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         Caesar Julius:     more books (99)
  1. Julius Caesar (Usborne Young Reading Series 3) by Rachel Firth, 2007-06
  2. Julius Caesar's Sandals (Stories of Great People) by Gerry Bailey, Karen Foster, 2009-01-30
  3. Julius Caesar: With Readers Guide by William Shakespeare, 2002-01
  4. The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, 1992
  5. Shakespearean Genealogies of Power: A Whispering of Nothing in Hamlet, Richard II, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, The Merchant of Venice, and The Winters Tale (Discourses of Law) by Anselm Haverkamp, 2010-12-01
  6. The Life & Times of Julius Caesar (Biography from Ancient Civilizations) by Jim Whiting, 2005-05
  7. Julius Caesar (The Shakespeare Parallel Text Series) by William Shakespeare, 2004-01-31
  8. Big J: The Story of Julius Caesar (Stories From History) by Stewart Ross, Sue Shields, 2001-08-01
  9. Julius Caesar and Related Readings (Literature Connections) by William Shakespeare, 1996-03
  10. Julius Caesar: The Life of a Roman General (Graphic Nonfiction) by Gary Jeffrey, Kate Petty, 2005-09-30
  11. Julius Caesar: Young Statesman (Childhood of World Figures) by Beatrice Gormley, 2006-05-23
  12. Les Commentaires De César (French Edition) by Julius Caesar, 2010-04-04
  13. Julius Cæsar by William Shakespeare, Richard Grant White, 2010-06-24
  14. Julius Caesar Thrift Study Edition by William Shakespeare, 2009-08-03

121. Julius Caesar Roman History
Gaius julius caesar. 10044 BC. julius caesar is one of the best known politicians and generals in Western history. From a noble
Gaius Julius Caesar
100-44 B.C.
Julius Caesar is one of the best known politicians and generals in Western history. From a noble but poor Roman family, Caesar made his fortune and reputation first as a soldier. As a member of the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus, he was one of the most powerful men in Rome. Ultimately, he fought a great Civil War with Pompey for mastery of Rome, and ruled for four years afterwards as Dictator. On the Ides of March, 44 B.C., he was assassinated by a conspiracy of Senators, including Brutus
Student Research:
Lauren D. Vicki S.
Student Creative Writing:
Lauren D. Vicki S.
Ancient Source: Suetonius' Lives of the Twelve Caesars Vitae Divi Iuli ) Caesar's Commentaries on the Civil War De Bello Civili
Check out a WEB SITE Back to Rome ... Back To The Figures List

122. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Society > ... > Rome > People > Caesar, Julius
caesar, julius Subjects Society Rome People caesar, julius. Browse, Search in caesar, julius Sponsored Listings in caesar, julius (what s this?).

123. Julius Caesar - Julius Cäsar
Translate this page William Shakespeare julius caesar - julius Cäsar Englisch-Deutsche Ausgabe Deutsche Prosafassung, Anmerkungen, Einleitung und Kommentar von Thomas Pughe.

124. Julius Caesar (1953)
julius caesar (1953). A review by Damian Cannon. Set in 44BC, julius caesar (Louis Calhern) has risen to become the effective dictator of the Roman Empire.
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Julius Caesar (1953)
A review by Damian Cannon.
Under a wild and stormy sky, the conspirators gather together at Brutus's villa and decide on a modus operandi. The air is thick with psychic symbols - a blind beggar entreats Caesar to beware the Ides of March, his superstitious wife Calpurnia (Greer Garson) dreams of his murder and the omens from a slaughtered animal's entrails are poor. Caesar almost heeds these warnings but, at the last minute, decides that it would be more impressive to attend. Striding into the Senate he is besieged with questions regarding his grasp of power but, before he can fully reply, Casca advances and plunges his dagger into Caesar. Like frenzied sharks the others close in, leaving Caesar to stagger over to Brutus and utter "Et tu, Brute?" as Brutus administers the fatal blow. Presently Marc Antony (Marlon Brando), who was Caesar's closest companion, comes to see the corpse and switch his loyalty to Brutus. Beyond the Senate doors an unruly mob gathers, fueled by rumours of Caesar's assassination. The group disperses, leaving Brutus to speak to the crowd from the Senate steps. Using reason, his position and his famous oratorical skills Brutus manages to convince the throng that they were working for the good of Rome, preventing Caesar from establishing a monarchy. He is widely cheered as their saviour, leaving when Antony emerges with the wrapped body. Although Antony's not known as a public speaker, he commands their attention with a speech eulogising Caesar and subtly damning the traitors, giving lie to his change in loyalty. Internally Antony has vowed to destroy the assassins, which he partly achieves by turning the citizens against Brutus (in a famed and powerful speech). The assassins are forced to flee Rome when Antony raises an army against them, with bloody consequences.

125. Caesar, Julius caesar, julius. Emperor The Death of Kings. Emperor The julius caesar (Shakespeare Made Easy). julius caesar,_Julius
Caesar, Julius
Emperor: The Death of Kings CONN IGGULDEN
Caesar, Julius
Fiction ... Historical - General

126. Julius Caesar (1953) : Kelkoo - Finden Sie Die Besten Preise:
julius caesar (1953).
Vergleichen. Kaufen. Sparen Suche nach "Julius Caesar (1953)": von Ergebnissen (von 36 Shops) Suche hat Sekunden gedauert Home Suche nach Kategorie einschränken Bücher (333) Computer- und Videospiele (7) Filme auf VHS (11) Gebrauchtwagen (4) Hotels (11) Motorrad (6) Musik (167) Musikinstrumente (1) Software (12) Sonstige Angebote (15) Sonstiges (36) Urlaubsreisen (9)
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Für Ihre Suchanfrage wurden keine exakten Treffer gefunden. Folgende Ergebnisse zeigen die Treffer für einen Teil Ihrer Suchwörter an. var months = new Array( "Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez" ) var jsalert1 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" var jsalert2 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" var jsalert3 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" Julius Caesar Verlag: RECLAM, DITZINGEN Jahr: 0.0 Autor: Shakespeare , William
Bindung: taschenbuch
Verfügbarkeit: sofort lieferbar  - Kategorie:  Bücher Von var months = new Array( "Jan", "Feb", "Mär", "Apr", "Mai", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Okt", "Nov", "Dez" ) var jsalert1 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" var jsalert2 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum" var jsalert3 = "Bitte überprüfen Sie das Datum"

127. Bloggus Caesari: A Weblog By Julius Caesar
Welcome. julius caesar, Governor of Gaul, updates this site regularly from the front lines. permalink Posted by julius caesar at 1246 PM. October 06, 2003.
~The original warblogger.~
Julius Caesar, Governor of Gaul, updates this site regularly from the front lines. start at the beginning


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November 28, 2003
Bloggus Caesari is now on hiatus. The site's administrator no longer has the time needed to continue: read more here If you'd like to be notified when updates resume, add yourself to the notification list by entering your email address below. Your address will not be sold or misused in any way. Please keep in mind that you will not receive a confirmation email, and that the first mailing may be many months away. I'd like to thank all readers for following the site, and for donating money, links and friendly emails along the way. Posted by Julius Caesar at 12:46 PM
October 06, 2003
Caninius managed to intercept and destroy the enemy's grain convoy and then, catching them unawares, attacked the enemy camp outside the town and destroyed it. Drapes himself was taken prisoner. However, the soldiers in control of Uxellodunum were not yet ready to give it up. Fabius arrived with more legions and our men began construction of the siegeworks. In the meantime I had been on a campaign of reconciliation. I tried to secure peace treaties amongst all the tribes, and convinced them with friendship and encouragement rather than with the sword. Roman rule always brought with it justice, wealth and comfort, and Gaul would be no exception. But when I heard of the siege of Uxellodunum I was somewhat concerned. While the holdout force was laughable, if the siege became drawn out it could give the rest of Gaul a bad example: even a small group of rebels could withstand the Romans through nothing but force of conviction. Others could decide to follow their example, especially since the Gauls knew there would be only one more summer until my governorship was up. So I left two legions behind and made my way to Uxellodunum.

128. Urban Legends Reference Pages: Questionable Quotes (Snare Drummed)
Claim julius caesar bade us beware of leaders who bang the drums of war. Status False. These words are not anything julius caesar ever wrote or said.
Snare Drummed Claim: Julius Caesar bade us beware of leaders who bang the drums of war. Status: False. Example: [Collected on the Internet, 2001]
Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind. And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so. How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar. Origins: We've been seeing this "quote" on the Internet since December 2001, sometimes attributed to Julius Caesar, sometimes to William Shakespeare (presumably lifted from his play, Julius Caesar ). Throughout the summer of 2002 it gained popularity, appearing in countless posts to newsgroups and even surfacing in various letters to editors in a handful of newspapers. Its popularity is not hard to understand: The USA has been embroiled in a war against terrorism far across the world and is contemplating war with Iraq, and the latter action, especially, has been the subject of much debate and dissension within America. This telling observation from Caesar appears to offer yet another valid reason for not yelling "Our leader; right or wrong!" and blindly following the President into war. It is therefore a favorite of those who'd rather sit this dance out, thankyouverymuch.

129. Render Unto Caesar
The result LUNAR CALENDAR BEFORE julius caesar julius caesar was the great reformer who made the Roman calendar the standard of the Western world.
Home Page for
Calendar Reform
date in the
Julian Calendar
document.write("is " + JulianCalendar); Methods of measuring time grew up about the need for determining the dates of the tabooed or holy days, and for fixing and recording the occurrence of unusual natural phenomena which were believed to have some regular significance. . . . The perfection of the methods of measuring time has been a gradual transition "from luck to mathematics." Render Unto Caesar by Elisabeth Achelis Journal of Calendar Reform , June 1954 OF ALL BIZARRE and primitive calendars, that of the early Romans reached the height of absurdity and confusion. It was an old tribal system, inherited by the legendary first ruler Romulus when he founded Rome in 753 B. C., later recorded as 1 A.U.C. (anno urbis conditae). This calendar consisted of ten lunar months, beginning with the spring moon in March and ending about 300 days later in December. The period between December and March was disregarded, being an interval of little importance because, "nothing happened" during those slumbering cold dark 60 days. In keeping with an ancient custom the origin of which had long been lost, the months were divided into three sections known as Kalends, Nones and Ides, each of different lengths. The word Kalends, meaning a "calling" or announcement of a new month, gave us the word

130. Julius Caesar By William Shakespeare - Read Online - The Literature Page
William Shakespeare julius caesar. Table of Contents. julius caesar (Play, 1599, 77 pages). This title is not on Your Bookshelf.

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William Shakespeare : Julius Caesar
Table of Contents
Julius Caesar (Play, 1599, 77 pages) This title is not on Your Bookshelf Add to Shelf ] (0 / 10 books on shelf) Introduction ACT I. SCENE I. Rome. A street. SCENE II. The same. A public place. SCENE III. The same. A street. ACT II. SCENE I. Rome. BRUTUS'S orchard. SCENE II. A room in Caesar's palace. SCENE III. A street near the Capitol. SCENE IV. Another part of the same street, before the house of Brutus. ACT III. SCENE I. Rome. Before the Capitol; the Senate sitting. SCENE II. The same. The Forum. SCENE III. The same. A street. ACT IV. SCENE I. Rome. A room in Antony's house. SCENE II. Before Brutus' tent, in the camp near Sardis. SCENE III. within the tent of Brutus. ACT V. SCENE I. The plains of Philippi. SCENE II. The same. The field of battle. SCENE III. Another part of the field. SCENE IV. Another part of the field. ... Next: Introduction Search for text within this title: Buy a copy of Julius Caesar at

131. Caesar Cajus Julius
Translate this page Cajus julius caesar. Diplomforstingenieur, Forstamtmann aD. Geboren am 22. Kontakt. Cajus julius caesar MdB Deutscher Bundestag Platz der Republik 1 11011 Berlin.
English Home Sitemap Kontakt Suche
    • Biografien ... C Abgeordnete 15. Wahlperiode Stand: 05.04.2004 [ Übersicht ] [ weiter ]
      Cajus Julius Caesar
      Diplomforstingenieur, Forstamtmann a. D.
      Geboren am 22. Januar 1951 in Rinteln; evangelisch; verheiratet, drei Kinder.
      1974 bis 1978 Revierleiter im Forstamt Lage, Kreis Lippe, 1978 bis 1980 Forsteinrichtung beim Landesverband Lippe, 1980 bis 1998 Revierleiter im Forstrevier Kirchberg, Gemeinde Kalletal, Kreis Lippe.
      Mitglied des Bundes deutscher Forstleute, dort 1975 bis 1982 Landesvorsitzender bzw. teilweise stellvertretender Bundesvorsitzender der Jugend-
      organisation, Mitglied des Forstausschusses Lippe; Mitglied im Sportverein, Heimatbund, Museumsverein, deutschen Jagdschutzverband und in der Schutzgemeinschaft deutscher Wald, Ehrenmitglied der Feuerwehr.
      Mitglied des Bundestages seit 1998.
      Mitgliedschaften in Gremien des Bundestages

132. Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar, Trajan And Brutus
looked. The breastplate recalls his victory over the Dacians. Augustus caesar. julius caesar. Trajan. Brutus. Augustus caesar, julius
Augustus Caesar Caesar Augustus 24" H x 17" W Bonded Marble with Bronze on Marble Base
$1,398 (less Internet discount of $200) = $1,198 (freight $55)
T he source of this bust is the full figured statue of Augustus Prima Porta from
The Vatican Museum. The Romans had a passion for realism in statuary.
This beautifully modeled head shows us exactly how Augustus looked.
The breastplate recalls his victory over the Dacians. Augustus Caesar Julius Caesar Trajan Brutus Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar , Trajan and Brutus 24" H x 17" W
Bonded Marble with Bronze on Marble Base
$1,398 each (less Internet discount of $200) = $1,198
(freight $55 each)

133. Augustus Caesar, Julius Caesar, Trajan And Brutus
Brutus See Also Augustus caesar, julius caesar, and Trajan (below) 24 Hx 17 W Bonded Marble with Bronze on Marble Base $1,398 each (less Internet discount
Brutus Brutus
See Also: Augustus Caesar Julius Caesar , and Trajan (below)
24" H x 17" W
Bonded Marble with Bronze on Marble Base
$1,398 each (less Internet discount of $200) = $1,198
(freight $55 each) Augustus Caesar Julius Caesar Trajan Brutus

134. Julius Caesar -- Chapter 1
The JavaScript Source Misc. julius caesar MadlibHome Miscellaneous julius caesar Madlib Fill in the form, and then press the button for your own julius caesar Madlib. Plural Noun Part of body (plural)
Julius Caesar
By William Shakespeare
2003 by Litrix Reading Room
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135. Plutarch • Life Of Caesar
If you find a mistake though, please let me know! Plutarch, The Parallel Lives. The Life of julius caesar. The wife of caesar Click here for footnote.
mail: Bill Thayer
Alexander This webpage reproduces one of
The Parallel Lives


published in the Loeb Classical Library, the text of which is in the public domain. This page has been carefully proofread and I believe it to be free of errors. If you find a mistake though, please let me know!
Plutarch, The Parallel Lives
The Life of Julius Caesar
The wife of Caesar was Cornelia, the daughter of the Cinna who had once held the sole power at Rome, and when Sulla became master of affairs, he could not, either by promises or threats, induce Caesar to put her away, and therefore confiscated her dowry. Now, the reason for Caesar's hatred of Sulla was Caesar's relationship to Marius. For Julia, a sister of Caesar's father, was the wife of Marius the Elder, and the mother of Marius the Younger, who was therefore Caesar's cousin. Moreover, Caesar was not satisfied to be overlooked at first by Sulla, who was busy with a multitude of proscriptions, but he came before the people as candidate for the priesthood, although he was not yet much more than a stripling. To this candidacy Sulla secretly opposed himself, and took measures to make Caesar fail in it, and when he was deliberating about putting him to death and some said there was no reason for killing a mere boy like him, he declared that they had no sense if they did not see in this boy many Mariuses.

136. Anecdote - Gaius Julius Caesar - Julius Caesar: Crossing The Rubicon
julius caesar Crossing the Rubicon caesar s confrontation with the senatorial party came to a head in 49 BC, when he was ordered to relinquish control of the

137. Title: "Julius Caesar" - Topics: Drama/England; World/Ancient Rome
julius caesar. Subjects Drama/England; World/ Ancient Rome; Character Development - Ambition; Rebellion; Ethical Emphasis - Respect.
Julius Caesar
Subjects - Drama/England; World/
Ancient Rome;
Character Development - Ambition;
Ethical Emphasis - Respect.
Description: Caesar is all-powerful in Rome. The Roman Senate is subservient to him. What is a patriotic Roman to do? This is an accessible and well presented version of Shakespeare's classic play of political intrigue, assassination and civil war in Ancient Rome.
Benefits: This film exposes children to Shakespeare and to a critical period in the history of Ancient Rome. It raises the important issue of how one determines when the right to resist tyranny justifies assassination. Subscribe now for the Premium Learning Guide to this and 280 other films. Subscription information will be kept confidential.
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138. Untitled Document
Click here to go to the SchoolsHistory homepage. Go Back. caesar. julius caesar, ruler of the Roman Empire has been assassinated. desperate
Go Back Caesar Julius Caesar, ruler of the Roman Empire has been assassinated. desperate for help, the roman authorities have turned to you to try and establish who is responsible for this hideous crime. Click here or on the link above to access the available evidence. Other SchoolsHistory resources for Year 7 Year 7 lessons The Romans The Normans Teachers resources ... Romans Quizzes

139. The Internet Classics Archive | Caesar By Plutarch
caesar By Plutarch. Commentary Many comments have been posted about caesar. He was in love with Pompeia, caesar s wife, and she had no aversion to him.


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By Plutarch Commentary: Many comments have been posted about Caesar Read them or add your own
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Caesar (died 44 B.C.E.) By Plutarch Written 75 A.C.E. Translated by John Dryden After Sylla became master of Rome, he wished to make Caesar put away his wife Cornelia, daughter of Cinna, the late sole ruler of the commonwealth, but was unable to effect it either by promises or intimidation, and so contented himself with confiscating her dowry. The ground of Sylla's hostility to Caesar was the relationship between him and Marius; for Marius, the elder, married Julia, the sister of Caesar's father, and had by her the younger Marius, who consequently was Caesar's first cousin. And though at the beginning, while so many were to be put to death, and there was so much to do, Caesar was overlooked by Sylla, yet he would not keep quiet, but presented himself to the people as a candidate for the priesthood

140. C. Iulius Caesar
caesar zeichnete sich schon früh durch militärische Kompetenz aus.
Gaius Iulius Caesar
Römischer Staatsmann und Feldherr (alle Jahreszahlen v.u.Z.)
* 13.7.100 Subura/Rom
80-78 Stabsoffizier in Asia
69 Quaestor in Hispania
ab 63 Pontifex Maximus
62 Praetor
59 Consul
58-51 Proconsul in Gallien
49 Dictator für 11 Tage
48 Consul II, ab Oktober Dictator II
47 Dictator III 46 Consul III, Dictator IV (ab April für 10 Jahre) 45 Consul IV, Dictator V 44 Consul V, Dictator VI (ab Februar auf Lebenszeit) + 15.3.44 Rom (ermordet) Caesar stammte aus einer der ältesten römischen Adelsfamilien; allerdings waren die Iulier verarmt und hatten schon länger keine wichtigen Positionen mehr bekleidet. Caesar zeichnete sich schon früh durch militärische Kompetenz aus. Bereits 75 griff er eigenmächtig eine Vorausabteilung des Mithridates an und besiegte sie. Nachdem er sich regulär durch die Ämter hinaufgedient hatte, sah Caesar im Jahre 60 seiner Kandidatur als Consul den Erfolg zu sichern. Er vermittelte zwischen den verfeindeten Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus und Marcus Licinius Crassus und begründete mit ihnen ein befristetes Zweckbündnis, was man als das erste Triumvirat bezeichnet. Es sollte in Rom nichts mehr geschehen, was einem der drei missfiele. Im Consulat wurde Caesar ständig in seiner Amtsführung und seinen Gesetzesanträgen durch seinen Kollegen Marcus Calpurnius Bibulus und den optimatischen Teil des Senates behindert. Daraufhin umging er den üblichen Amtsweg, indem er Anträge der Volksversammlung vorbrachte und dort durchbekam - eine vollkommen unübliche, jedoch nicht gesetzwidrige Vorgehensweise, mit der er sich viele Feinde erwarb.

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