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61. A.2.d. Cornelius Nepos CorneliusNepos. A.2.d. cornelius nepos. 1305 Kurfess, A. Bericht http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Troy/1736/bote_a2d_nepos.html | |
62. »»Reviews For Cornelius Nepos«« cornelius nepos Reviews. Related Subjects Roman. Book reviews for cornelius nepos sorted by average review score cornelius nepos http://www.booksunderreview.com/Arts/Classical_Studies/Roman/Cornelius_Nepos/ | |
63. IntraText Digital Library: Author Card: Cornelius Nepos Author Card Nepos, Cornelius cornelius nepos Cornelio Nepote. This list containsonly essential information title, subtitle, language and ISFN. http://www.intratext.com/Catalogo/Autori/Aut271.HTM | |
64. Books : The Sources Of Cornelius Nepos: Selected Lives (Harvard Dissertations In Buy The Sources of cornelius nepos Selected Lives (Harvard Dissertationsin Classics) Books cheap. AccessNow! Interactive http://www.accessnow.com/bookstore/index.cgi?item_id=0824033000&search_type=Asin |
65. Wauu.DE: Arts: Classical Studies: Roman: Cornelius Nepos Translate this page Home Arts Classical Studies Roman cornelius nepos. Search DMOZ-VerzeichnisAll Categories Categories Onlye. Links URL hinzufügen. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Classical_Studies/Roman/Cornelius_Nepos/ | |
66. Arts: Classical Studies: Roman: Cornelius Nepos University, 1995. http//www.barca.fsnet.co.uk/hannibalnepos.htm (NewSat Sep 06 2003. Last update Mon May 10 2004 - 163042 - (258632). http://www.san24.com/Arts/Classical_Studies/Roman/Cornelius_Nepos/ | |
67. BookFinder.com: Cornelius Nepos cornelius nepos. by cornelius nepos. ISBN 0674-99514-7 / 0674995147.Title cornelius nepos. Author cornelius nepos with JC Rolfe. http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/Cornelius_Nepos/0674995147/ | |
68. BookFinder.com: Cornelius Nepos And Ancient Political Biography cornelius nepos and Ancient Political Biography. by Joseph Geiger. Titlecornelius nepos and Ancient Political Biography. Author Joseph Geiger. http://www.bookfinder.com/dir/i/Cornelius_Nepos_and_Ancient_Political_Biography/ | |
69. Vom Namen Cornelissen/Die Antiken Cornelier Translate this page dieses Namens, die noch heute auch außerhalb des Kreises der Fachgelehrten weitbekannt sind, so · cornelius nepos, römischer Geschichtsschreiber, gest. http://www.cornelissen.de/name/cor_rom1.htm | |
70. Catullus Text And Poems 1024x768. GAIUS VALERIUS CATULLUS. A Brief Memoir together with THE DEDICATORYPOEM to cornelius nepos and TWENTYONE POEMS to LESBIA. in http://members.lycos.co.uk/geoff_harrisson/catfor.htm | |
71. Arts, Classical Studies, Roman: Cornelius Nepos Hannibal Translated by J. Thomas, Iowa State University, 1995.Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web. http://www.combose.com/Arts/Classical_Studies/Roman/Cornelius_Nepos/ | |
72. CITATY.CZ > AUTOØI > - Citáty, Aforismy A Pøísloví (30.stol.pø.n.l.-2003) Nacházíte se CITATY.CZ AUTORI cornelius nepos. cornelius nepos.(99/-27) rímský spisovatel galského puvodu. 4 / 1-4, E-MAIL, http://www.citaty.cz/autori/autor.asp?ida=10716 |
73. HighBeam Research: ELibrary Search: Results Ovid s Autobiography in Tristia 4.10 and cornelius nepos s Biography of Atticus. TheRoman biographer cornelius nepos (C. 99c. 24 BCPlutarch http://www.highbeam.com/library/search.asp?FN=AO&refid=ency_refd&search_thesauru |
74. Traduction Latin-français Cornelius Nepos : Recherche EnfinTrouver Pour TRADUCT Translate this page Moteur de recherche francophone simple et rapide pour traduction latin-françaiscornelius nepos. Moteur de recherche simple et rapide, http://www.enfintrouver.com/recherche,traduction latin-français cornelius nepos | |
75. Cituj.cz Informace o autorech. Jméno cornelius nepos ivot Asi 99 pr.nl po 27 pr.nl Význam Rímský spisovatel Popis Reklama, Reklama. http://www.cituj.cz/citaty_autorview.asp?id=429 |
76. Latein: Fertige Hausaufgaben Und Referate Zum Abschreiben, Ausdrucken, Übernehm Translate this page Latein Hausaufgaben / Latein / Autoren und Personen / cornelius nepos /. Insgesamt1 Hausaufgaben in dieser Kategorie Wie bewertet Nepos das Handeln Hannibals? http://www.young.de/start/schule/faecher/fach.php3?fachid=415&k=3049 |
77. Nepos Cornelius Cornelius Nepos Kleine Übersetzungs-Bibliothek Nr87 Berühmte F Translate this page Nepos Cornelius cornelius nepos Kleine Übersetzungs-Bibliothek Nr87 BerühmteFeldherren. Autor Nepos Cornelius cornelius nepos. Rubrik Kategorie http://www.kinderbuch-fux.de/Nepos-Cornelius-Corneli-Kleine-Uebersetzungs-Bibli- | |
78. A.B.E. Marketing >> BOOKS >> SEARCH >> AUTHOR :: "cornelius Nepos" BOOKS SEARCH AUTHOR cornelius nepos . all books in results only. yourquery returned 1 results; showing records from 1. to 1. cornelius nepos. http://www.abe.pl/html/english/search.php?autname=cornelius nepos |
79. Nepos Translate this page cornelius nepos. Nepos, Cornelius, geb. um 100 vuZ Oberitalien (vielleichtTicinum, heute Pavia), gest. nach 32 v. uZ, röm. Schriftsteller http://www.katharinen.ingolstadt.de/projekte/kglatein/Autoren/nepos.htm | |
80. HighIndex - Arts: Classical Studies: Roman: Cornelius Nepos categories. More Resources. http://www.highindex.com/Arts/Classical_Studies/Roman/Cornelius_Nepos/ | |
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