963 AUTHOR: Barry Miles ISBN: 0802138179 Publish Date: June 2001 Format: Paperback Compare prices for this book Brion Gysin AUTHOR: Kuri, Jose Ferez

    7. Accidental Autobiography: The Selected Letters Of Gregory Corso Gregory Corso
    Accidental Autobiography The Selected Letters of Gregory corso gregory Corso. Author or Artist Gregory Corso. Title Accidental
    Accidental Autobiography: The Selected Letters of Gregory Corso Gregory Corso
    Author or Artist : Gregory Corso
    Title: Accidental Autobiography: The Selected Letters of Gregory Corso
    Corso Gregory
    Gregory Corso
    Subject: Beat generation; Correspondence
    Category: Biography General
    Format: Hardcover
    Victor Pelevin Andrew Bromfield-Werewolf Problem in Central Russia: And Other Stories...

    Leonid Tsypkin-Summer in Baden-Baden...

    Alvin Granowsky-Snow White/The Unfairest of Them All (Steck-Vaughn Point of View Stories)...

    Alvin Granowsky-That Awful Cinderella (Steck-Vaughn Point of View Stories)...
    Clinton McCann-Judges (Interpretation)...

    8. Gregory Corso
    Gregory Corso. BACK, Gregory Corso was born on March 26th, 1930 in New York City and died on the 17th January, 2001. Budger of history. Brake of time. You. Bomb.
    Gregory Corso BACK Gregory Corso was born on March 26th, 1930 in New York City and died on the 17th January, 2001. "Budger of history Brake of time You Bomb I cannot hate you" G. Corso-From the poem 'Bomb' He had a troubled childhood living with foster parents after his Italian mother went back to Italy. Corso became involved with crime and spent time in a Youth House and at the age of sixteen was sent to state prison for three years on theft charges. Whilst in prison, Corso began to read and write poetry and at his release had aspirations to be a poet. In 1950, Corso met Allen Ginsberg in a bar and showed him and a Columbia college professor of Ginsbergs. Corso was encouraged to keep writing and began publishing in 1955. Three years later City Lights published some of his most famous poems including ' I am 25'. Corso continued to write and perform poetry with the likes of Marianne Faithfull and wrote several collections of poetry including Herald of the autochthonic Spirit (1981) and Mindfield(1989) .

    9. Poezja, Baczyñski, Broniewski, Lechoñ, Szymborska, Wojaczek, Mickiewicz, Osiec
    Lódzka Noc Poetów Chat Zaloguj sie Rejestracja. Wiersze znanych Kolejne 60 wierszy. corso gregory. 1. Na Akropolu

    10. Gregory Corso
    Gregory Corso Filmography, Awards, Biography, Agent, Discussions, Photos, News Articles, Fan Sites. Gregory Corso. IMDb home, Main Details Next, Help.

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    Gregory Corso
    Page 1 of 12
    Add estate info
    Date of birth (location)
    26 March
    New York, New York, USA
    Date of death (details)
    17 January
    Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. (prostate cancer)
    Poet; part of the Beat movement. (show more)
    Gregory Corso Video DVD Soundtrack Also available: Books Filmography as: Actor Composer Himself Actor - filmography
  • Godfather: Part III, The (1990) .... Unruly Stockholder ... aka Mario Puzo's The Godfather: Part III (1990) (USA: complete title) Beat Generation: An American Dream, The (1987) Me and My Brother (1969) Couch (1964) Pull My Daisy (1958) .... Gregory
  • Filmography as: Actor Composer Himself Composer - filmography
  • Reality Bites (1994)
  • Filmography as: Actor Composer Himself Himself - filmography In Production
  • Corso: The Last Beat (2004) in production Lowell Blues: The Words of Jack Kerouac (2000) .... Reader
  • 11. Gregory Corso
    Gregory Corso. Gregory Incarcerated in Dannemora for burglary in 1947, Gregory Corso dove into literature, and began writing poetry. He
    Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
    Gregory Corso
    Gregory Corso March 26 January 17 ) was an American poet , the fourth member of the cannon of Beat Generation writers (with Kerouac Ginsberg , and Burroughs Incarcerated in Dannemora for burglary in 1947, Gregory Corso dove into literature , and began writing poetry . He returned to New York City after his release in 1950 and met Allen Ginsberg in a bar in Greenwich Village the Pony Stable ). Ginsberg then introduced Corso and his poetry to other members of the beat literary scene. Gregory Corso's first volume of poetry was privately published in 1955 (with the assistance of associates at Harvard , where he had been auditing classes): The Vestal Lady on Brattle and other poems . This was the year before the publication of Allen Ginsberg's first collection of poetry, and two years before Kerouac's On the Road . In 1958, Corso had an expanded collection of poems published as number 8 in the City Lights Pocket Poets series: Gasoline/Vestal Lady on Brattle Later publications by Corso include:
    • The Happy Birthday of Death The American Express (1961) (his only novel)

    12. Gregory Corso
    Gregory Corso (1930 2001). a web guide to Beat poet Gregory Corso from
    Gregory Corso (1930 - 2001) a web guide to Beat poet Gregory Corso from main page 20th century outline authors, alphabetical 19th century authors General Articles An introduction, plus excerpts of reputable critical discussions of some poems, from the Modern American Poetry Site (Univ. of Illinois). An introduction to the poet from the Academy of American Poets. A Tribute to Gregory Corso contains 23 articles and poems on Corso by friends and poets, including Joanne Kyger, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Edward Sanders, Robert Creeley, and Diane Di Prima. In Woodstock Journal. An article on Corso's passing by Patti Smith. A goodbye article to Corso by By Barbara Stufflebeem. An intro to Gregory Corso from the Beat Page at Rooknet.

    13. Gregory Corso - Encyclopedia Article About Gregory Corso. Free Access, No Regist
    encyclopedia article about Gregory Corso. Gregory Corso in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Gregory Corso. Corso
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Gregory Corso
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Gregory Corso March 26 March 26 is the 85th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (86th in leap years). There are 280 days remaining.
    • 1026 - Pope John XIX crowns Conrad II as Holy Roman Emperor.
    • 1552 - Guru Amar Das becomes the Third Sikh Guru
    • 1707 - The Act of Union becomes law, making England and Scotland one country.
    • 1808 - Charles IV of Spain abdicates in favor of his son, Ferdinand VII.

    Click the link for more information. Centuries: 19th century - 20th century - 21st century Decades: 1880s 1890s 1900s 1910s 1920s - Years: 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 -
    • January 6 - The first diesel-engine automobile trip is completed (Indianapolis, Indiana, to New York City).
    • February 18 - While studying photographs taken in January, Clyde Tombaugh discovers Pluto

    Click the link for more information. January 17 January 17 is the 17th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar. There are 348 days remaining (349 in leap years)
    • 1562 - Huguenots were recognized under the Edict of St. Germain.

    14. Poezja, Baczyñski, Broniewski, Lechoñ, Szymborska, Wojaczek, Mickiewicz, Osiec
    Forum ADMINIE, BLAGAM 2 Piaskownica chat ranking, Zaloguj sie Rejestracja. Wiersze znanych Kolejne 60 wierszy. corso gregory.

    15. Gregory M. Corso
    GREGORY M. CORSO. Ph.D. (1978) Engineering Psychology New Mexico State University Phone Number (404) 8946772 E-mail

    16. Corso Gregory
    Books Fiction Cult Authors Corso, Gregory The Happy Birthday of Death, The Happy Birthday of Death Gregory Corso WW Norton.

    17. Woodstock Journal - Gregory Corso
    Woodstock Journal, September 115, 2000 Vol. 6, No. 18 and September 15-29, 2000 - Vol. 6, No. 19.
    May 11-25, 2001, Vol. 7, No. 10
    Gregory Corso Arrives in Rome
    Untamed Poet Crosses River

    By Lawrence Ferlinghetti
    February 2 - 16, 2001 Vol. 7, No. 3
    Gregory Corso, 1930-2001
    By Edward Sanders
    Gregory Corso, 1930-2001

    By Robert Creeley
    September 1-15, 2000 Vol. 6, No. 18
    and September 15-29, 2000 - Vol. 6, No. 19
    A Salute to Gregory Corso Poet Among Poets By Edward Sanders a few words from Lawrence Ferlinghetti Andy Clausen We Were in Port Authority Ira Cohen Robert Creeley "Short and Clear" Diane Di Prima Rosebud Feliu-Pettet Raymond Foye A Working Poet Anselm Hollo Gregorio the Herald Donald Kennison Dream of Corso Joanne Kyger Gregory Corso Michael McClure Saluto!

    18. Gregory Corso, 1930-2001 By Robert Creely
    Article by Robert Creeley on corso's death, January 17, 2001.
    Gregory Corso, 1930-2001
    by Robert Creeley Gregory Corso died last night (January 17), happily in his sleep in Minnesota. He had been ill for much of the past year but had recovered from time to time, saying that he'd got to the classic river but lacked the coin for Charon to carry him over. So he just dipped his toes in the water. In this time his daughter Sherry, a nurse, had been a godsend to him, securing him, steadying the ambiance, just minding the store with great love and clarity. He thought she should get Nurse of the Year recognition at the very least. There's no simple generalization to make of Gregory's life or poetry. There are all too many ways to displace the extraordinary presence and authority he was fact of. Last time we talked, he made the useful point that only a poet could say he or she was a poet only they knew. Whereas a philosopher, for instance, needed some other to say that that was what he or she was un(e) philosophe! poets themselves had to recognize and initiate their own condition. There are several quick websites that help recall him now. One gives a brief biography and discussion of a few of his poems:

    19. LitKicks: Gregory Corso
    Literary Kicks. Visit the general discussion board or view list of boards. gregory corso. gregory corso was born on March 26, 1930 in New York City.
    Literary Kicks
    Visit the general discussion board or view list of boards
    Gregory Corso
    Gregory Corso was born on March 26, 1930 in New York City. He was the only native New Yorker among the circle of major Beat writers, and was in fact born on Bleecker Street in the heart of Greenwich Village , where as a young man he would meet Allen Ginsberg in a bar. He was not planning a life in poetry at this time, and in fact had spent time in prison on a robbery charge when he was only 16. Now 20 years old, he quickly fell in with the rambunctious crowd of writers and other artists that would become famous as the "Beats". Unlike many others who merely hung around this scene, though, Corso had a natural talent, and easily began churning out wonderful poems for his friends to enjoy. His poetic voice was simple, colloquial, funny and unpretentious. His first book of poetry was published by City Lights in 1955. He quickly became popular, and was much more well-known in the 50's and 60's than he later became. He was one of the major "characters" in the Beat circle, and appeared as the charismatic Yuri Gregorovic, the guy who steals Jack Kerouac's girlfriend in Kerouac's somewhat self-pitying novel 'The Subterraneans.'

    20. Gregory Corso - The Academy Of American Poets
    gregory corso The Academy of American Poets presents biographies, photographs, selected poems, and links as part of its online poetry exhibits. gregory corso.

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