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         Catullus:     more books (100)
  1. A Commentary on Catullus [1889 ] by Robinson Ellis, 2009-09-22
  2. Catullus (Blackwell Introductions to the Classical World) by Julia Haig Gaisser, 2009-04-13
  3. Catullus: A Critical Edition (English and Latin Edition) by Gaius Valerius Catullus, D. F. S. Thomson, 1978-06
  4. Style and Tradition in Catullus (Loeb Classical Monographs) by David O. Ross Jr., 1969-01-01
  5. The Poems and Fragments of Catullus, improved 7/4/2009 by Gaius Valerius Catullus, 2009-04-07
  6. Catullus: Poems 61-68 (Classical Texts) (No.61-68)
  7. Selected poems of Catullus by Gaius Valerius Catullus, 1974
  8. The Poems of Catullus: Selected and Prepared for the Use of Schools and Colleges by Gaius Valerius Catullus, Fordyce Mitchell Hubbard, 2010-01-09
  9. Catullus: Expanded Edition by Henry V. Bender, Phyllis Young Forsyth, et all 2005-05-15
  10. Catullus: Student Text by Henry V. Bender, Phyllis Young Forsyth, 1996-06
  11. Selections from Catullus (Cambridge Latin Texts) by Catullus, 1973-11-30
  12. Catullus and the Traditions of Ancient Poetry by Arthur Leslie Wheeler, 1974-10
  13. Catullus: A Textual Reappraisal by J. M. Trappes-lomax, 2007-11-30
  14. Imagery of Colour & Shining in Catullus, Propertius, & Horace (Lang Classical Studies) by Jacqueline Clarke, 2003-02

61. After Catullus By Sherod Santos
poem, A weekly poem, read by the author. After catullus By Sherod Santos PostedThursday, Feb. To hear the poet read After catullus, click here.

62. Bibliotheca Augustana
catullusca. 87 - 54 a. Chr. n. persona C. Valerius catullus poeta, natus ca.
B I B L I O T H E C A A U G U S T A N A C. Valerius Catullus
ca. 87 - 54 a. Chr. n.

p e r s o n a
C. Valerius Catullus poeta, natus ca. annum 87,
obiit anno 54 ante Christum natum.
fragmentum effigiei Catulli (?)
(pictura muralis, villa romana,
Sirmione, ca. 20 ante Chr. n.)

o p u s
s e c u n d a r i a
Catulli carmina (Whitman College Classics Department) Catulli carmina (Project Libellus) fontes

63. Gaius Valerius Catullus. Luuletusi
Gaius Valerius catullus. Luuletusi. (Tlk. August Sang. VII, Soovid teada, kui paljusa küll andma. VIII, catullus vaene. XI, Furius, Aurelius. XIII, Veel paar päeva.
Gaius Valerius CATULLUS
(Tlk. August Sang. RKA lk. 248-257)
II III Nutke, Venused, kurtke, armuhaldjad V VII VIII Catullus vaene XI Furius, Aurelius XIII XIV Kui nii kalliks ei peaks ma sind XXVI XXVIII Piso kaaslased XXIX XXXIV Koos Dianat on saatmas siin XXXVI XXXVIII Cornificius, kurb on su Catullus XLV Truu Septimius Acmet kaisus hoides XLVI LI LXXVI LXXXIV Kui abikaas kohal on LXXXVI Vihkan, ent armastan siiski XCII CI II
kallis kaaslane - hellalt sind ta hoiab,
et su tilluke nokk sealt kinni napsaks.
  • Ikka, kui minu kaunil kullakallil
  • III Nutke, Venused , kurtke, armuhaldjad,
  • Neiu lindu kui silmavalgust hoidis
    ja ka lind pidas neidu kalliks, just kui
  • sinna, kust pole keegi tagasi tulnud.

  • tursund on minu kalli kaunid silmad! V Miks meil kuulata mossis, morne rauku?
  • Suudle mind tuhat korda, arm, ja anna mulle veel sada suudlust pealekauba.
  • ei siis kaetada saa meid kurjad silmad - meie suudluste arvu nad ei tea ju. VII peaksid suudlusi, et neist piisaks mulle?
  • kus oraakel on Jupiteril ning kus sammas Battose alla vaatamas armunute peale.
  • 64. Gaius Valerius Catullus
    Gaius Valerius catullus. Gaius Valerius catullus, på dansk bare Catul, var en adelsmandog digter, som levede i det sidste århundrede op til Kristi fødsel.
    Gaius Valerius Catullus
    Texter Gloser Spørgsmål Opgaver og forløbsoversigt ... Links Gaius Valerius Catullus, på dansk bare Catul, var en adelsmand og digter, som levede i det sidste århundrede op til Kristi fødsel. Han blev født o.85 og døde o.54. Hans berømmelse skyldes hans digtning og navnlig hans kærlighedsdigte om og til Lesbia. Hans far var ridder og bekendt af Caesar og han planlagde en rigtig embedsmandskarriere for sønnen: han blev sendt til Rom og videre blev han med de rigtige forbindelser udstationeret som guvernørmedhjælper i Bithynien i det nuværende Tyrkiet. Den del af livet fylder ikke meget i hans digtning. I Rom har han levet et privilegeret liv, blandet sig med dele af jet-settet og været en væsentlig del af de unge digtere, som skulde indvarsle de nye tider i det spirende verdensrige, neoterikerne. Ligesom flere af dem skrev han primært korte eller helt korte digte efter alexandrinsk model. Kun et par af de overleverede digte er større. Indholdet i hans digte er ham selv, hans venner og fjender, politiske forhold bliver omtalt og de handlende personer spiddet, middag og vin og endelig hans kærlighedsforhold: Navnlig forholdet til Juventius og til Lesbia bliver behandlet, og digtene til Lesbia har inspireret digtere med vexlende held gennem århundrederne. Udvalgtet her på siden handler kun om forholdet til Lesbia.

    65. Catullus
    catullus. Gaius Valerius catullus (c.84 BC c.54 BC) was one of themost influential Roman poets of the first century BC. Of catullus
    Main Page See live article Alphabetical index
    Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 B.C - c. 54 B.C ) was one of the most influential Roman poets of the first century B.C Of Catullus' life little is known for sure. He was born on the Palatine hill of Rome . He was an offspring of a leading family from Verona , but lived in Rome most of his life. In 57 B.C., he accompanied his friend Memmius to Bithynia , where Memmius had received a propraetor's post. Catullus himself, however, never held a political office. His poetry was greatly influenced by the Greek neoteroi , especially by Callimachus , who propagated a new style of poetry, deliberately turning away from the classical epic poetry in the tradition of Homer . Their poems no longer described the feats of ancient heroes and gods but concentrated on small-scale personal themes. Although these poems sometimes seem quite superficial and their subject often are mere everyday concerns, they nevertheless are accomplished works of art. The work of Catullus was handed down as an anthology of 116 carmina (presumably not arranged by the author), which can be divided into three formal parts: 60 short poems in varying metres, called


    67. The Invisible Basilica: Catullus
    (Gaius Valerius) catullus. (8454 bce). catullus was born into a wealthyfamily of Celtic descent in the town of Verona in Cisalpine Gaul.
    (Gaius Valerius) Catullus
    (84-54 b.c.e.)
    by T. Apiryon
    The first great Roman lyric poet, noted for his sincere, elegant, and passionate eroticism, the model for the medieval tradition of the art of courtly love. One of the great influences on Crowley the lyric poet. Catullus was born into a wealthy family of Celtic descent in the town of Verona in Cisalpine Gaul. His father was a friend of Julius Caesar, and sent his young son to Rome to learn the ways of the city. He was noticed by one Clodia Metelli, a married woman ten years his senior. They embarked upon a tempestuous love affair which provided the material for most of Catullus's poetry. The "Poems to Lesbia" written in the style of Sappho, chronicle the affair from flirtation through passion to bitter betrayal. Catullus is also noted for two wedding songs written for his friends, a poetic description of an initiation into the dark rites of Cybelê (the Magna Mater or Bona Dea , whose cult was popular in Julian Rome), several elegies, a hymn to the goddess Diana, a miniature epic on the marriage of Peleus and Thetis, and numerous satiric epigrams on the follies and crudities of his Roman contemporaries. The poems of Catullus are known to us through a single manuscript found in his home town of Verona.

    68. Catullus And Cicero, Latin 201
    catullus and Cicero Latin 201, Fall semester 1998. Syllabus (return totop of page) Part 1 An Introduction to catullus Week 1 W Sept.

    69. Catullus
    niet, het gebeurt me. t Gaat niet uit van mezelf ; t is iets datme verscheurt. (catullus , Carmen 85 , vert. Peter Verstegen).
    Haat en liefde voel ik en waarom weet ik niet, het gebeurt me.
    't Gaat niet uit van mezelf ; 't is iets dat me verscheurt.
    (Catullus , Carmen 85 , vert. Peter Verstegen) Biografie
    Teksten met aantekeningen

    (link naar De Grundel
    Kox Kollum
    Nog meer vertalingen (wees voorzichtig !)

    70. Catullus
    catullus. Rímský básník Gaius Valerius catullus se narodil bud roku 87 prednl nebo o tri roky pozdeji. Pocházel ze zámožné veronské rodiny.
    Catullus Øímský básník Gaius Valerius Catullus se narodil buï roku 87 pøed n.l. nebo o tøi roky pozdìji. Pocházel ze zámožné veronské rodiny. Pøes tento fakt nemohl nijak zasáhnout do politického dìní v Øímì, nebo obèané Pøedalpské Galie nemìli ještì øímské obèanství. Stejnì jako vìtšinu jiných básníkù i jeho osud zavál do Øíma, kde žil snad od roku 62 pøed n.l. V Øímì se záhy setkal a spøátelil s tehdejší umìleckou smetánkou jako byl øeèník Hortensius, Ciceronem, Corneliem Nepotem, Helviem Cinnou a jinými. Pøes nemožnost svého vstupu do politiky zaèal Catullus záhy psát jedovaté a prostoøeké verše satirující politickou situaci Øíma a její hlavní pøedstavitele Pompeia a Caesara. S druhým jmenovaným se básník stihl ještì smíøit a dokonce ocenil jeho tažení do Británie.
    Catullùv život známe hlavnì z jeho poezie, nebo básník neskrýval, koho nemá rád, a s kým je naopak dobrý pøítel. Poezie odráží i jeho rodinné city, stesk po domovì i zemøelém bratrovi. Vyvrcholením Catullovy tvorby je pak série básní pro Lesbii, což bylo krycí jméno pro Clodii, která pocházela z významné rodiny, ovdovìla a byla velmi dobøe známa svým nevázaným životem. V Catullovì díle mùžeme vyèíst snad všechny fragmenty jejich vztahu - vyznání lásky, pocity štìstí, deziluze vyvolaná jejím chováním a stupòující se v zoufalství, roztržka, prosby, kruté útoky i ponížené odvolávání. Nakonec se Clodií po ètyøech letech definitivnì rozešel. Slovník antické kultury vypisuje jako klasické tyto krásné verše vyjadøující rozpor mezi rozumem (rozejít se) a citem (láskou), které vyvolávala v jeho nitru Clodia:

    71. Catullus Carmen 5

    72. Quotez - Author Index
    catullus, Carmina, 5; Difficile est longum subito deponere amorem. Poorcatullus, cease your folly and give up for lost what you see is lost.

    73. Catullus - Encyclopedia Article About Catullus. Free Access, No Registration Nee
    encyclopedia article about catullus. catullus in Free online Englishdictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Provides catullus. Word
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 B.C. Centuries: 2nd century BC - 1st century BC - 1st century Decades: 130s BC 120s BC 110s BC 100s BC 90s BC - 80s BC - 70s BC 60s BC 50s BC 40s BC 30s BC Years: 89 BC 88 BC 87 BC 86 BC 85 BC - 84 BC - 83 BC 82 BC 81 BC 80 BC 79 BC Events Births
    • Catullus, Roman poet (approximate date)
    Click the link for more information. - c. 54 B.C. Centuries: 2nd century BC - 1st century BC - 1st century Decades: 100s BC 90s BC 80s BC 70s BC 60s BC - 50s BC - 40s BC 30s BC 20s BC 10s BC 0s BC Years: 59 BC 58 BC 57 BC 56 BC 55 BC 54 BC 53 BC 52 BC 51 BC 50 BC 49 BC
    • Julius Caesar's second expedition to Britain.
    • Ambiorix revolts in Gaul.
    • Seneca the Elder (approximate date) - Roman rhetor
    • Tibullus (approximate date) - Roman poet.

    Click the link for more information. ) was one of the most influential Roman poets of the first century B.C. (2nd century BC - 1st century BC - 1st century - other centuries) The 1st century BC starts on January 1, 100 BC and ends on December 31, 1 BC.

    74. Gaius Valerius Catullus - Encyclopedia Article About Gaius Valerius Catullus. Fr
    encyclopedia article about Gaius Valerius catullus. Gaius Valerius catullusin Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. Valerius Catullus
    Dictionaries: General Computing Medical Legal Encyclopedia
    Gaius Valerius Catullus
    Word: Word Starts with Ends with Definition Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 B.C. Centuries: 2nd century BC - 1st century BC - 1st century Decades: 130s BC 120s BC 110s BC 100s BC 90s BC - 80s BC - 70s BC 60s BC 50s BC 40s BC 30s BC Years: 89 BC 88 BC 87 BC 86 BC 85 BC - 84 BC - 83 BC 82 BC 81 BC 80 BC 79 BC Events Births
    • Catullus, Roman poet (approximate date)
    Click the link for more information. - c. 54 B.C. Centuries: 2nd century BC - 1st century BC - 1st century Decades: 100s BC 90s BC 80s BC 70s BC 60s BC - 50s BC - 40s BC 30s BC 20s BC 10s BC 0s BC Years: 59 BC 58 BC 57 BC 56 BC 55 BC 54 BC 53 BC 52 BC 51 BC 50 BC 49 BC
    • Julius Caesar's second expedition to Britain.
    • Ambiorix revolts in Gaul.
    • Seneca the Elder (approximate date) - Roman rhetor
    • Tibullus (approximate date) - Roman poet.

    Click the link for more information. ) was one of the most influential Roman poets of the first century B.C. (2nd century BC - 1st century BC - 1st century - other centuries) The 1st century BC starts on January 1, 100 BC and ends on December 31, 1 BC.

    75. Glbtq >> Literature >> Catullus
    The Roman poet catullus incorporated homoerotic themes in his verse, both reflectingthe passionate character of samesex friendships and describing several of
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    Alpha Index: A-B C-F G-K L-Q ... T-Z Subjects: A-B C-E F-L M-Z
    Catullus ( ca ca 55 B.C.E.) The Roman poet Catullus incorporated homoerotic themes in his verse, both reflecting the passionate character of same-sex friendships and describing several of his own homosexual adventures. About the life of Gaius Valerius Catullus, we know very little. His family belonged to the ruling elite of Verona, where he was born, and his father seems to have been on good terms with Julius Caesar. Sponsor Message.
    Catullus's early adulthood was spent among leisured and aristocratic circles at Rome. There he and his friends, who were writers, advocates, and politicians, seem to have formed a sophisticated, witty, and cultured social set. He fell in love with a woman whom he calls "Lesbia" and whom later writers identified as Clodia, the wife of Q. Metellus Celer and the sister of Clodius Pulcher. There is a hostile description of her in Cicero's oration Pro Caelio . The course of the affair with Lesbia was painful and disappointing for Catullus, whose affections were eventually alienated.

    76. A Hellenistic Bibliography: Catullus
    A Hellenistic Bibliography catullus. July 2002 The Hellenistic Bibliographyhas moved. To go to the new homepage click here. Warning
    A Hellenistic Bibliography:
    July 2002
    The Hellenistic Bibliography has moved.
    To go to the new homepage click here

    77. Cruising With Catullus
    Cruising with catullus. Cruising with catullus is a sailing memoir, but it salso the record of a literary career and several unusual friendships.

    78. The Caique (Catullus 4) By Catullus | Poetry At Able Muse | Community Issue
    The Caique (catullus 4) is a poem by catullus in Real Audio for Able Muse Poetry,Community issue formal poetry, performance poetry, art and photography
    The Caique (Catullus 4)
    by Catullus

    "Catullus 4"

    in the original Latin
    A. E. Stallings
    The Caique (Catullus 4)

    in Real Audio format.
    Visitors, you see this boat?
    It used to be, it claims (I quote),
    The speediest of craft afloat,
    No ship that it could not out-soar Either under sail or oar! Not snarling Adriatic shore Nor Cyclades, nor Noble Rhodes Nor icy Thrace nor brutal coast Of Black Sea can deny its boast. Before a boat, a leafy forest It stood there on Mount Cytorus, Its hair a-rustle with susurrus. Amastris, where the boxwoods grow, On your peak (it says you know) It stood from birth. The sea below Was where it got its paddles wet. Thence, carrying its master, set Through raging straits, whether it met Left wind or right, or following Breeze set the sail billowing.

    79. Arachnion, N. 2.1, May 1996 - Jocelyn: Catullus 16. 5-6
    catullus 16. 56. A succession of poets accused over the content of their poetrytook up and applied to themselves catullus dictum (Ovid, Trist.
    Go to Arachnion nr. 4 - contents or to Arachnion - home page
    Arachnion n. 2.1, May 1996
    Catullus 16. 5-6
    di HENRY DAVID JOCELYN (Manchester) nam castum esse decet pium poetam
    ipsum, uersiculos nihil necesse est These verses stated a view of poetry which defied ancient convention. Euripides would not have been the only stage writer accused of holding himself a view stated in a play or of possessing himself the moral character attributed to a personage. The ancient biographers considered the lyric and iambic poems of the sixth and fifth centuries a straightforward source of information about the authors of these works. A succession of poets accused over the content of their poetry took up and applied to themselves Catullus' dictum (Ovid, Trist . 2. 353-6, Martial 1. 4. 7-8, Pliny, Epist . 4. 14. 4-5, Hadrian ap. Apul. Apol . 11, Apuleius, Apol . 11, Ausonius, Epigr . 25 [9]). There can be no doubt about the general sense of the dictum. I should like, however, to question the particular interpretation currently given to it.
    George Goold (1983) englishes the two Latin hendecasyllables with: for the dedicated poet has to be decent

    80. Catullus
    POEMS BY catullus. LIT. PROF. LICKLIDER. The following biography and poems aretaken from Charles Martin s translation, The Poems of catullus (!979, 1999).
    Roman bedroom (cubiculum) from the villa of P. Fannius Synistor, 40-30 bc with frescoed walls and mosaic tile floor For more info, go to the Roman Bedroom at the Metropolitan
    LIT. 230, FALL, 2002
    The following biography and poems are taken from Charles Martin's translation, The Poems of Catullus (!979, 1999). For other translations of individual poems by Catullus, see Other Translations . (This website is a college student's senior thesis, and, except for misspellings and grammar errors, quite impressive.) Catullus' poems are NOT numbered chronologically, but rather arranged by the kinds of poetic meter in which they are written. Catullus probably published small collections of poems himself among his friends in Rome, but the collection that has come down to us was probably put together after his death at the age of 30. The poems survived the Middle Ages in one manuscript kept in Verona by a smart bishop in the 10th century. Martin's biography of Catullus: In 84 b.c., Gaius Valerius Catullus was born at Verona, which was then the principal city of the Roman province of Cisalpine Gaul, located on the Italian side of the Alps, north of the river Po. Inhabitants of the province were called Transpadanes. Catullus came from a wealthy family: in addition to a home in Verona, he mentions an apartment in Rome, a suburban hideaway outside the city, and a villa at Sirmio. His father was a friend of Julius Caesar...

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