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1. Hannibal - Cornelius Nepos Translation by J. Thomas at Iowa State University, 1995. http://www.barca.fsnet.co.uk/hannibal-nepos.htm | |
2. Harvard University Press/Cornelius Nepos, Cornelius Nepos cornelius nepos by cornelius nepos Translated by J. C. Rolfe, published by Harvard University Press FROM THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARY®cornelius nepos. cornelius nepos. Translated by J cornelius nepos is the earliest biographer in Latin whose work has come down to us http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog/L467.html | |
3. Cornelius Nepos CORNELIVS NEPOS. LIBER DE EXCELLENTIBUS DVCIBUS EXTERARVM GENTIVM http://www.thelatinlibrary.com/nepos.html | |
4. Ancient History Sourcebook Cornelius Nepos From Life Of Epaminondas Ancient History Sourcebook cornelius nepos From Life of Epaminondas, ( written c. 30 BCE) Epaminondas (died 362 BCE) was one of the noblest and ablest of all the Hellenes. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/nepos-epam.html |
5. Cornelius Nepos - Atticus Biography of Titus Pomponius Atticus from De Latinis Historicis by cornelius nepos (10025 B.C.). cornelius nepos. In one his collections of biographical sketches, cornelius nepos described the http://www.epicurus.net/atticus.html | |
6. Cornelius Nepos Hannibal (trans. J. Thomas, 1995) cornelius nepos Hannibal (trans. J. Thomas, 1995) Chapter 1. Hannibalthe Carthaginian, son of Hamilcar. If it be true, as no one | |
7. Nimispauci - Ugo Bratelli - Traductions De Textes Latins, Grecs... Traductions anciennes d'historiens Aelius Lampridius, Aulus Sabinus, Aurelius Victor, cornelius nepos, Flavius Vopiscus, Justin, Florus -, de Perse, S©n¨que, Tertullien, Tibulle, Catulle http://www.nimispauci.com/index.php | |
8. Hannibal cornelius nepos Hannibal (trans. J. Thomas, 1995) Chapter 1. Hannibal the Carthaginian, son of Hamilcar. He had already fought at the Rhone with Publius Cornelius Scipio, the consul, and routed http://www.magellan.iastate.edu/THOMAS/netscape/hannibal.htm | |
9. To Cornelius Nepos: A Dedication By Caius Valerius Catullus. Heathcote William G To cornelius nepos A Dedication by Caius Valerius Catullus. Heathcote WilliamGarrod, comp. To cornelius nepos A Dedication. Caius Valerius Catullus (84? http://www.bartleby.com/245/78.html | |
10. Harvard University Press/Cornelius Nepos, Cornelius Nepos/Reviews Reviews of cornelius nepos by cornelius nepos Translatedby JC Rolfe, published by Harvard University Press. http://www.hup.harvard.edu/reviews/L467_R.html | |
11. Cornelius Nepos: Lives Of Eminent Commanders (1886) Pp. 305-450 cornelius nepos Lives of Eminent Commanders (1886) pp. 305450. Preface. 1. Miltiades. Fragments.cornelius nepos. . LIVES OF EMINENT COMMANDERS. http://www.tertullian.org/fathers/nepos.htm | |
12. Cornelius Nepos: Lives Of Eminent Commanders (1886) Pp. 305-450 cornelius nepos Lives of Eminent Commanders (1886) pp From the second book of cornelius nepos. 25. Titus Pomponius Atticus. http://www.tertullian.net/fathers/nepos.htm | |
13. Cornelius Nepos Nepos, Cornelius c.100/99 BCc.25/24 BC. cornelius nepos was a Romanauthor of historical works. Extant are some 25 short biographies http://www.barca.fsnet.co.uk/nepos.htm | |
14. Cornelius Nepos cornelius nepos ( .Ö. 10025) Gallia Cisalpinada Hostiliada domutu cornelius nepos. Sallustiusun çadayd. Cicero ve Atticusun, air Catullusun yakn arkadayd. http://www.tebe.org/tr/dosyalar/roma-tar-yaz/22.htm | |
15. Ancient Biography - Cornelius Nepos - Plutarch - Tacitus - Suetonius Ancient Biography. from Bingley. cornelius nepos Plutarch - Tacitus - Suetonius.Biography was not a major literary genre in the ancient world. http://ancienthistory.about.com/cs/people/a/anctbiography.htm | |
16. Nepos, Cornelius Nepos, Cornelius c.100 b.c. c.25 b.c. , Roman historian. He was an intimate friend of Pomponius Atticus, Cicero, and Catullus. His only extant work is a collection of biographies, mostly from a http://www.slider.com/enc/37000/Nepos_Cornelius.htm |
17. Cornelius Nepos -- Encyclopædia Britannica MLA style cornelius nepos. Encyclopædia Britannica. 2004. Encyclopædia BritannicaPremium Service. APA style cornelius nepos. Encyclopædia Britannica. http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=56684 |
18. Vivre Ses Passions. cornelius nepos. ?109 - ?27 ACN. Cornélius Néposétait originaire de la Cisalpine, comme Catulle (plus jeune http://users.skynet.be/remacle/auteurs/Corneliusnepos.htm | |
19. Referat Latein Cornelius Nepos Translate this page referat latein cornelius nepos und referat latein cornelius nepos und alleswas mit Spickzettel und Hausaufgaben zu tun hat kannst Du hier finden. http://www.top-spickzettel.de/referat_latein_cornelius_nepos_82.html | |
20. Referat Latein Cornelius Nepos Translate this page referat latein cornelius nepos und referat latein cornelius nepos Viele Referate,Hausarbeiten, Hausaufgaben, Schularbeiten, Klausuren, Facharbeiten und vieles http://www.referate-drucken.de/referat_latein_cornelius_nepos_83.html | |
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