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         Carrington Leonora:     more books (77)
  1. Leonora Carrington
  2. Mexicans of English Descent: Ricardo Lancaster-Jones Y Verea, Leonora Carrington, Arnold Belkin, Dbc Pierre, Diana Kennedy, Jacqueline Voltaire
  3. Mexican Women Artists: Frida Kahlo, Bridget Bate Tichenor, Verónica Ruiz de Velasco, Leonora Carrington, Judith Gutiérrez, Remedios Varo
  4. Mexican Women Writers: Carmen Barajas Sandoval, Juana Inés de La Cruz, Leonora Carrington, Ilana Sod, Rosario Castellanos, Elizabeth Martínez
  5. Mexicans of Irish Descent: Anthony Quinn, Saint Patrick's Battalion, Juan O'gorman, Leonora Carrington, Philip Crosthwaite, Enrique Creel
  6. LEONORA CARRINGTON: RECENT WORKS: MAY 10 - JUNE 4 1988 by LEONORA). Chadwick, Whitney (CARRINGTON, 1988
  7. Cultural Correspondence (Popular Culture & Revolution), Nos. 12-13-14, Summer 1981; special issue with supplement "Surrealism Today & Tomorrow!" [Last issue] by Leonora Carrington, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, et all 1981
  8. Carrington: un mural en la selva.: An article from: Proceso by Rafael Vargas, 2009-02-15
  9. The Oval Lady: Surreal Stories by Leonora Carrington, 1975
  10. The Seventh Horse (Le Septieme Cheval) by Leonora Carrington, 1977
  11. The Oval Lady by Leonora Carrington, 1975
  12. La porte de pierre by Leonora Carrington, 2001-01-22
  13. Circle #6 by Henry, Carrington, Leonora et al Miller, 1945
  14. CULTURAL CORRESPONDENCE. Summer 1981. No. 12-14. Special supplement 'Surrealism Today & Tomorrow!'. by Paul (ed.). [Robert Crumb, Jay Kinney, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Leonora Carrington, Philip Lamantia, Octavio Paz, Paul Buhle, Larry Smith, Marge Piercy, C.L.R. James, Paul Garon]. PERIODICAL. BUHLE, 1981

41. An Interview With Leonora Carrington
You have to save something for yourself, and this space is always present. return to the leonora carrington section return to the library
    Paul De Angelis - What worries you today?
    LeonoraCarrington - Above all, the idea of death, the fact that I'm old and our attitude to death is totally erroneous.
    In reality we know very little about death, but if we know that a series of worlds exist that appear to be transforming.
    Paul - Worlds more there than life?
    Leonora - Yes, we distinguish life from death, but in my opinion things are not how they are explained to us. I believe that they are different for each person, like dreams. I think that to reach an understanding about death first we must understand the distinct places that exist within us, and dreams are one of these places; this is to say that The Paul and the Leonora of a dream are in a way a different Paul and Leonora. It almost appears to be like worlds in reverse. It seems that we have a body which unfolds activities, meanwhile our physical body remains inactive when we are asleep; with our bodies we do things, we go to places, drive cars, ride bikes. . .
    Paul - Do you believe in reincarnation? You have an interest in Tibetan Buddhism which believes in reincarnation.
    - Do animals have a spirit?

42. Carrington, Leonora
Home Famous Artists carrington, leonora leonora carrington (Clayton Green, 1917) Britishborn Mexican painter and writer, and
Home Famous Artists Carrington, Leonora Leonora Carrington
(Clayton Green, 1917) British-born Mexican painter and writer, and amongst the best-known names in Surrealist art. Trained at the Ozenfant´s art academy in London, she became associated with Max Ernst and began exhibiting with the Surrealists in Paris. Her most popular and typical paintings featured insect-like humanoids and an imaginary world where rabbits fed on human flesh and hyenas went to parties. A retrospective exhibition of her works was held at the Serpentine Gallery , in London. Museums and Collections: National Museum of Women in the Arts Washington D.C. U.S.
Fundación Proa
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
University Art Museum
Albany, New York, U.S.
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43. ART MEXICO - KYRON PRESENTS - Leonora Carrington "Mula's Ox" 1977 Lithograph
Art Mexico, leonora carrington, artist, Mula s Ox, Mexican Lithographic Print Kyron Tour - Asian Pacific Rim 1995 - 1998. As presented
Kyron Tour - Asian Pacific Rim 1995 - 1998
Leonora Carrington (b. England, 1917)
Mula's Ox
Lithograph: 5 colors
50.0 x 63.5.0 cm
Paper: Copperplate de luxe
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© Mexico Connect 1996-2004

44. Word Of Mouth For Apr 15, 1997
Word of Mouth Title Index. Word of Mouth Homepage. Return to TNRD Library Homepage carrington, leonora. The Hearing Trumpet. Exact Change. 1996.
Sebald, W.G. The Emigrants.
New Directions. 1996. 237 pages.$ 22.95
ISBN: 0-8112-1338-2.
SCARRED LIVES... Through biography, historical documentation and photographs, W.G. Sebald crafts four narrative portraits that bring the readers close to the Jewish emigres at the heart of The Emigrants . But the contact is indirect, as if a new friend had handed over his family album, refusing to speak for himself. Ordinary people who have led extraordinary lives that reveal the tragic arc of European history, all four emigres are related in some way to the narrator. Paul Bereyter, for instance, who eventually commits suicide, was the narrator's teacher, and a manservant named Ambros Adelwarth his grand-uncle. A literary work in the fullest sense, this portrayal of seemingly un obstrusive lives is seared into the reader's memory. Contributed by Susan Olcott, Librarian, Humanities and Fine Arts, Columbus Metropolitan Library, Ohio. Word of Mouth Author Index.
Word of Mouth Title Index.

Word of Mouth Homepage.

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Darton, Eric. Free City.

45. 10579. Carrington, Leonora. The Columbia World Of Quotations. 1996
ATTRIBUTION leonora carrington (b. 1917), British surrealist artist, writer. repr. In The Seventh Horse and Other Tales (1988).
Select Search All All Reference Columbia Encyclopedia World History Encyclopedia Cultural Literacy World Factbook Columbia Gazetteer American Heritage Coll. Dictionary Roget's Thesauri Roget's II: Thesaurus Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Quotations Bartlett's Quotations Columbia Quotations Simpson's Quotations Respectfully Quoted English Usage Modern Usage American English Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Reference Quotations The Columbia World of Quotations PREVIOUS ... AUTHOR INDEX The Columbia World of Quotations. NUMBER: QUOTATION: Sentimentality is a form of fatigue.

46. Leonora Carrington
Laila Carlsen. leonora carrington. Gianluca Franzese. Zoya Frolova. Modern Masters. Publications. leonora carrington. Penelope Mixed media 17 3/4 x 24 7/8 1960.

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Contemporary Artists: Anne Bachelier Charles Becker Ruth Bloch Laila Carlsen ... Publications

Leonora Carrington
"Penelope" Mixed media 17 3/4" x 24 7/8" 1960 For more information call Weinstein Gallery at (415) 362-8151
or Email:

47. Leonora Carrington, Pittrice, Messico.
Translate this page indietro indice orozco. leonora carrington, pittrice, Messico. clicca sulle immagini per ingrandirle. indietro indice orozco. INDICE ARTE.
Leonora Carrington, pittrice, Messico
clicca sulle immagini per ingrandirle INDICE ARTE arte popolare
grafica dell'antico Messico

origini arte messicana

arte maya
rufino tamayo

48. La Vitrina - Literature - Leonora Carrington
The Hearing Trumpet by leonora carrington Excerpt Every week brings a certain amount of mild enjoyment; every night, in fine weather, the sky, the stars, and

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"Reading The Hearing Trumpet liberates
us from the miserable reality of our days."
Illustration by Pablo Weisz-Carrington
The Hearing Trumpet
by Leonora Carrington [Excerpt]
Well one fine Monday morning I went on my usual visit to Carmella who was actually waiting for me on the doorstep. I could see at once that she was in a state of high excitement as she had forgotten to put on her wig . Carmella is bald. She would never go onto the street without her wig on ordinary occasions as she is rather vain, her red wig is a kind of queenly gesture to her long lost hair, which was almost as red as her wig if my memory is correct. This Monday morning Carmella was uncrowned with her usual glory but very excited and mumbling to herself, which is not her ordinary habit. I had brought her an egg which the hen had laid the same morning, I dropped it as she clutched my arm. This was a great pity as the egg was now beyond repair. "I was waiting for you, Marian, you are twenty minutes late," she said taking no notice of the broken egg "Some day you will forget to come at all." Her voice was a thin shriek and this was more or less what she said, because of course I did not hear it all. She pulled me. inside the house and after several attempts gave me to understand that she had a present for me. "A present, a present, a present." Now Carmella has given me presents several times and they are sometimes knitted and sometimes comestible, but I never saw her so excited. When she unwrapped the hearing trumpet I was at a loss to know whether it could be used for eating or drinking or merely for ornament. After many complicated gestures she finally put it to my ear and what I had always heard as a thin shriek went through my head like the bellow of an angry bull. "Can you hear me Marian?"

49. - /Arts/Literature/Authors/C/Carrington,_Leonora
Translate this page carrington, leonora. Siehe auch,_Leonora

50. Leonora Carrington
Translate this page leonora carrington, leonora carrington. Por Luis Carlos Emerich leonora carrington nace en Lancanshire, Inglaterra, en 1917.
Leonora Carrington
Leonora Carrington
Por Luis Carlos Emerich
Leonora Carrington nace en Lancanshire, Inglaterra, en 1917. Inicia su carrera artística al integrarse al movimiento surrealista francés en 1936, al lado de Max Ernst, Paul Éluard, Joan Miró, André Breton y Man Ray. Permanece en él hasta que, debido a la persecución nazi, huye a España, donde desciende a los continentes de la locura, y de donde luego huiría a Nueva York. A su llegada a México, en 1942, se suma a los surrealistas europeos asentados en nuestro País desde el inicio de la Segunda Guerra Mundial: Remedios Varo, Benjamín Péret, Wolfgang Paalen, Alice Rahon, Luis Buñel, Kati y José Horna, y se integra al ámbito cultural artístico mexicano. Excepto breves estancias en Nueva York, ha residido por más de 50 años en México, y desde aquí ha proyectado su obra internacionalmente. Una de las constantes temáticas de su pintura surge de su precoz imbuimiento en la mitología celta, por los relatos de su madre y su nana sobre los mitos y leyendas de ese bosque encantado que fue y es Irlanda, y de su predisposición natural a creer que dioses, demonios, sabios, patriarcas, brujos, gnomos, fantasmas y animales en constante mutación e hibridación son figuraciones de los enigmas primordiales del ser, encarnaciones del inconsciente, principio surrealista por excelencia que ella entrañará con misterio y fino humor en la cotidianeidad contemporánea. Con la misma avidez de magia y conocimiento se adentraría en el gnosticismo egipcio, la alquimia

51. Resúmen Biográfico De Leonora Carrington
Translate this page leonora carrington, Resúmen Biográfico de leonora carrington. 1988 Se muda a Chicago. leonora carrington vive y trabaja ahora en la Ciudad de México.
Leonora Carrington
Resúmen Biográfico de Leonora Carrington
Nació el seis de abril de 1917 en Clayton Green, Lancashire, Inglaterra. Su madre era irlandesa y su padre ingés, magnate de la industria textil.
  • La familia se muda a Crookhey Hall, cerca de Lancaster, y Leonora y sus tres hermanos quedan bajo los cuidados de una institutriz francesa, un instructor de religión, y una nana irlandesa, cuyo acopio de cuentos de hadas irlandeses y alemanes tiene una enorme influencia sobre Leonora.
  • Leonora asiste sucesivamente a dos colegios religiosos (Holy Sepulchre cerca de Chelmsford y Saint Mary's en Ascot), de ambos es expulsadas.
  • ca. 1932 Sus padres la envían a un internado en Florencia, después de una escuela particular para señoritas en París.
  • Es presentada en la corte de George V, y sus padres ofrecen un baile en su honor en el Ritz. Esta experiencia está reflejada en su historia The Debutante
  • Ingresa en la Academia de Amedée Ozenfant como su primera alumna.
  • Conoce a Max Ernst. Viaja a Cornwall con Ernst, Nusche Eluard, Man Ray, Lee Miller y Roland Penrose. Se une a Ernst en París y empieza a escribir. Le ayuda a Ernst con el diseño de escenarios para la producción de

52. Loplops Geheimnis … • … Schmid, Silvana … • …
Translate this page Loplops Geheimnis, Schmid, Silvana, 3870383380, carrington, leonoraErnst, Max. carrington, leonoraErnst, Max. Buch,Bücher Kurzinfo
Loplops Geheimnis - Schmid, Silvana - 3870383380
[Carrington, Leonora][Ernst, Max]
Max Ernst und Leonora Carrington in Südfrankreich
Loplops Geheimnis
Schmid, Silvana
Max Ernst und Leonora Carrington in Südfrankreich
Schmid, Silvana: Loplops Geheimnis
[Carrington, Leonora][Ernst, Max]
Max Ernst (1891 - 1976) hat zeit seines Lebens eine Lücke in seinem Lebenslauf gelassen: die Jahre rund um den Ausbruch des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Bevor er in die USA ging, lebte er mit Leonora Carrington in einem Dorf in der Ardeche. Dort fand Silvana Schmid das völlig verfallene haushohe 'Loplop -Relief.
Das Buch ist eine kriminalistische Reportage, in der die Autorin die verdrängten Jahre recherchiert und einen Eindruck von den künstlerischen Anfängen der 1917 geborenen und heute in Mexiko lebenden Malerin vermittelt.
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53. Leonora Carrington Paintings
leonora carrington Paintings. leonora carrington Paintings. leonora carrington Quotes leonora carrington Paintings. leonora carrington Self Portrait.
Leonora Carrington Paintings
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Leonora Carrington Quotes Leonora Carrington Paintings Below we present representative work of surrealist artist Leona Carrington. Click on the small images for a detailed review of the Carrington painting. Aardvark Groomed by Widows (Click on Image for Detailed Description) Leonora Carrington Self Portrait (Click on Image for Detailed Descriptions) Click Here if You Would Like to Exchange Art Links Home Fantasy Art History Fantasy Art Now ... Feedback This site was last updated 05/24/04 We hope you have enjoyed this site. Please email questions or comments to Please Visit Our Quality Art Web Sites: Fantasy Art Civil War Art Western Art Marta Thoma Art
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54. Leonora Carrington, Literature
leonora carrington, Literature. leonora carrington Links to other sites. leonora carrington Short biography, bibliography and story The Debutante. .
Leonora Carrington, Literature
Art Literature Authors C ... Leonora Carrington
Leonora Carrington

Links to other sites. Leonora Carrington
Short biography, bibliography and story "The Debutante."

55. Offline Seznam Personálních Autorit - Carrington, Leonora 1917
carrington, leonora 1917 Záhlaví, Název, Signatura. carrington, leonora, Dole, AA 36697. CHADWICK, Whitney, Mirror images, S 16167.
Carrington, Leonora 1917
Záhlaví Název Signatura CARRINGTON, Leonora Dole AA 36697 CHADWICK, Whitney Mirror images S 16167 Offline poslední zmìny: 13.10.2003 kont@kt

56. Leonora Carrington : Biography (b. 1917)
leonora carrington (b. 1917) leonora carrington was born in Lancashire, northern England in 1917. Wares Books leonora carrington die ovale dame
leonor fini
frida kahlo
andy warhol

Leonora Carrington (b. 1917) : Leonora Carrington was born in Lancashire , northern England in 1917. She was the 2nd child, the only daughter. Her parents were both very strict Catholics. Family was eldest Pat , then Leonora Gerald and finally Arthur . Her parents changed houses often throughout the early years. Carrington came into contact with Surrealism through her lover, the Surrealist painter Max Ernst (1891 - 1976). She met him after being invited to a dinner party hosted by Ursula Goldfinger , wife of the Hungarian revolutionary architect Erno Goldfinger Ursula who was a member of the Blackwell family, of Cross and Blackwell fame. Ernst had an exbition at a London gallery at the time just after the great Surrealist exhibition (around the mid 1930s). Ernst left his wife for Carrington , his Bride of the Wind . The couple lived together until the outbreak of the Second World War. She was with Ernst Surrealists in Paris when she was still in her early 20s, and would attend their famous meetings at the cafe in St. Germain-des-Pres

57. Leonora Carrington : Gallery - Ltd Edn Prints, Drawings, Engravings & Lithograph
leonora carrington de la serie dibuk, 1974 lithograph 65 x 50 cm email for further details. Books leonora carrington die ovale dame
leonor fini
frida kahlo
andy warhol

leonora carrington
de la serie dibuk
65 x 50 cm
for further details
leonora carrington

sin título acrylic on paper 25.5 x 18 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington crow soup lithograph 46 x 60 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington dos personajes con cuervos engraving 75 x 56 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington aparición drawing on paper 43 x 35 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington tapir con laberinto engraving 25 x 32.5 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington scéance lithograph 47 x 68 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington barrenderas acrylic on paper 46 x 61 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington monsieur drawing on paper 36 x 26 cm e-mail for further details leonora carrington portrait of maria drawing on paper 49 x 45 cm e-mail for further details biography gallery leonor fini frida kahlo ... lee miller Art Pieces: Enquiries:
    the pieces on the left are all available via leonora carrington 's gallery. just e-mail the piece interested in and we will forward your enquiry onto her gallery

58. The Daily Bleed A Calendar Better Than Boiled Coffee!, Gallery Of
Gallery of Saints Sinners from our Daily Bleed // leonora carrington Born April 6, 1917, in Clayton Green, Lancashire, England.

59. Leonora Carrington - Reference Page
To use the Library. Main Index, , Welcome, , Register. artincontext, leonora carrington Reference Page. Galleries and Dealers. Catalogued Past Exhibitions. Images.
To use the Library Main Index Welcome Register Leonora Carrington - Reference Page
Galleries and Dealers
Catalogued Past Exhibitions
Art in Context Center for Communications Thursday, 20/May/2004 21:48:59

60. María Félix Página Oficial
Translate this page Reina del Tarot. Por su amor a María, leonora le realizó esta pintura que por su tamaño (2 x 2 m.) es casi un mural. Tríptico

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