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81. Poet: Gaius Valerius Catullus - All Poems Of Gaius Valerius Catullus Gaius Valerius catullus (?8454 BC), Gaius Valerius catullus was the sonof a wealthy citizen of Verona. Comments on Gaius Valerius catullus, http://www.poemhunter.com/gaius-valerius-catullus/poet-12471/ | |
82. Catul - Alment GAJUS VALERIUS catullus. RESUMÉ Romersk digter, ca. 85 ca. 55 fvt. OmGajus Valerius catullus liv ved vi ikke meget, men dog det vigtigste. http://www.ribekatedralskole.dk/classica/personer/catul/catul.htm | |
83. Diotima catullus 16. pedicabo ego uos et irrumabo. Read more catullus online (in Latin)Enter a reference here, and press return or click the Look it up button. http://www.stoa.org/diotima/anthology/cat16.shtml | |
84. Diotima Navigation banner for Diotima (6k). catullus, Poem 64 The Wedding of Peleus andThetis. Translation copyright 1997 by Thomas Banks. All rights reserved. http://www.stoa.org/diotima/anthology/cat64.shtml | |
85. CATULLUS catullus. It approaches the latter in size. Galloways (RW) catullus,GAIUS VALERIUS. (?8454 BC), the greatest lyric poet of Rome. As http://62.1911encyclopedia.org/C/CA/CATULLUS.htm | |
86. DL - Latinlit - Carmina -people Of Catullus catullus, Carmina. To People of catullus Index. Who s Who in the Poemsof catullus. Amica Formiani. Mamurra. The unnamed girlfriend http://www.dl.ket.org/latinlit/carmina/catullus/people/people.htm | |
87. Catullus Famous Romans, Historia. catullus. (84 BC54 BC). Quintus Valerius catulluswas born around 84 BC. We know for a fact that his cognomen was catullus. http://www.dl.ket.org/latinlit/historia/people/catullus/catullus.htm | |
88. Catullus GAIUS VALERIUS catullus (Kr. Az o kortársuk volt catullus. A család az északitáliaiVerona elokeloségeihez tartozott, ott született a költo is. http://www.literatura.hu/irok/okor/catullus.htm | |
89. Topica Email List Directory catullus_syllabusLAT 365/385 The World of catullus. University Objectives Our aim is tounderstand the poems of catullus within their cultural context. With http://www.topica.com/lists/Catullus | |
90. Theater Of Pompey - Theatrum Pompei Project The Three Books of catullus. A Note on This Edition of catullus All 116 poemsof catullus are now available in Latin with facing English translation. http://www.theaterofpompey.com/catullus/index.shtml | |
91. Pholisora Catullus Common Sootywing (Pholisora catullus). DORSAL. VENTRAL. Caterpillar Hostplants,Various pigweeds Amaranthus albus, A. caudatus, A. graecizans http://www.dallasbutterflies.com/Butterflies/html/sooty.html | |
92. The Qualms Of Catullus & K-Mart Selections from The Qualms of catullus Kmart 1. Who donated this frail and dumbbook of nouns? . 8. That miser catullus! Inept and tired designer! . 10. http://www.cheneysmith.com/don/catmain.html | |
93. Catullus catullus. Of the few facts known about the life of GAIUS VALERIUS catullus eventhe dates of birth and death are uncertain, but he was probably born in 84 BC. http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,2057,10_1000006339,00.html | |
94. Catullus Frames This set of documents was created with frames, which your browser does notseem to support. To view the main document in the set, go to catullus. http://www.cofc.edu/~fennoj/RomCiv/CatulFM.htm | |
95. Martin/CATULLUS catullus Charles Martin Martin s book, funny, moving, smart, alive to twentiethcenturypoetic developments, is now the best book on catullus in English. http://www.yale.edu/yup/books/051999.htm | |
96. [minstrels] From Catullus V -- Sir Walter Raleigh 1464 From catullus V. Title From catullus V. Poet Sir Walter Raleigh. Yourcomments on this poem to attach to the end microfaq. From catullus V. http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/1464.html | |
97. Antenati: Gaius Valerius Catullus Translate this page Gaius Valerius catullus. Il Libro (Liber), la silloge delle poesie di catullus checi è giunta, fu ordinata dopo la sua morte in una redazione incompleta. http://www.girodivite.it/antenati/-000/_catullu.htm | |
98. Catullus 5 xefer. catullus 5. catullus A vividly impassioned (and enlightening) analysisof catullus Poem No. 5 from humanities.classics catullus 5 http://www.xefer.com/archive/2003/07/catullus | |
99. Author Gaius Valerius Catullus, From The Oldpoetry Poetry Archive Gaius Valerius catullus (next poet) I was from Italy, and I lived from 8454. Printor Buy my poetry? Poems by Gaius Valerius catullus First 7 shown of 16. http://oldpoetry.com/authors/Gaius Valerius Catullus | |
100. Roman Personality Selector History SelectSmart.com Selectors Roman personality selector A SelectSmart.com® Selector By Scorpio Atticus (SearchGoogle for other selectors by Scorpio Atticus) Which Roman personality http://selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php?client=romanpersons |
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