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Brittain C Dale: more detail | ||||||||||||||
41. Literature Links of Have Demon, Will Travel Review of Have Demon, Will Travel Thesequel to Damned and Fancy by John Brosnan. C. dale brittain. http://hem.passagen.se/gumby/goto10/sff_humourous.html | |
42. Humourous Sf/fantasy C. dale brittain. C. dale brittain Home page C. dale brittain Home pageYurt page Amazon.co.uk A Glance A Bad Spell in Yurt. Fredric Brown. http://hem.passagen.se/gumby/sf/humourous.html | |
43. Confluence 2001 Program - Listings By Person Saturday, 7/21/01 110000 AM, Delaware Room Young Adult Fantasy for Adults.C. dale brittain. 7/21/01 50000 PM, Reading room Reading C. dale brittain. http://www.epiphyte.net/confluence/programbypeople.html | |
44. Author Foundation s Fear Gregory Benford. brittain, C. dale Bouchard, Robert A. CountScar, Count Scar - C. dale brittain Robert Bouchard. Brown, H. Jackson Jr. http://www.sethb.com/library/b.html | |
45. Bradshaw, Gillian brittain, C dale, Tales of Daimbert. N/A A Bad Spell in Yurt · AverageScore 7.6, votes 5 vote spread 1 -10. http://www.eigenspace.net/reality/b6.html | |
46. The View From The Foothills: October 07, 2002. A Bad Spell in Yurt, by C. dale brittain. I rememberwhen this book first came out. I remember picking it up, looking http://foothills.wjduquette.com/archives/000049.html | |
47. The View From The Foothills: Comment On The View from the Foothills. Comments A Bad Spell in Yurt, by C. dale brittain.Post a comment. Name Email Address URL Remember personal info? http://foothills.wjduquette.com/movabletype/mt-comments.cgi?entry_id=49 |
48. YARG Archiv Buchkritiken Translate this page Yarg Archiv - C. dale brittain. Count Scar - zusammen mit Robert A.Bouchard Count Scar ist ein Veteran und zu kurz gekommener Krieger http://www.yarpg.de/buecher/b_brittain.htm | |
49. Arts Literature Genres Fantasy Authors B Brittain, C. Dale Directory results C. dale brittain Home Page Author s own websiteincludes biographical information and a bibliography.. Some http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Arts/Literature/Genres/Fantasy/Authors/B/Brit | |
50. Dale Miller's Paperback Book Collection brittain, C. dale, Bad Spell in Yurt, A, Yurt, 1. brittain, C. dale, Daughterof Magic, Yurt, 5. brittain, C. dale, Witch and the Cathedral, The, Yurt,4. http://www.skirtman.org/scifi.html | |
51. Daughter Of Magic C. dale brittain. Baen Books. $5.99. C. dale brittain s latest book about Daimbertof Yurt is, as always, a clever and enjoyable mix of mystery and fantasy. http://www.lyonsmorris.com/reviews/daughter.htm | |
52. Steven's Science Fiction & Fantasy Corner - Authors C. dale brittain. All that I have read of C. dale brittain s work hasbeen her Royal Wizard of Yurt series. C. dale brittain Home page. http://steven.lebruns.com/SciFi/Authors-B.asp | |
53. Antikvariat Islevbro: Fantasy, Science Fiction M.v. På Engelsk. A Wicked Way to Burn (angivet som Mystery på omslaget til 40,-) Til toppen!C. dale brittain. A Bad Spell in Yurt (40,-) Til toppen! Tom Deitz. http://users.cybercity.dk/~cis2438/fantasy1.html | |
54. Authors A-Z Briggs Patricia; Brin David; Brite Poppy Z; brittain C. dale; BroderickDamien; Brooks Terry; Brown Mary; Brucato Phil; Brunner John; Brust http://www.bookfinder.us/Science_Fiction___Fantasy/Authors__A-Z/ |
55. OnTheShelf.co.nz New Zealand Voima C. Dale Brittain $6.00 Voima. C. dale brittain. Synopsis From Booklist The latest novelfrom a promising new fantasist uses the classic theme of a mortal http://www.ontheshelf.co.nz/moreinfo?bookid=5532 |
56. MITSFS Library Pinkdex: BAD SPELL IN YURT, A [WIZARD OF YURT 1] Title BAD SPELL IN YURT, A WIZARD OF YURT 1. Author(s) brittain, C. dale.Select to retrieve other titles by this author. shelf code description. http://www.mit.edu/pinkdex_v?BRITTAIN, C. DALE |
57. MITSFS Library Pinkdex: IS THIS APOCALYPSE NECESSARY? Title IS THIS APOCALYPSE NECESSARY? Author(s) brittain, C. dale. Select to retrieveother titles by this author. shelf code description. raw shelf code LP. http://www.mit.edu/pinkdex_v?BRITTAIN, C. DALE |
58. FSF Booklist Uplift Trilogy 1. Startide Rising 2. The Uplift War 3. Sundiver New Uplift Trilogy1. Brightness Reef 2. Infinity s Shore 3. Heaven s Reach brittain, C. dale. http://www.logan.lib.ut.us/BOOKLIST/fsf/sfseries.htm | |
59. Booksfree.com: Borrow Buy Or Rent Books And Books-on-CD British Broadcasting Corporation, Science Fiction General. brittain,C. dale, Science Fiction - General. Brittan, C. dale, Fantasy - General. http://www.booksfree.com/Bm_Br.shtml | |
60. Series By Author B brittain, C. dale, Yurt, 01. Bad Spell in Yurt 02. The Wood Nymph and the CrankySaint 03. Mage Quest 04. The Witch and the Cathedral 05. Daughter of Magic 06. http://www.bettendorflibrary.com/teen/author_b.htm | |
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