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21. Vous Avez Dit Virtuel? Pat Cadigan Translate this page Vous avez dit virtuel? Pat Cadigan. cadigan pat Pat Cadigan Genre Science fictionRomans Rubriques SF Fantasy et Terreur Meilleures ventes Format Broché http://www.rqea.com/Pat-Cadigan-Vous-avez-dit-virtuel-497-527-935-5.html | |
22. Pat Cadigan - Bibliography Summary Pat Cadigan Bibliography Summary. Pat Cadigan A Bibliography (1989); The S Word(1996); Ten SF/Fantasy/Genre Films That Should Not Have Been Made (1998); http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/ea.cgi?Pat_Cadigan |
23. The Pat Cadigan Home Page pat cadigan The Queen of Cyberpunk (Guardian). pat cadigan was bornin Schenectady, New York, and grew up in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. http://users.wmin.ac.uk/~fowlerc/patcadigan.html | |
24. Pat Cadigan-intervjud cadigan besökte Stockholm i oktober 2001 och berättar i denna intervju om sitt förhållande till |
25. Dervish Is Digital By Pat Cadigan - Review, Bibliography, Bio Need a suggestion for a good book to read? Come here to learn more about the author pat cadigan, her bibliography and surf the net for related tidbits, interviews and reviews. All recommended All Authors All Books. pat cadigan. Bibliography. Book Marks During an SF Site Interview, pat cadigan said "I have one criterion for a good book, in whatever style or genre http://mostlyfiction.com/scifi/cadigan.htm | |
26. Flashpoint Transcript Pat Cadigan Online chat with the author from December 10, 1998. http://www.eventhorizon.com/sfzine/chats/transcripts/pages/121098.html |
27. Pat Cadigan: April 2, 1998 pat cadigan. April 2, 1998. Moderator If you have a question for pat cadigan, send a private message to Moderator with your question. Sydney oopps am I getting ahead of myself? sorry. Moderator http://www.scifi.com/transcripts/PatCadigan.html | |
28. Zero News Datapool, An Interview With Pat Cadigan At the occasion of the Virtual Futures 96 Datableed conference. http://www.t0.or.at/pcadigan/intervw.htm | |
29. InterContact '98 PR2_3 Interview at the InterContact '98 SF convention in Norway, where the author was a guest of honor. http://www.ii.uib.no/~bjornts/ICW/PR2/PR2_3.html | |
30. Mark/Space: Anachron City: Library: Authors: Pat Cadigan Author bibliography, biography, and reviews. http://www.euro.net/mark-space/PatCadigan.html | |
31. Authors/OV: PAT CADIGAN Biography, bibliography, critical commentary and links related to the cyberpunk pioneer. http://www.cyberartsweb.org/cpace/scifi/cyberbib/Authors/Cadigan/CadiganOV.html |
32. Review: Patterns, Pat Cadigan Review of patterns by pat cadigan Review patterns, pat cadigan. pat cadigan is one of the rare authors whose short work I admire, but T patterns %A cadigan, pat %C New York %I Tor %D 1989 http://www.steelypips.org/reviews/patterns.html | |
33. PHONE-SOFT INTERNET-VERZEICHNIS DEUTSCHLAND:CADIGAN, PAT pat cadigan Feministische phantastisch-utopische Literatur. pat cadigan - Gnod's Statistiken. pat cadigan Buecher. GLEICHE KATEGORIE ÖSTERREICH INTERNATIONAL. - - http://www.phs2.net/cwde/L3/ob225d.htm | |
34. Pat Cadigan Interview cadigan s Future. Although pat cadigan has been selling her short fiction professionallysince 1980, What I Got For Christmas is her first story in Interzone. http://users.wmin.ac.uk/~goffinl/pat_cadigan_iz.html | |
35. The Pat Cadigan Home Page pat cadigan "The Queen of Cyberpunk" (Guardian) pat cadigan, acclaimed by the London Guardian as "The Queen of Cyberpunk http://www2.westminster.ac.uk/~fowlerc/patcadigan.html | |
36. [iBistro] Johnson County Library Dervish is digital. 2001. cadigan, pat, 1953 1st U.S. ed Tea from an empty cup. 1998. cadigan, pat, 1953- 1st ed http://catalogsearch.jocolibrary.org/?SETTING_KEY=portal&servers=1home&G |
37. Fools Review By Nicola Griffith Nicola Griffith's March 1993 review of a book by pat cadigan. http://users.wmin.ac.uk/~fowlerc/fools_review_nyrsf.html | |
38. Www.catch22.com/SF/ARB/SFC/Cadigan,Pat.html More results from www.catch22.com cadigan, pat The Ultimate Cyberpunk from I Books Price $7.99 Customer Review pat cadigan hasdeveloped a respectably lengthy body of work in the science fiction genre. http://www.catch22.com/SF/ARB/SFC/Cadigan,Pat.html |
39. Night Shade Books Discussion Area: Cadigan, Pat cadigan, pat. Night Shade Books Discussion Area cadigan, pat, Subtopic, Posts,Updated. Welcome, 20, 08/19, 0229 pm. OK, This is the Bio Thing, 5, 08/20, 0507am. http://www.nightshadebooks.com/discus/messages/1092/1092.html?1081505837 |
40. Pat Cadigan ; Dervish Is Digital, Pat Chapman - The Curry Club Indian Restaurant Dervish Is Digital; pat cadigan. = pat Chapman The Curry Club Indian Restaurant Cookbook Dervish Is Digital; cadigan, pat. pat cadigan. Dervish Is Digital. pat cadigan http://www.isbnbooksearch.com/179649_pat-cadigan.html | |
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