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81. Cooper, Susan: Greenwitch Auf Lycos Shopping In Kinder- Und Jugendromane U. -erz Translate this page cooper, susan Greenwitch. bei Buchkatalog.de. 1997 ab 12 J. sierend auf Mythen und Legenden aus Cornwall, erzählt dieser Roman von der Suche nach einem http://shopping.lycos.de/447de3473580090.html | |
82. Susan Cooper : Kelkoo - Finden Sie Die Besten Preise: susan cooper. http://www.kelkoo.de/b/a/ss_Susan_cooper.html | |
83. Cooper, Susan Fenimore - University Of Maryland cooper, susan Fenimore. Elinor Wyllys The Lumley Autograph University Libraries, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 207427011 http://www.lib.umd.edu/ETC/ReadingRoom/Fiction/CooperS/ | |
84. Vote For Dark Is Rising, The By COOPER, SUSAN Dark Is Rising, The by cooper, susan. Current Votes. Current Rating. Your Vote. 1. 5. Please Vote. http://www.heightslibrary.org/booklist/vote.php?id=535 |
85. Project Gutenberg - Author Index: C cooper, Michael D. The Runaway Asteroid. cooper, susan Fenimore. Elinor Wyllys; Elinor Wyllys; Female Suffrage A Letter to the Christian Women of America; http://www.gutenberg.org/browse/IA_C | |
86. Cooper, SusanSeaward cooper, susan Seaward. 1984 New York, Ny, USA. Atheneum. Later Printing. Hard Cover. 0689502753. Good in Very Good+ DJ $5.00. This http://www.popula.com/sh/no_769/2158566.htm | |
87. The Brick Row Book Shop: COOPER, SUSAN FENIMORE 1 matches found for cooper, susan FENIMORE. cooper, susan Fenimore, Pages and Pictures, from the Writings of James Fenimore cooper, With Notes by . . . http://www.brickrow.com/cgi-bin/br455.cgi/scan/mp=keywords/se=COOPER, SUSAN FENI | |
88. Choose One Or More Databases Choose an item below by clicking on underlined link. Next. 1, cooper, susan, 1935, J cooper. The grey king, 1975. 2, cooper, susan. J cooper. Greenwitch, 1974. 3, http://catalog.sno-isle.org/cgi-bin/cw_cgi?5001 REDIRX setDatabase_86_C_J COOPER |
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92. Greenwitch (Cooper, Susan. Dark Is Rising Sequence.): Current Amazon Japan One-E Current Amazon Japan particularedition data for Greenwitch (cooper, susan. Dark Is Rising Sequence.) by susan cooper. Greenwitch (cooper, susan. http://greatsfandf.com/JP/0689840349.html | |
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95. Cooper, Susan SILVER ON THE TREE At Bookfever.com bookfever.com. cooper, susan SILVER ON THE TREE New York Atheneum, 1977. Trade paperback. Fifth, and final, volume in the Newbery http://www.bookfever.com/new_offerings/25909.html | |
96. Cooper, Susan THE GREY KING At Bookfever.com bookfever.com. cooper, susan THE GREY KING New York Atheneum, 1976. Trade paperback. The fourth book in The Dark Is Rising sequence http://www.bookfever.com/new_offerings/25911.html | |
97. The University Of Sheffield IT Committee Webpages - Home University of Sheffield IT Committee. Unfortunately due to the lack of people willing to run the committee, USIT folded on Friday 4th April 2003. http://usit.shef.ac.uk/ | |
98. The University Of Sheffield IT Committee Webpages - Home USIT provides IT and computing services to University of Sheffield students, societies and working committees. http://usit.shef.ac.uk/~emp94ms | |
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