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1. Branwell Brontë Branwell Bronte British author biography Patrick Branwell Brontë was born 26 June 1817, fourth child and only son of Patrick Brontë and Maria Branwell Brontë1. He and http://www.incompetech.com/authors/bbronte | |
2. Naomi Symes Books - Women's History And Social History Books Hitchens scholars Branwell bronte branwell bronte branwell Bronte secondary liked bronte branwell bronte branwell bronte branwell bronte branwell bronte branwell Bronte reader http://www.socialhistory.netfirms.com/cgi-bin/index.pl/red book online_automobil | |
3. Branwell Bronte Branwell Bronte. Background. Branwell first came to the attention ofthe Kindred of York through his early attempts at poetry. Although http://www.moglit.demon.co.uk/rpg/york/who/branwell.htm | |
4. Geschwister Bronte Translate this page Phantasiewelt entstehen ließen Angria Charlotte bronte branwellBronte. Gondal. Emily Bronte Anne Bronte. Zum Wikipedia-Artikel http://www.academicus.ch/de/geschwister_bronte.html |
5. Branwell Bronte A comprehensive list of links on the (Patrick) branwell bronte by Patrick branwell bronte. NEW LINK!Patrick branwell bronte This information site gives branwell's background, as http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/8723/branwell.html | |
6. Branwell Brontë. The Bronte.com's Guide To Branwell Bronte. branwell Brontë. Works. Links. Back. I sit, this evening, faraway, From all I used to know, And nought reminds my soul today. Of happy long ago. Unwelcome cares, unthought-of fears, Around my room http://www.thebrontes.com/branwell.htm | |
7. Anne Brontë (1820-1849) six children of Patrick and his wife Maria branwell Brontë. Her siblings, by age, were Maria Patrick and their children, Maria branwell Brontë died on September 15th, 1821 http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/bronte/bronte-anne.html | |
8. Conference Center Topic 15 of 73 branwell bronte. Fri, Aug 1, 1997 (1102) Amy Wolf (amy2) The popular view of branwell is that he was a talented writer who threw his career (and life) away on drugs drink. http://www.spring.net/yapp-bin/public/read/bronte/15 | |
9. Literary Encyclopedia: Bronte, Branwell bronte, branwell. (1817 1848). www.LitEncyc.com. Domain Literature.Poet. Active 1837 - 1845 in England, Britain, Europe. http://www.literarydictionary.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=581 |
10. Literary Encyclopedia: Bronte, Emily bronte, Emily. The Brontës mother died when Emily was three, and the care ofthe children was entrusted to the sternly punctilious Aunt branwell. http://www.literarydictionary.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=583 |
11. Emily Bronte - Biography And Works Emily bronte died of tuberculosis on December 19 1848, having caughtcold at her brother branwell s funeral in September. Ironically http://www.online-literature.com/bronte/ | |
12. The Branwell/Brontë Samplers I have not seen any photos of the branwell samplers. on the Internet don t interpretthe letters e and ë as the same letter I will hereby write bronte once on http://www2.sbbs.se/hp/cfalk/sampler.htm | |
13. Literary Encyclopedia Bronte, Branwell bronte, branwell. ( 1817 1848 Works by bronte. Find books about bronte, branwell. Back to Home http://www.litdict.com/php/speople.php?rec=true&UID=581 |
14. Anne Bronte - Biography And Works It portrays in Arthur Huntingdon a violent drunkard, clearly to some extent drawnfrom branwell, who died in September 1848. Anne bronte fell ill with http://www.online-literature.com/brontea/ | |
15. Author Profile: Emily Bronte Emily bronte. BIO. Emily Jane bronte was born July 30, 1818, at Thornton in Yorkshire,the fifth of six children of Patrick and Maria bronte (nee branwell). http://www.teenreads.com/authors/au-bronte-emily.asp | |
16. Patrick Branwell Bronte PATRICK branwell BRONTË. Peaceful Death and Happy Life. Why dost thou sorrow for the happy dead. For if their life be lost, their toils are o'er. And woe and want shall trouble them no more, Nor ever http://www.radix.net/~dalila/lit/bronte.html | |
17. The Brontes shy, family of remarkable genius. Portrait of Anne, Emily and Charlottebronte by branwell bronte Digitally restored by M. Armitage. http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/8723/bronte.html | |
18. Branwell Bronte - Poems branwell Brontë. Sir Henry Tunstall. An excerpt from a longer poem writtenin branwell s despair over the end of his relationship with Mrs. Robinson. http://www.incompetech.com/authors/bbronte/works.html | |
19. Brother In The Shadow: Stories Sketches By Patrick Branwell Bronte Branwell Bron Brother in the Shadow Stories Sketches by Patrick branwell brontebranwell bronte Mary Butterfield RJ Duckett. Brother in the Shadow http://www.iancrosbie.co.uk/Branwell-Bronte-Mary-Butt-Brother-in-the-Shadow-St-9 | |
20. ClassicNotes: Charlotte Bronte Biography of Charlotte bronte (181655). Charlotte bronte was born in 1816,the third child of Reverend Patrick bronte and Maria branwell bronte. http://www.gradesaver.com/ClassicNotes/Authors/about_charlotte_bronte.html | |
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