85. Title Bly, Robert, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4. Brodsky, Joseph, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4. Carson, Anne, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4. clampitt, amy, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4. Dennis, Carl, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4. Disch, Tom, 1, 1, 1, 1, 4. http://www.jefferybahr.com/Publications/BAPPoetsAll.html |
Number of Occurrences of Top Poets in Best American Poetry This table shows the number of times that a poet has poems selected for three or more Lehman's Best American Poetry series. Total Hall, Donald Ashbery, John Simic, Charles Collins, Billy Hollander, John Howard, Richard Kizer, Carolyn Koch, Kenneth Merwin, W. S. Pinsky, Robert Tate, James Wilbur, Richard Ammons, A. R. Creeley, Robert Graham, Jorie Komunyakaa, Yusef Palmer, Michael Wright, Charles Gluck, Louise Grossman, Allen Gunn, Thom Jones, Rodney Justice, Donald Koethe, John Levine, Philip McClatchy, J. D. Merrill, James Phillips, Carl Rich, Adrienne Strand, Mark Wheeler, Susan Bowman, Catherine Bradley, George Dunn, Stephen Fulton, Alice Gerstler, Amy Greger, Debora Hecht, Anthony Hoover, Paul Kelly, Brigit P. Kinnell, Galway Mitchell, Susan Moss, Thylias Olds, Sharon Oliver, Mary Spires, Elizabeth Stone, Ruth Walcott, Derek Warren, Rosanna Williams, C. K. Young, Dean Aaron, Jonathan Allen, Dick Ash, John Bishop, Elizabeth Bly, Robert Brodsky, Joseph Carson, Anne Clampitt, Amy Dennis, Carl | |