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61. Emily Bronte Overview Their father was a withdrawn man who dined alone in his own room; their Aunt branwell,who raised them after the early death of their mother, dined also alone http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/novel_19c/wuthering/ | |
62. Branwall Brontë - Bronte Special Lettern.de Translate this page branwell Brontë. branwell war der Unglücksrabe der Familie. branwell starb 1848.(c) Till Weingärtner. Brontë-Spezial. Special von lettern.de. Specials. http://www.lettern.de/spbront4.htm | |
63. Emily Jane Bronte Despite all of her efforts, branwell died in September 1848 at the age of thirty. noteto the 1850 edition of Wuthering Heights, Charlotte bronte attributes to http://mural.uv.es/maraco/emily.html |
64. BBC - Bradford And West Yorkshire - Words - Who Were The Brontes? tuberculosis in Scarborough and is buried there. branwell bronte.18171848. Maria and Elizabeth. 1817 Born, Thornton 1838 Becomes a http://www.bbc.co.uk/bradford/culture/words/brontefacts.shtml | |
65. Countrybookshop.co.uk - Patrick Branwell Bronte This item has not been published yet You can preorder a copy now Patrickbranwell bronte by bronte, Patrick branwell, Order This Item. http://www.countrybookshop.co.uk/books/index.phtml?whatfor=1844710262 |
66. Bronte, Anne - Biography And Online Books in Charlotte s Shirley; Wuthering Heights Walk, a six mile walk to Top Withins,the setting for Wuthering Heights Patrick branwell bronte (1817-1848 http://www.literaturepost.com/authors/Bronte.html | |
67. OUSD > Urban Dreams Project > Charlotte Bronte > Jane Eyre com/sec/literature/litlibrary/janeeyre.html (glencoe.com; ). Charlotte bronte, JaneEyre Her brother Patrick branwell was born in 1817, and her sisters Emily http://www.urbandreamsproject.org/language_arts/extended/10/bronte/ | |
68. QuoteGeek QuoteGeek Personalities branwell bronte. branwell bronte. (1817 48) British artist. QuoteGeek Personalities branwell bronte. http://www.quotegeek.com/page_categories.asp?action=viewcategory&catid=396&linkt |
69. QuoteGeek QuoteGeek B branwell bronte. branwell bronte. (1817 48) Britishartist. I shall never be able QuoteGeek B branwell bronte. http://www.quotegeek.com/page_categories.asp?action=viewcategory&catid=396&linkt |
70. The Works Of Patrick Branwell Bronte Volume II, 1834-1836 Neufeldt, Victor A. (University of Victoria), ed. The Works of Patrick branwell BronteVolume II, 18341836 Garland Publishing, November 1998, 720 pp., ISBN 0 http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/english/19c/books/book-0-8153-0225-8.html | |
71. The Works Of Patrick Branwell Bronte, An Edition Volume I Neufeldt, Victor A. (University of Victoria), ed. The Works of Patrick branwell bronte,An Edition Volume I Garland Publishing, July 1997, 496 pp., ISBN 08153 http://www.usc.edu/dept/LAS/english/19c/books/book-0-8153-0224-X.html | |
72. BRONTE CHRONOLOGY brothers were one person. In September of that year, branwell Brontedied suddenly; Emily died three months later. Anne fell ill in http://www.umd.umich.edu/casl/hum/eng/classes/434/charweb/BRONTECH.htm | |
73. Life She was weak and not healthy. (1) She died in 1821. After Mrs. bronte s death,Ms. branwell, the sister of Mrs. bronte, came to watch over the family. http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/English_Literature/group98/four/life.htm | |
74. Chronology 1812 Patrick bronte married Maria branwell. (April,21) 1817 Patrick branwell bronte,the only boy of the bronte children, was born. 1818 Emily bronte was born. http://www.eng.fju.edu.tw/English_Literature/group98/four/chronology.htm | |
75. THE BRANWELLS, Penlee House Gallery And Museum's History, Penzance Cornwall UK famous authors, Charlotte, Emily and Ann bronte. Maria and Patrick sonly son was named after the Penzance family, branwell bronte. http://www.penleehouse.org.uk/history-penlee/branwells.htm | |
76. Bronte Site Survey Patrick branwell bronte (http//www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/8723/branwell.html). branwellbronte http//www.moglit.demon.co.uk/rpg/york/who/branwell.htm. http://www.marymount.k12.ny.us/marynet/library/bronte.html | |
77. Anne Bronte - Free Online Library Anne bronte (1820 1849). Emily and Anne created their own Gondal saga, andCharlotte and branwell recorded their stories in minute notebooks. http://brontea.thefreelibrary.com/ | |
78. Bronte Tours & Travel. England's Finest Small Group Travel In England, Walking V of Wuthering Heighs some sceptics maintained that the book was written by branwell,on the From accounts by those who knew Emily Jane bronte, there emerges a http://www.lancasterauthentic.com/bronte-tour.htm | |
79. Fathom :: The Source For Online Learning bronte Juvenilia From Cambridge University Press By Michael JA Howe. the olderof the four surviving children, Charlotte (born 1816) and branwell (born 1817 http://www.fathom.com/feature/122071/ | |
80. Naomi Symes Books - Women's History And Social History Books Suffrage Songs. Have whilst readings augustus kelley facsimile BranwellBronte Holloway brooch Reprodcution the history of women. My http://www.socialhistory.netfirms.com/cgi-bin/index.pl/reproduction-working-clas | |
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