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41. Burroughs - Burroughs.net john school burroughs lunch naked burroughs lunch naked william burroughs new york burroughs quote william burroughs s william burroughs s. william burroughs http://www.burroughs.net/ | |
42. Clem Snide - Official Homepage Brooklyn's own alt.country/indiepop rising stars take their name from a william S. burroughs' novel, Naked Lunch. http://www.clemsnide.com/ | |
43. Snake Beings Circuit47 C47design Maggotism International Electrical shrine manufacturing, including the creation of technological deities, Audio Visual transmissions, snakebeings software for download including randon number generators and The Linguistic Masticator word cutup device as used by william S burroughs http://www.snakebeings.co.nz | |
44. CNN - Salon Review: 'Word Virus: The William S. Burroughs Reader' - January 20, CNN http://www.cnn.com/books/reviews/9901/20/word.virus.salon/index.html | |
45. William S. Burroughs Homepage Translate this page http://www.spress.de/author/burroughs/ |
46. CNN.com - Books - Final Journals Reveal Last Days Of William S. Burroughs - Febr CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/books/news/02/28/salon.burroughs/index.html | |
47. SAN FRANCISCO BLUES SCRITTO SU SEDIA A DONDOLO NEL CAMEO HOTEL Propone la biografia dell'autore de Il pasto nudo e l'articolo di Repubblica sulla sua morte. http://digilander.libero.it/kerouacpage/burr.htm | |
48. The William Burroughs French Homepage Biographie, bibliographie, oeuvres et iconographie. http://membres.lycos.fr/jkerouac/burrou1.htm | |
49. William Burroughs Interview With Don Swaim An interview of william burroughs in 1984 by Don Swaim of CBS Radio. Available in RealAudio. http://wiredforbooks.org/williamburroughs | |
50. BEAT-L, Listserv An online discussion forum devoted to the study of the lives and works of the writers of the Beat Generation, especially Jack Kerouac, Allen Ginsberg, and william burroughs. http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/88/beat-list.html | |
51. Burroughs, William Seward (Infoplease.com) http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0767107.html | |
52. William S. Burroughs 1914-1997 william S. burroughs RIP by Charles Overbeck Matrix Editor easterisle@aol.com It s really hard to believe that Bill burroughs is dead. http://www.parascope.com/articles/0997/burroughs.htm | |
53. U B U W E B :: William S. Burroughs During the 1960s, william burroughs was in Europe and England. The Vietnam War, the Cultural Revolution, hippies and the acid gospel, the U S. in tumult, all http://www.ubu.com/sound/burroughs.html | |
54. The Ghost Of William S. Burroughs Sound files by william S. burroughs. http://www.netherworld.com/~mgabrys/william/index.html |
55. Dhalgren.english.washington.edu/~steve/ch10.html CREEM ONLINE william S. burroughs The CREEM InterviewsINTRODUCTION (2003) The first time I met literary iconoclast william S. burroughs (1914 1997) was on a Saturday afternoon in February 1974 at A Space http://dhalgren.english.washington.edu/~steve/ch10.html |
56. Vicolo Del Tornado Di William Burroughs Offre in lettura il romanzo di william burroughs, scaricabile anche in formato exe. http://www.millelireonline.it/SchedeMOL/18_tornado/18_tornado.htm | |
57. William S. Burroughs -- Britannica Student Encyclopedia burroughs, william S. Britannica Student Encyclopedia. and high school students. , burroughs, william S. (191497). US author and http://www.britannica.com/ebi/article?eu=334255&query=s. adeboye babalola&ct=ebi |
58. LitKicks: William S. Burroughs an excellent biography with many links to other resources. http://www.litkicks.com/People/WilliamSBurroughs.html | |
59. LeWub - Mot : Ecrivains : Burroughs, William S. : Translate this page Guide / Mot / Ecrivains / burroughs, william S. / burroughs, william S. Apocalypse - Keith Haring + william S. burroughs Exemplaire http://www.lewub.com/guide/index.php?catid=52&guideadmin=0 |
60. Burroughs am a public agent and don t know who I work for, get my instructions from street signs, newspapers and pieces of conversation .william S.burroughs (spoken by http://www.fb10.uni-bremen.de/anglistik/kerkhoff/beatgeneration/Burroughs.htm | |
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