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81. FindingWeb Directory - /Society/History/By_Topic/Social_History/Religion/Ancient Cakes for the Deities Excerpt from cato the elder s De Agricultura Recipes for the offering-cakes known as libum and placenta . http://dir.findingweb.com/Top/Society/History/By_Topic/Social_History/Religion/A | |
82. Cato The Elder From Linkspider UK Arts Directory cato the elder by Linkspider UK, cato the elder links and cato the eldertopics from our Arts directory. Directory Topic cato the elder. http://linkspider.co.uk/Arts/ClassicalStudies/Roman/CatotheElder/ | |
83. :: Ez2Find :: Texts And Rituals Site Info Translate - Open New Window Excerpt from cato the elder s De Agricultura Recipes for the offering-cakes known as libum and placenta . http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Society/History/By_Topic/Soc | |
84. Sootle :: Directory Deities Excerpt from cato the elder s De Agricultura Recipes for the offering-cakesknown as libum and placenta main=28d437661d95291767e7402dfe969962 . http://www.sootle.com/directory/Society/History/By_Topic/Social_History/Religion | |
85. Ancient History Sourcebook: Accounts Of Roman State Religion, C. 200 BCE- 25CE Certificate of Having Sacrificed to the Gods, 250 CE. cato the elder The PlantingRitual, c. 160 BCE. cato the elder The Harvest Ritual, c. 160 BCE. http://www.fordham.edu/halsall/ancient/romrelig3.html | |
86. Ge4 STUDY GUIDE for Plutarch, Life of cato the elder; Petronius, Satyricon PRR pp.533564. READING GUIDE. cato the elder, Petronius, Trimalchio. Freedman. http://homepages.uc.edu/~fitzsiry/ge5.htm | |
87. Marcus Porcius Cato -- Encyclopædia Britannica byname Cato The Censor, or cato the elder Roman statesman, orator,and the first Latin prose writer of importance. He was noted http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?eu=22167&tocid=0 |
88. Cato The Elder - The Best Online Hotel Deals - Book Your Hotel Room With Voyagen Main Page , cato the elder. Marcus Porcius Cato (234 149 BC), Romanstatesman, surnamed The Censor, Sapiens, Priscus, or Major http://www.voyagenow.com/travel-references/en/wikipedia/c/ca/cato_the_elder.html | |
89. SearchBug Directory: Society: History: By_Topic: Social_History: Religion: Ancie Cakes for the Deities http//www.novaroma.org/religio_romana/cato_recipes.htmlExcerpt from cato the elder s De Agricultura Recipes for the offering-cakes http://www.searchbug.com/directory.aspx/Society/History/By_Topic/Social_History/ | |
90. DeviantART: Dancingdreamer After I m dead I d rather have people ask why I have no monument than whyI have one. cato the elder (234-149 BC, AKA Marcus Porcius Cato). http://dancingdreamer.deviantart.com/ | |
91. World Of Quotes - Cato (Marcus Porcius Cato %5EThe Elder%5E) (a/k/a Cato The Cen cato (Marcus Porcius cato %5EThe elder%5E) (a/k/a cato the Censor) Quotes, Searchableand browsable database of quotations with author and subject indexes. http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Cato-(Marcus-Porcius-Cato-^The-Elder^)-(a_k_ | |
92. GIGA Quote Author Page For Cato (Marcus Porcius Cato "The Elder") (a/k/a Cato Th cato (MARCUS PORCIUS cato THE elder ) (A/K/A cato THE CENSOR).Italian patriot and statesman (234 BC 149 BC http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/quautcato2marcuspx001.htm | |
93. GIGA Quote Topic Page For Proverbs cato (Marcus Porcius cato The elder ) (a/k/a cato the Censor) Considerit the greatest of all virtues to restrain the tongue. http://www.giga-usa.com/gigaweb1/quotes2/qutopproverbsx007.htm | |
94. Marcus Porcius Cato, 95-46 BC cato inherited a famous name as the greatgrandson of the famous Marcus Porcius catothe elder (the Censor), the inveterate foe of Carthage in the third Punic http://heraklia.fws1.com/contemporaries/cato/ | |
95. The Internet Classics Archive | Marcus Cato By Plutarch Marcus cato by Plutarch, part of the Internet Classics Archive to possess the gold itself. cato, after reflecting upon these things Fabius Maximus took Tarentum, cato, being then but a youth http://classics.mit.edu/Plutarch/mar_cato.html | |
96. Gimenei >> Arts >> Classical_Studies >> Roman >> Cato_the_Elder Gimenei.com, Search for Scope All Words, Results per page 10.Request Timeout 2, http://www.gimenei.com/directory/top/Arts/Classical_Studies/Roman/Cato_the_Elder | |
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