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Byars Betsy: more books (100) | |||||||||||
61. TESTNO 661, 4.0, 4.7, 18th Emergency, The, byars, betsy, Yes, J BYA, YES. 5002, 4.0, 4.3, Bingo Brown and the Language of Love, byars, betsy, Yes, J BYA, YES. http://www.bethyeshurun.org/schools/Accelerated Reader Author List.htm | |
62. Contemporary The Tiger Rising, DiCamillo, Kate, 4.0, F, The 18th Emergency, byars, betsy, 4.1, F, The Blossom Promise, byars, betsy, 4.1, F, Blossom Series. http://www.booknutsreadingclub.com/Contemporary_1.html | |
63. Accelerated Reader List 5.0 - 5.9 5.0 17641 So Far from Home The Diary of M Denenberg, Barry 5.0 5.0 195 Toothpaste Millionaire, The Merrill, Jean 5.0 3.0 199 TV Kid, The byars, betsy 5.0 4.0 http://wilburnes.wcpss.net/arlist5.htm | |
64. Author 661, 18th Emergency, The, byars,, betsy, 4.7, 4.0, Fiction. 5403, Animal, the Vegetable and John D Jon, byars,, betsy, 4.6, 4.0, Fiction. 5002, http://www.moreland.k12.ca.us/Discovery/roomiwanaka/ARListByAuthor.html | |
65. List Of Class Sets byars, betsy, Blossoms the Green Phantom. byars, betsy, Blossoms Meet the Vulture Lady. byars, betsy, Burning Questions of Bingo Brown. byars, betsy, Computer Nut. http://www.boisepubliclibrary.org/Ys/bibliographies/ys_class_sets.shtml | |
66. Accelerated Reader Quiz List Level 4 Quiz ID, Title, Author, Book Level, Points. 661 EN, 18th Emergency, The, byars, betsy, 4.7, 4.0. 5201 EN, After the Goat Man, byars, betsy, 4.5, 3.0. http://www.rapides.k12.la.us/olps/ARquiz_list_level_4.htm | |
67. Accelerated Reader List Alphabetically Author Butterworth, WE. LeRoy and the Old Man. YA. B982L. 7.2. 7. byars, betsy. Burning Questions of Bingo Brown. YA. B99b. 4.5. 5. byars, betsy. Cartoonist, The. J. B99c. 4.2. 3. http://mitlib.sdln.net/accelerated_reader_list_alphabet.htm | |
68. AcceleratedRdrAuthors Burton, Virginia Lee. 2.3. Burning Questions of Bingo Brown, The. byars, betsy. 4.5. Summer of the Swans, The. byars, betsy. 5.2. After the Goatman. byars, betsy. http://www.granite.k12.ut.us/WebdevHelp/AcceleratedRdr/ByAuthor/ARbyAuthorMain.h | |
69. ARbyTitle 18th Emergency, The. byars, betsy. 4.1. Across Five Aprils. Hunt, Irene. 8.1. 4.9. After the Goatman. byars, betsy. 4.7. Aldo Peanut Butter. Hurwitz, Johanna. 4.9. http://www.granite.k12.ut.us/WebdevHelp/AcceleratedRdr/ByTitle/ARbyTitleMain.htm | |
70. FIÉ ®X Own(HRD) US- byars, betsy /McPhail, David (ILT) /byars, betsy Cromer /PublisherHenry Holt Books for Young Readers Published 2004/09 () US$15.95 http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/booksea.cgi?W-AUTHOR=BYARS, BETSY |
71. Kid Picks Summer Reading Gr4 Dead Letter, byars, betsy. Tarot Says Beware, byars, betsy. Tornado, byars, betsy. Trouble River, byars, betsy. Wanted, Mud Blossom, byars, betsy. McMummy, byars, betsy. http://www.frsd.k12.nj.us/barleylibrary/lib/kidpks/kp4.htm | |
72. Books: Search Death s Door (byars, betsy. Herculeah Jones Mystery.) Paperback by betsy Cromer byars Avg. Tarot Says Beware A Herculeah Jones Mystery (byars, betsy Cromer. http://www.target.com/gp/search.html?_encoding=UTF8&index=books&field-keywords=B |
73. AR5 5.4. 1. Gorillas. Burgel, Paul. 5.6. 1. Cracker Jackson. byars, betsy. 5. 4. The NotJust-Anybody Family. byars, betsy. 5. 5. The Summer of the Swans. byars, betsy. 5.2. 4. http://www.fremont.k12.ca.us/patterson/AR5.html | |
74. Minneapolis Public Library /ALL LFPL Grade Four Suggested Reading 18th Emergency, by byars, betsy, J. Aldo Peanut Butter, by Hurwitz, Johanna, J. All About Sam, by Lowry, Lois, J. Bingo Brown and the Language of Love, by byars, betsy, J. http://mplwebcat.mpls.lib.mn.us/record=b2291320 | |
75. TV KID From Pickabook Books Buy this and other books by byars, betsy online from the UK s best online bookshop Pickabook. Pickabook - Discount books online, http://www.pickabook.co.uk/cgi/bkdetail.php?isbn=0745131085 |
76. Swift Creek Elementary - AR Tests (alpha By Author) *, 18th Emergency, The, byars, betsy, 4.1, 3.0, **, After the Goat Man, byars, betsy, 4.7, 4.0, **, Animal, The Vegetable Jones, The, byars, betsy, 5.6, 3.0, http://chesterfield.k12.va.us/Schools/Swift_Creek_ES/library/arauthorlistab.htm | |
77. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Burnie, David. 1000. 19986. 5.5. 6. 18th Emergency, The. byars, betsy. 750. 24108. 4.4. 6. Burning Questions Of Bingo byars, betsy. 630. 30734. 5.3. 6. Cracker Jackson. http://www.batesville.k12.in.us/sls/staff/Extra_Curricular_Teachers/Library/rc/R | |
78. New Page 114 Title. Author. Book Level. Points. 18th Emergency, The, byars, betsy, 4.1, 3.0. Cyrus the Unsinkable Sea Serpent, Peet, Bill, 4.1, 0.5. Dead Letter, byars, betsy, 4.1, 3.0. http://www.ci.maryville.tn.us/she/bklvl4143.htm | |
79. Feelings Fiction byars, betsy CRACKER JACKSON - Juvenile Fiction (147 pages) An eleven-year old tries to save his ex-babysistter from her abusive husband. http://www.gti.net/rocktwp/feelings.html | |
80. Quia - Betsy Byars Using the betsy byars website as a source of information http//www.betsybyars.com these activities may be used for comprehension checks. betsy byars. http://www.quia.com/custom/1872main.html | |
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