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41. Bob Dylan Who's Who cohen, leonard. Date Fri, 24 Jan 1997 123127 0500 The newsgroup alt.music.leonard-cohen. As far as info, you'll want to mention that Bob did back-up http://www.expectingrain.com/dok/who/c/cohenleonard.html | |
42. Quotes - Leonard Cohen , Leonard Cohen Quotations, Leonard Cohen Sayings - Famou leonard cohen Quotes, leonard cohen Quotations, leonard cohen Sayings Famous Quotes About -leonard cohen. There is no comfort in the coven of the witch. http://home.att.net/~quotesabout/leonardcohen.html | |
43. King Wasabi Martin Moon's band is inspired by his love of exotic rhythms, ethnic melodies and the songwriting styles of Nick Cave, leonard cohen and Tom Waits. The musical style of his band has been described as 'moody Jazz cabaret.' http://members.tripod.com/kingwasabi | |
44. The Canadian Encyclopedia cohen, leonard, poet, novelist, songwriter (b at Montréal, Qué 21 Sept 1934). cohen was one of the most influential and popular 1960s Canadian writers and his songs gained him an international http://www.canadianencyclopedia.ca/index.cfm?PgNm=TCE&ArticleId=A0001738 |
45. Financial Times (UK) Columns by Gerard Baker, Samuel Brittan, Peter Chapman, Philip Coggan, Norma cohen, Ed Crooks, Martin Dickson, Tom Foremski, Jane Fuller, Chris Giles, Ian Hargreaves, Vince Heaney, John Hunt, John Kay, Louise Kehoe, Lucy Kellaway, Richard Lambert, Nicholas leonard, Peter Martin, Dominique Mo¯si, Wolfgang Munchau, Quentin Peel, John Plender, Barry Riley, Amity Schlaes, Philip Stephens, Gillian Tett, Nicholas Timmins, Patti Waldmeir and Martin Wolf. http://news.ft.com/news/opinion/columnists | |
46. Www.music.sony.com/Music/ArtistInfo/LeonardCohen/ L ILE écrivains leonard cohen Translate this page http://www.music.sony.com/Music/ArtistInfo/LeonardCohen/ |
47. LAUT - Leonard Cohen (Porträt) Translate this page LAUT präsentiert leonard cohen. Ausführliches Starporträt mit Biografie, Diskografie, Fotogalerie, CD-Kritiken, Fanshop, News und Surftipps. leonard cohen. http://www.laut.de/wortlaut/artists/c/cohen_leonard/ | |
48. Everybody Knows - Leonard Cohen Sheet Music And Guitar Tablature With Lyrics And leonard cohen. Guitar Tablature leonard cohen Sheet Music. Click here to visit our sponsor. leonard cohen Guitar Tablature and Chords. http://www.proguitar.com/bands/leonardcohen/leonardcohen.html | |
49. Our National Muse Article discussing the connection between Layton and leonard cohen. By Judith Fitzgerald from the Toronto Star. http://netsonic.fi/~ja/cohen/torontostar.html |
50. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: C: Cohen, Leonard leonard cohen. From Canada Style FolkRock Top Bands and Artists C cohen, leonard (33). Discography (14); Links (19). Discography http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/C/Cohen,_Leonard/ | |
51. Salon Brilliant Careers | Take This Longing From My Tongue An article discussing the singer/songwriter's extensive career. http://www.salon.com/people/bc/1999/06/15/cohen/index.html | |
52. MusicMoz - Bands And Artists: C: Cohen, Leonard: Discography: Songs Of Leonard C the entire directory. Top Bands and Artists C cohen, leonard Discography Songs of leonard cohen, The (1). Songs of leonard cohen. http://musicmoz.org/Bands_and_Artists/C/Cohen,_Leonard/Discography/Songs_of_Leon | |
53. Leonard Cohen France Biographie, bibliographie, discographie, paroles et concerts. http://www.leonardcohenfrance.com/ | |
54. Knihy - Recenze Cohen, Leonard Hudba Neznámého, Posudek Pro KRÁTCE. starí aktuality. 8.5.2004 Jan Vanek jr. cohen, leonard Hudba neznámého, posudek pro anticenu Skripec. Procházka v http://www.iliteratura.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=15759 |
55. The Incurable Gallery - "Magnetic" Poetry Archive of poetry and lyrics by a variety of poets and songwriters including leonard cohen, Aldous Huxley, Jack Kerouac and Bob Dylan. http://members.tripod.com/~Raincloud771/poetry.htm | |
56. Knihy - Recenze Cohen, Leonard Kniha Milosrdenství, Recenze 20.5.2003 Ladislav Nagy. cohen, leonard Kniha milosrdenství, recenze prekladu. Písnickár, básník, ale i prozaik leonard cohen je dnes ji legendou. http://www.iliteratura.cz/clanek.asp?polozkaID=9487 |
57. Leonard Cohen And Bob Dylan : Poetry And The Popular Song Main page What s New Tablatures RealAudio Sounds Videos Musical Scores leonard cohen and Bob Dylan Poetry and the Popular Song By Frank Davey http://www.medialab.chalmers.se/guitar/LC3.html | |
58. Leonard Cohen -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia cohen, leonard Britannica Student Encyclopedia. , cohen, leonard (born 1934). One of the most distinctive voices of 1970s pop music http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=344779&query=leonard, elmore&ct=ebi |
59. International Leonard Cohen Meetup Day Meet with people in your local area to honor the work and words of leonard cohen. http://leonardcohen.meetup.com/ | |
60. The Leonard Cohen Files Includes photos, links to chats, coming events, song lyrics, filmography, list of covers and cover artists. http://www.leonardcohenfiles.com/frame.html | |
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