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41. Index V. 4 86 Broadric, Annemurderess, 199 Brodie, James-blind murderer, 231 Broughton, Thomas(and Others) -traitors, 259 brownrigg, elizabeth -murderess, 46 Burgh, Rev http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/lpop/etext/newgate4/indexv4.htm | |
42. North Carolina Collection-P51: Lyman Atkinson Cotten Jr. Collection and elizabeth brownrigg Henderson Cotten, graduated from the University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1936, and from Yale University in 1941. http://www.lib.unc.edu/ncc/pcoll/51cotten.html | |
43. Inventory Of The Brownrigg Family Papers, 1736-1986 son, Gen. Richard Thomas brownrigg (b. 1793); and their daughter,elizabeth brownrigg, who married the Hon. John L. Bailey. The http://www.lib.unc.edu/mss/inv/htm/02226.html | |
44. Curriculum Vitae, Dr. Elizabeth Teviotdale entries in Programme Notes, ed. Linda L. brownrigg and elizabeth C. Teviotdale (abooklet distributed to participants in the conference of the Seminar in the http://www.wmich.edu/medieval/academic/grad/teviotdalecv.html | |
45. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Arts > Literature > Authors > B Browning, elizabeth Barrett (19); Browning, Robert (21); brownrigg, elizabeth(1); Bruchac, Joseph (7); Brussig, Thomas (3); Bryher (1); Bryson http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=41218 |
46. Arts/Literature/Authors/B Dan. Brown, Rosellen, Brown, Sterling A. Browning, elizabeth Barrett.Browning, Robert, brownrigg, elizabeth, Brussig, Thomas. Bryson, Michael, http://www.arts-entertainment-recreation.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/ | |
47. Other Voices brownrigg, elizabeth. Falling to Earth A Novel. (Firebrand Books, 1998). A firstnovel about heaven and hell, angels and work, and love between women. http://www.grpl.org/coll/highlights/pathgay.html | |
48. Authors: B Brown, Rosellen, Brown, Sterling A. Browning, elizabeth Barrett. Browning, Robert,brownrigg, elizabeth, Bruchac, Joseph. Brussig, Thomas, Bryher, Bryson, Michael. http://www.puredirectory.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/ | |
49. Stories, Listed By Author 18121889) (chron.) * Addressed to Wimpole Street (with elizabeth BarrettBrowning brownrigg, SHIRLEY (chron.) * Navy Date, (ss) Love Story Magazine Apr 1 http://users.ev1.net/~homeville/fictionmag/s158.htm | |
50. Brooks, Terry 1 -10. brownrigg, elizabeth, N/A Falling to Earth · Average Score0, votes 0 vote spread 1- -10. Are there http://www.eigenspace.net/reality/b7.html | |
51. EPL.ca: Recent Lesbian Fiction Lesley (1997); Fall on your Knees MacDonald, Ann-Marie (1996); Fallingto Earth - brownrigg, elizabeth (1998); Godspeed - Breedlove http://www.epl.ca/EPLMaster.cfm?id=RECENTLESFIC |
52. I1319: Olive BLACKINGTON (8 Dec 1755 - ____) _Wayne brownrigg _ _ (Unknown) brownrigg _Henry STYER _ elizabeth CLARK. http://www.electrotek.com/staff/powersys/roger/Genealogy/d0000/g0000039.html | |
53. I749: Leah BONE _Wayne brownrigg _ _ Michael brownrigg _Henry STYER _ Mrs. elizabeth CLARK. http://www.electrotek.com/staff/powersys/roger/Genealogy/d0000/g0000037.html | |
54. Arts, Literature, Authors, B Rosellen (10); Brown, Sterling A. (2); Browning, elizabeth Barrett(19); Browning, Robert (21); brownrigg, elizabeth (1); Bruce, Anthony http://www.klevze.si/browse/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/ | |
55. Arts, Literature, Authors, Full-index.html Browning, elizabeth Barrett (19); Browning, Robert (21); brownrigg, elizabeth(1); Bruce, Anthony (1); Bruchac, Joseph (7); Brussig, Thomas (3 http://www.klevze.si/browse/Arts/Literature/Authors/full-index.html | |
56. RICHARD THOMAS BROWNRIGG Mr. brownrigg was born in Columbus, Mississippi on August 23rd 1865. His parentswere John and elizabeth (Yerger) brownrigg. He was named for his uncle, Major. http://www.sterlingprice145.org/brownrigg.htm | |
57. Maximilian Genealogy Master Database 2000 - Pafg351 - Generated By Personal Ance He had the following children F, i, Mary brownrigg. William BENN married MaryNICHOLSON. Richard MUSGRAVE Sir Knt Parents married elizabeth. Notes. http://www.peterwestern.f9.co.uk/maximilia/pafg351.htm | |
58. SmartWriters.com Directory Brown, Michael, Qualiens The Prolusion, Bk.1.1. Brownmiller, Susan,Susan Brownmiller.com. brownrigg, elizabeth, elizabeth brownrigg. http://www.smartwriters.com/index.2ts?page=writersdirectory |
59. Ravenstonedale, Kirkby Stephen, Cumbria 210, Brown, Sarah elizabeth, 1884, 1948, 64, NW, L6, B, 211, Brown,Thomas, 1822, 1848, 26, SW, J5, B, 212, brownrigg, Edmund, 1834,1919, 85, NW, E13, B, http://www.churches.ravenstonedale.org/oswalds/1_212.htm | |
60. WebGuest Directory - Biography : B Brosh, Nina; Brosnan, Pierce; Brouwer, LEJ; Browder, Ben; Browne;Browning; brownrigg, elizabeth; Brown; Brubeck, Dave; Bruce; Bruegelthe http://directory.webguest.com/Reference/Biography/B | |
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