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Buck Janet I: more detail | |||||
41. Scrivener's Pen Literary Journal, Inc.: Janet Buck janet buck. janet buck is the 2002 winner of the Gival Press Poetry Award. She alsois a sixtime Pushcart Nominee and the author of four collections of poetry. http://scrivenerspen.org/Authors/Poetry/buck.asp | |
42. Scrivener's Pen: Poetry By Janet Buck Dry raceme, I droop from holding withered fruit. ©janet I. buck, 2003. First publishedin PoetryMagazine.com. Top. janet buck is a sixtime Pushcart Nominee. http://scrivenerspen.org/Archives/Volume3Issue2/buck3-2.html | |
43. Poetry Magazine, Janet I. Buck, Spring 2004 First Published in Adagio Verse Quarterly, Fall 2003. © All Copyright,janet I. buck. All Rights Reserved. Printed By Permission. http://www.poetrymagazine.com/archives/2004/Spring004/PastFeatures/buckj.htm | |
44. The Green Tricycle: Traveling Light, With Janet I. Buck Traveling Light with janet I. buck Table of Contents. http://greentricycle.com/travel/traveling.html | |
45. The Green Tricycle: Issue #15: Risk: Janet I. Buck woman hands. ~janet I. buck. janet I. buck and dozens of journals worldwide.Email. © 2004 by janet I. buck. All Rights Reserved. http://greentricycle.com/15/15risk1.html | |
46. Janet Buck Issue 7. June 2001. janet buck. janet buck has a Ph.D. in English and teaches writingand literature at the college level. All work © janet buck. Positioning. http://www.photoaspects.com/poetry/zine7/janet.html | |
47. Janet Buck Issue 12. Fall 2002. janet buck. janet buck is a threetime Pushcart Nomineeand the author of four collections of poetry. janet I buck. Index. http://www.photoaspects.com/poetry/zine12/janet.htm | |
48. The Annihilation Fountain Issue #8 - 3 Poems By Janet Buck 3 Poems by janet buck City Snow. A warm June day and still it snowed. Icecubeswere the people kind. Sad and laugh-less in the city s colon. http://capnasty.org/taf/issue8/janet.htm | |
49. Verse Libre - Janet Buck janet buck Lementing the Hole Dizzy Batik Splitting the Load Lamenting the HoleMother died and you stepped in. Perhaps I resented your feet. janet I. buck. http://vlqpoetry.com/v3e1/buck.html | |
50. Janet I. Buck Tumbleweeds on Desert Floors ralogo.gif (1221 bytes). When you died,my sister and I flipped a grimy nickel to decide which of our http://www.js.spokane.wa.us/kimerav7n1/buck.htm | |
51. Janet Buck Bones Borders. Yugoslavia 1942. A villa with its roses shot likebabies still in diaper shrouds. Ice baths of a river s colon http://www.js.spokane.wa.us/kimerav4n1/buck.htm | |
52. Janet Buck, Bosom Caves HOME. ARCHIVE. SUBMISSIONS. SUBSCRIBE. CONTACT. MASTHEAD. EVENTS. http://www.elevenbulls.com/buck.html | |
53. JANET BUCK [BeeHive 01:02] volume 1 issue 2 JULY 1998, janet buck. 6 Poems. http://beehive.temporalimage.com/content_maps/12d.html | |
54. RETORT MAGAZINE PRESS CENTER - New Book By Janet Buck « New Book by janet buck », Welcome Guest. PoetWorks Press Guest, NewBook by janet buck « Thread started on May 3 rd , 2004, 756pm », http://retortmagazine.proboards15.com/index.cgi?board=Pressrelease&action=displa |
55. Nasty :: Poetry :: Academia At Its Brattiest janet buck Selected poems. Poetry » January 2003 Sizes of Sadness.At Zeinhom Morgue in ancient Cairo bodies alive are puking on http://nasty.cx/archives/001429.php |
56. Nasty :: Poetry :: Academia At Its Brattiest janet buck Selected Poems. Poetry » June 2002 Passing On. janet buck is athreetime Pushcart Nominee and the author of four collections of poetry. http://nasty.cx/archives/000934.php | |
57. Janet I Buck: Mentress Moon janet buck s poetry, poetics, and fiction have appeared in A Writer s Choice, TheMelic Review, The Pittsburgh Quarterly, Kimera, The Rose Thorn, 2River View http://www.sundress.net/mentressmoon/archives/july2000/janet.html | |
58. Poetry Showcase: Janet Buck Pierian Springs Issue III 02/15/02 04/15/02 Poetry Showcase janetbuck. janet buck Initially published in The Jefferson Monthly. http://www.pieriansprings.net/issue3/buckpoetry.html | |
59. Interview: Janet Buck Pierian Springs Issue III 02/15/02 04/15/02 Interview janet buck. A GlimpseInterview janet buck. janet buck the name rings a bell, huh? http://www.pieriansprings.net/issue3/buckview.html | |
60. Janet Buck - Thunder Sandwich #9 janet I. buck. http://jimchandler.net/thundersandwich/page7.html | |
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