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101. Albert Camus: THE MYTH OF SISYPHUS 218625 a man s heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy. albert camus-. Translation by Justin O Brien, 1955. This page Coded, Compiled http://stripe.colorado.edu/~morristo/sisyphus.html | |
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109. Camus, Albert: AuthorSheets: Humanities Department: Carnegie Library Of Pittsbur camus, albert. Keefe, Terry. Clamence and Women in albert camus La Chute. In Modern Fiction Studies, Volume 25, Winter 197901980, pp. 646-651. http://www.clpgh.org/locations/humanities/authorsheets/camus.html | |
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114. CAMUS, ALBERT (1913-1960)---from BECOMING MORE AUTHENTIC By JAMES PARK Chapter 15 albert camus Rebelling Against the Absurd. John Cruickshank albert camus and the Literature of Revolt (New York Oxford UP, 1960) p. 6263. http://www.tc.umn.edu/~parkx032/AU60.html | |
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120. CAMUS - L'ETRANGER: Activités/ Fiches/ Ressources (du Quartier Français) http://www.richmond.edu/~jpaulsen/camus/letranger.html | |
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