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41. Byatt, A.S. In UK Directory: Lifestyle & Auto: Authors Bu-By byatt, AS Find interviews, profiles and critical resources relating to this contemporary writer of literary fiction. Web Search byatt, AS. http://www.ukdirectory.co.uk/Dir/?Category=705473,705575,10008219,703117,1145944 |
42. BIBSYS-Post 900787155 byatt, ASbyatt, AS. In 1964 byatt began working as a parttime teacher of literature at the University of London and at the Central School of Arts and Crafts, London. http://wgate.bibsys.no/gate1/SHOW?objd=900787155&base=HIT&bibk=ua |
43. Byatt, AS Book Talk Forum Frigate byatt, AS Forum Frigate FAVORITE AUTHORS FLEET If ye would like to moderate the byatt, AS Forum Frigate, please drop becket@jollyroger.com a line. http://killdevilhill.com/z/yauthord/Byatt,AShall/shakespeare1.html | |
44. POSSESSION - BYATT, A.S. AS WHISTLING WOMAN byatt, AS WHISTLING WOMAN - byatt, AS UNRULY TIMES SUGAR AND OTHER STORIES - byatt, AS PORTRAITS IN FICTION - byatt AS Possession by byatt http://www.askshop.co.uk/info/search.php/action/awSearchProducts/keywords/POSSES | |
45. A.S. Byatt @ Catharton Authors Mailing Lists Suggest or Request a list. Chat Rooms Suggest or Request a room. Can t find what you want here? Try searching Google for AS byatt http://www.catharton.com/authors/54.htm | |
46. Rechercheergebnis Rechercheergebnis. (1063) byatt, AS; Sodre, Ignes 1995 Imagining Characters Six Conversations about Women Writers. AutorInnen, byatt, AS; Sodre, Ignes. http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/recherche/deutsch?w=tab&id=1063 |
47. Search Result Search result. (1063) byatt, AS; Sodre, Ignes 1995 Imagining Characters Six Conversations about Women Writers. Author, byatt, AS; Sodre, Ignes. http://db.genderinn.uni-koeln.de/cgi-bin/recherche/englisch?w=tab&id=1063 |
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50. CultureDose.net - Byatt, A.S. - - Possession : A Romance Books Review Possession A Romance. Author byatt, AS Genre General Novels Publisher Vintage Books Released Possession Maintains Its Hold http://www.culturedose.net/review.php?rid=10002868 |
51. WHSmith: Books: Whistling Woman: Byatt, A.S. Whistling Woman byatt, AS. Price £11.89 Saving 30% (RRP £16.99) 24 x 17; Cloth 17 December 2001 Vintage/Ebury (A Division http://www.whsmith.co.uk/whs/go.asp?shop=26252&menu=Books&isbn=0701173807&DB=220 |
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53. Byatt, AS Book Talk Renaissance Research Ranch byatt, AS Renaissances.com Research Reading Ranch FAVORITE AUTHORS RANCH If ye would like to moderate the byatt, AS Renaissance Research Ranch, please drop http://renaissances.com/z/yauthord/Byatt,AShall/shakespeare1.html | |
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55. BYATT, AS, The Djinn In The Nightingale S Eye Five Fairy Stories. Rees O Neill Rare Books. byatt, AS The Djinn in the Nightingale s Eye five fairy stories. Inscribed by the author AS byatt / January 5th 1995 . http://www.polybiblio.com/reesoneill/201138.html |
56. Babel Tower. - BYATT, A. S. byatt, AS Random House, New York 1996. (Key Words Fiction, Tower of Babel, 1960s, Novels, Languages, God). Author Name byatt, AS Title Babel Tower. http://www.adinfinitumbooks.com/si/10068X1.html | |
57. A. S. Byatt - Print Bibliography AS byatt Print Bibliography. Novels Possession A Romance (1990) Possession A Romance (1990) , AS byatt , Random House , hc , $22.95 , 555pp. http://www.isfdb.org/cgi-bin/p1.cgi?A._S._Byatt |
58. Byatt, A.S. byatt, AS. Selected titles in byatt, AS. Possession A Romance. The Arabian Nights Tales from a Thousand and One Nights. The Virgin in the Garden. http://www.bookchecker.com/cat/70148 | |
59. Virtual Marginalia: Review Of Byatt, A.S. Virtual Marginalia Book title Possession 0 Author AS byatt Posted October 25, 2001 I began reading Possession on a long airplane flight. http://www.papaya-palace.com/katbooks/archives/000511.html | |
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