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21. James Lee Burke - Bestselling Author Welcome to the official website of james Lee burke. Welcome to the first official james Lee burke website. We hope that this http://www.jamesleeburke.com/ | |
22. James Burke's KnowledgeWeb Project Question How was Napoleon important to the development of the modern computer?( see below for answer) Welcome to the home page of the burke Institute for Innovation in Education and its flagship project, the Knowledge Web. Founded by james burke, the author, host, and narrator of the acclaimed television series Connections, the Institute From The Pinball Effect, by james burke, Back Bay Books 1996 http://www.k-web.org/ |
23. James Lee Burke Detailed Book Reviews Analysis of the plot, setting, characters, theme, and structure of his best books, and links to other novels with similar writing styles. http://www.allreaders.com/Topics/Topic_136.asp | |
24. Attorneys James J. Burke Hoboken New Jersey NJ Business & Commercial Law Land Us Specializing in real estate, construction and contract law. Attorney profile, resource links, and contact forms. http://attorneyburke.lawoffice.com/ | |
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26. The Simpsons Archive: James L. Brooks Interview (May 2000) An interview about his creations by Jackson burke. http://www.snpp.com/other/interviews/brooks00.html | |
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28. PlanetMurphy.Org: Descendants of Joseph Morphew and Mary burke detailing the line of james Morphew and Rebecca Hogan. Includes ancestry of William Eckart 18151882. Joseph Morphew and Mary burke and descendants Details the line of james Morphew and Rebecca Hogan. http://www.planetmurphy.org/ | |
29. James Lee Burke - Author Signature View the signature of author james Lee burke online. Search forjames Lee burkebooks on Alibris http://home.earthlink.net/~criswell/authors/agraphs/jameslee.htm | |
30. CNN.com - Entertainment - Review: James Burke Takes Readers In Joyous 'Circles' CNN http://cnn.com/2001/SHOWBIZ/books/03/29/review.circles/index.html | |
31. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Catholic Knights Of America A fraternal lifeinsurance company chartered under the laws of the State of Kentucky, U.S.A. It was founded in Nashville, Tennessee by james J. McLoughlin, D.N. burke, John Broderick, and John MeDonald. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/03453b.htm | |
32. Palmer's JAMES BURKE Fan Companion Palmer's james burke Fan Companion contains biographies, essays and speechs, products for sale and other interesting information relating to Mr. burke and his works. james burke BIOGRAPHY. When http://www.palmersguide.com/jamesburke/burke_biography.html | |
33. Ben Stein For President! Why Ben Stein is the perfect presidential candidate for 2004 (running mate PBS series host james burke). http://www.benstein4president.com |
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35. Belote Realty Serving burke County including Lake james and Black Forest. Features listings, agents, agency profile, community links. http://www.beloterealty.com/ | |
36. Burke, James Lee: Books: Find The Best Prices Search book results on burke, james Lee Compare new and used books prices among 60 book stores in a click. Find the lowest price. http://www.campusi.com/author_Burke,_James_Lee.htm | |
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38. Some Notes On Restoring An 8x10 Burke And James View Camera Some notes on restoring an 8x10 burke and james View Camera. Of course not! A few years ago, I picked up a burke and james 8x10 wooden camera in an auction. http://www.largeformatphotography.info/burke-james/restore8x10.html | |
39. Homepage Of James Burke. Pages Describing Holograms, Rainbows And Other Colours james burke S INTERNET PAGES. SCIENCE. . THE ANCIENT WORLD. Author Last Name, First Name (Optional). Title Keyword Keyword Options http://members.aol.com/jimb3d/mainbn.html | |
40. Homepage Of James Burke http://members.aol.com/jimb3d/ |
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