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         Childers Leta Nolan:     more books (25)
  1. The Best Laid Plans by Leta Nolan Childers, 2007-07-14
  2. The Best Laid Plans Backfire by Leta Nolan Childers, 2007-07-14
  3. An Irish Lullaby by Leta Nolan Childers, 2007-07-12
  4. Cat Callahan: Private Eye
  5. On the Road to Love by Leta, Nolan Childers,
  6. Belles of Christmas by Leta Nolan Childers, 2000-11-01
  7. Valentine's Victim by Leta Nolan Childers, 2001-02-01
  8. The Best Of Presents by Mary Weinachten, 1999-12-01
  9. 1...2...3...Count With Me
  10. Gaelic Girls by Leta Nolan Childers, 2000-06-01
  11. The Rabbit Rises by Leta Nolan Childers, 2001-04-01
  12. Cat Tales: The Window to Summer
  13. Cupid's Revenge by Leta, Nolan Childers, Marilyn Nesbitt,
  14. Mystery Loves Company by Leta, Nolan Childers, 1999-09-01

eLectrify Your Sales A Writer’s Guide to e-Publishing Success leta nolan ChildersDiskUs Publishing $9.50 Download $12.50 Diskette ISBN 1-58495-752-2.

82. News : Epic Announces 2004 Eppie Finalists
Dragonfly Publishing Cupid s Capers by Linda Bleser, leta nolan childers, ElizabethDelisi, Kathleen Culligan Techler, DiskUs Publishing Holiday Hearts II by

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Epic Announces 2004 Eppie Finalists
Tuesday, January 13 2004
The Electronically Published Internet Connection (EPIC) is proud to announce the finalists for the fifth annual EPPIE Awards. These awards, which honor the finest electronically published books of the year, will be presented on March 13 in Oklahoma City as part of EPICon 2004.
"For an e-author, no other award is more sought after or carries more prestige than the EPPIE," said EPIC president Dusty Rhodes. "It is the ultimate recognition by one's peers for outstanding achievement in the electronic publishing industry. And as the e-publishing industry grows and continues to gain recognition, so will the EPPIE."
"Once again we've topped the number of entries from the previous year," said Betty Kasischke, who has been the contest coordinator since its inception. "The awards are growing more and more popular, and the quality of the entries just keeps getting better. Our judges had some amazingly difficult decisions to make."
Awards are given in twenty-one categories. In addition, each year EPIC presents the Quasar Awards for superior achievement in cover art, along with the newly renamed Patricia White Service Award to one individual who has made an extraordinary contribution to EPIC.

83. Commentary : 'Out Of Print Writers' By M.J. Rose : Pif No. 30 - November 1999
less printed or valid, says leta nolan childers one vocal memberof this new, burgeoning breed of eauthors. childers currently
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Suite B Lacey, WA 98503-4903 PAST COMMENTARY MORE COMMENTARY It used to be that writers dreamed of seeing their novels on bookstore shelves. Then came the ‘90s. Publishing companies merged, and superstores forced hundreds of independents to shut their doors. As a result, fewer and fewer first-time authors found themselves being published. Whether they knew it or not, mid-list authors had become an endangered species. According to Loretta Barrett of her eponymous literary agency, "A publisher has to be able to sell 25,000 copies of a novel in order to buy it… and that’s a hard number to reach with any first-time author, no matter how good the manuscript is."

84. Slice Of Romance Author Connection(C-CL)
log. childers, leta nolan The author of On the Road to Love. Chrisman,Freda Heartsong author of Faith Came Late. Christenberry
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85. - Das Auf Dem Open Directory Basierendes
Waddell (1); Chesterton, GK (175); Chevalier, Tracy (4); Child, Lee (6);childers, leta nolan (1); Childress, Mark (1); Chin, Marilyn (1); Cho

86. Under The Covers: Romance: Time Travel & Paranormal
Kimberly (2 reviews); Magic by Cates, Kimberly; Demons of Desire byChilders, leta nolan; Tears of the Hawk by Clark, Barbara; Ghost of
  • Charmed anthology by Jayne Castle, Julie Beard, Lori Foster and Eileen Wilks (2 reviews)
  • Christmas Cat, The anthology by Julie Beard, Jo Beverley, Barbara Bretton and Lynn Kurland
  • Faery Magic anthology by Jo Beverley, Karen Harbaugh, Mary Jo Putney, and Barbara Samuel
  • Magic of Christmas, The anthology by Emma Craig, Annie Kimberlin, Kathleen Nance and Stobie Piel
  • Midsummer Night's Magic, A anthology by Emma Craig, Tess Mallory, Pam McCutcheon and Amy Elizabeth Saunders
  • New Year's Babies anthology by Jennifer Archer, Kimberly Raye, and Eugenia Riley
  • Once Upon A Midnight anthology by Nora Roberts, Jill Gregory, Ruth Ryan Langon, and Marianne Willman
  • Santa Paws anthology by Victoria Alexander, Nina Coombs, Annie Kimberlin and Miriam Raftery
  • Secrets 2 Anthology by Bonnie Hamre, Susan Paul, Angela Knight, and Doreen DeSalvo (2 reviews)
  • Silent Night anthology by Claire Cross, Dee Holmes, Susan Plunkett and J.D. Robb (2 reviews)
  • Timeless Spring anthology by Sandra Davidson, Lisa Plumley and Cynthia Thomason
  • Timeswept Brides Anthology by Mary Balogh, Constance O'Banyon, Virginia Brown, and Elda Minger

87. BookPage EBook Review: Title
eLectrify Your Sales A Writer s Guide to e-Publishing $uccess By leta nolan ChildersDiskUs Publishing ( Download $9.50, disk $12.50
How to Promote and Publish On-Line
Everything You Need to Know about Profitable Self-Publishing, Including 500+ Places to Promote Your Book on the Web

By Angela Adair-Hoy and M.J. Rose
St. Martin's, $13.95
E-book available at
Format: Microsoft Reader e-Lectrify Your Sales
A Writer's Guide to e-Publishing $uccess

By Leta Nolan Childers
DiskUs Publishing (
Download $9.50, disk $12.50
Format: PDF, HTML, PRC, Microsoft Reader ISBN 1584957522 Jump Start Your Writing Career With Electronic Publishers By S. Joan Popek Crossroads Publishing ( Download $3.95, CD $9.95 Formats: HTML, RocketBook, Microsoft Reader, Ebookman, Palm ISBN 1583384162 REVIEW BY BRETT PERUZZI You've written what you're sure is work of genius, but unfortunately, every publisher disagrees. Before you succumb to rejection and shove the budding bestseller into a drawer, consider an alternative: the thriving world of e-publishing. In the age of Internet, the definition of book publishing has become increasingly blurred. Once the sole domain of paper-based products, book publishing now includes dozens of e-bookstores selling downloads, disks and print on demand. In fact, it's estimated that by the end of 2000 almost a quarter of a million previously unpublished books were available on the Web, and some put it as high as 500, 000. This month we highlight three guides that will not only help you publish your prose but make it sell like wild fire. Two experts in this digital phenomenon have come together to produce the comprehensive guide to e-book publishing

88. Wired News: An Unbound Best Seller
0300 AM Dec. 08, 1999 PT. This week sales of The Best Laid Plans byLeta nolan childers topped 6,000 copies, an ebook record. It s,1294,32952,00.html
Welcome to Wired News. Skip directly to: Search Box Section Navigation Content Search:
Wired News Animations Wired Magazine HotBot (the Web)
An Unbound Best Seller
by M.J. Rose Story location:,1284,32952,00.html 03:00 AM Dec. 08, 1999 PT This week sales of The Best Laid Plans by Leta Nolan Childers topped 6,000 copies, an e-book record. It's an auspicious occasion for the 150-plus e-publishers who collectively offer more than 3,000 titles, but who have struggled for recognition from traditional publishing houses. "I'm a pioneer and I love it," said Nolan Childers The Danielle Steel of e-books describes herself as a short, fat, Irish woman who lives in South Dakota. Her romantic comedy, published in March 1999, by DiskUs Publishing , has been No. 1 on the EBook Connections bestseller list since September. While it may not have the national recognition of The New York Times bestseller list, people in the e-book industry read it religiously. "This is an important accomplishment for the entire e-industry," said DiskUs publisher and CEO Marilyn Nesbitt, who pays her authors 40 to 50 percent royalties. The Romance Writers of America requires that an electronic book sell more than 5,000 copies and be published by a nonsubsidy, royalty-paying publisher before it will recognize the author or publisher.

89. Top Arts Literature Authors C
Chesnutt, Charles Waddells. Chesterton, GKs. Chevalier, Tracys. Child, Lees.childers, leta Nolans. Childress, Marks. Chin, Marilyns. Cho, Natashas.
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90. MemoWare PDA Bookstore: Holiday Hearts 2 [Secure Microsoft Reader/Adobe Reader 6
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92. Eppie Winners
by Kathryn Sullivan, Amber Quill Press; Cupid s Capers by Linda Bleser, leta NolanChilders, Elizabeth Delisi, Kathleen Culligan Techler, DiskUs Publishing;

EPPIE 2003 Winners

EPPIE 2002 Finalists

EPPIE 2002 Winners

EPIC Announces 2004 EPPIE Winners
The Electronically Published Internet Connection (EPIC) is proud to announce the winners of the fifth annual Eppie Awards. EPIC, the premier professional organization for electronically published authors, presented the awards at the March thirteenth gala dinner concluding its annual EPICon conference in Oklahoma City. This year's EPPIE winners represent the best works in a wide variety of genres. Over 300 works were submitted in 23 categories. Works are judged by a panel of electronically published authors drawn from Epic's membership. Valerie Hardin Melville spoke of the judging process, "It was difficult to select a single winner from so many excellent books. It was a wonderful opportunity to see what quality writing is available in the electronic medium." EPIC also presents a single Quasar award at the EPPIE Awards Dinner. The Quasar, an award for cover art, is awarded to the artist producing the finest e-book cover art in the competition year. Next year epic plans to ad a new category for new artists in memory of artist novelist Ariana Overton. The EPPIE award dinner is the highlight of EPIC's annual conference: EPICon. In a field where the vast majority of work is done over the internet, EPICon provides an opportunity to meet new friends and old acquaintances alike. A series of speakers, panels, and workshops, many drawn from EPIC's membership, cover every aspect of the electronic publishing industry. A book signing event provides enhanced publicity for independent publishers than from the backbone of the electronic publishing movement.


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