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Childers Leta Nolan: more books (25) | ||||||||
81. EscapeToRomance.com Review Of E-LECTRIFY YOUR SALES A WRITER S eLectrify Your Sales A Writers Guide to e-Publishing Success leta nolan ChildersDiskUs Publishing $9.50 Download $12.50 Diskette ISBN 1-58495-752-2. http://www.escapetoromance.com/reviews/childers-electrify.html |
82. News : Epic Announces 2004 Eppie Finalists Dragonfly Publishing Cupid s Capers by Linda Bleser, leta nolan childers, ElizabethDelisi, Kathleen Culligan Techler, DiskUs Publishing Holiday Hearts II by http://www.ebook2u.com/ebooknews/EpicAnnounces2004EppieFina.shtml | |
83. Commentary : 'Out Of Print Writers' By M.J. Rose : Pif No. 30 - November 1999 less printed or valid, says leta nolan childers one vocal memberof this new, burgeoning breed of eauthors. childers currently http://www.pifmagazine.com/vol30/c_rose.shtml | |
85. Formudes.de - Das Auf Dem Open Directory Basierendes Waddell (1); Chesterton, GK (175); Chevalier, Tracy (4); Child, Lee (6);childers, leta nolan (1); Childress, Mark (1); Chin, Marilyn (1); Cho http://www.formudes.de/index.php/Arts/Literature/Authors/C/ |
86. Under The Covers: Romance: Time Travel & Paranormal Kimberly (2 reviews); Magic by Cates, Kimberly; Demons of Desire byChilders, leta nolan; Tears of the Hawk by Clark, Barbara; Ghost of http://www.silcom.com/~manatee/r_tt.html | |
87. BookPage EBook Review: Title eLectrify Your Sales A Writer s Guide to e-Publishing $uccess By leta nolan ChildersDiskUs Publishing (www.diskuspublishing.com) Download $9.50, disk $12.50 http://www.bookpage.com/0108bp/ebook/epublish.html | |
88. Wired News: An Unbound Best Seller 0300 AM Dec. 08, 1999 PT. This week sales of The Best Laid Plans byLeta nolan childers topped 6,000 copies, an ebook record. It s http://www.wired.com/news/print/0,1294,32952,00.html | |
89. Top Arts Literature Authors C Chesnutt, Charles Waddells. Chesterton, GKs. Chevalier, Tracys. Child, Lees.childers, leta Nolans. Childress, Marks. Chin, Marilyns. Cho, Natashas. http://www.supercrawler.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/C/ | |
90. MemoWare PDA Bookstore: Holiday Hearts 2 [Secure Microsoft Reader/Adobe Reader 6 Holiday Hearts 2 Secure Microsoft Reader/Adobe Reader 6.0.1 by leta NolanChilders Kathleen Culligan Techler You Pay $4.50. Micropay Rebate 5%. http://www.pdabookstore.com/servlet/mw?t=book&bi=19247&si=4 |
91. Nolan : Ultraspider.com Translate this page modelle, attrici, pornostars calendari, backstage, video, foto e provini.Dialer *. Search nolan. Open Directory Categories (1-11 of 5 http://www.ultraspider.com/nolan.shtml | |
92. Eppie Winners by Kathryn Sullivan, Amber Quill Press; Cupid s Capers by Linda Bleser, leta NolanChilders, Elizabeth Delisi, Kathleen Culligan Techler, DiskUs Publishing; http://sjoanpopek.com/eppiewinners.html | |
93. Www.geocities.com/nolanchilders/ http://www.geocities.com/nolanchilders/ |
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