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81. Sffworld.com - Book Voting By Authors - B Bradley, Marian Zimmer, 4. Bradley, Marian Zimmer, 6. Bramah, Ernest, 1. Breaux,Kevin James, 3. bretnor, reginald, 1. Brian, Daley, 2. Briggs, Raymond, 28. Brin,David, 12. http://www.sffworld.net/members/sff/vote.nsf/frmWebV?readform&a=b |
82. Golden Gate Mysteries A-B Dreaming of Babylon. New York Delacorte, 1977. bretnor, reginald.A killing in swords. New York Pocket Books, 1978. Bright, John. http://www.lib.berkeley.edu/~rbrandt/sfmystery/a-b.html | |
83. California Missions Bibliographies \ Conflict at Monterey Indian Horse Raiding, 18201850. JOURNAL OF CALIFORNIAANTHROPOLOGY 1.1 (1974) 86-101. bretnor, reginald. Bring Cats! http://www.ca-missions.org/biblio.html | |
84. Abbey, Lynn Daughter Of The Bright Moon Paperback Abbey, Lynn The Zimmer Two to Conquer Paperback Bradley, Marion Zimmer Witch Hill Paperback Brenner,Mayer Alan Catastrophe s Spell Paperback bretnor, reginald Orion s Sword http://www.cco.caltech.edu/~spectre/catalog/catalog |
85. Scott Burgess The Work of reginald bretnor An Annotated Bibliography Guide The Work of reginaldbretnor An Annotated Bibliography Guide Written by Scott Alan Burgess http://anomalies-books.net/search_Scott_Burgess/searchBy_Author.html | |
86. ITSF: Resources Scortia, Thomas N. Science Fiction as the Imaginary Experiment , in ScienceFiction, Today and Tomorrow, bretnor, reginald, ed. New York Harper Row http://www.itsf.org/resources/biblio.html | |
87. Science Fiction And Fantasy Society Science Fiction And Fantasy Boardman, Tom, Connoisseurs SF. Bova, Ben, Aliens. bretnor, reginald, Thor s Hammer.Spear Of Mars. Bulmer, Kenneth, New Writings In SF Volumes 22,23,24,25,27,28,29. http://www.dur.ac.uk/sf f.society/Library/index.php?section=Oddments |
88. Science Fiction And Fantasy Society Science Fiction And Fantasy Falcons of Narabedla (2 copies). Bradshaw, Gillian, Down The Long Wind. bretnor,reginald, The Schimmelhorn File. Brett, Leo, The Alien Ones. Brin, David, Sundiver. http://www.dur.ac.uk/sf f.society/Library/index.php?section=Br-C |
89. Project Syllabus Brian W. Allen, Dick Amis, Kingsley Appel, Benjamin Asimov, Isaac Bailey, JamesO., Benford, Gregory Boyd, John Bradbury, Ray bretnor, reginald Brians, Paul http://www.salzburgseminar.org/ASC/csacl/progs/genre/group3/page2.htm | |
90. Bretnor R. The summary for this Ukrainian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.magister.msk.ru/library/extelop/authors/b/bretnor.htm | |
91. The Internet Book Database Of Fiction :: Books Written By: Alfred Reginald Bretn All times are GMT 5 Hours. Jump to Select a forum. http://www.ibdof.com/IBDOF-author-booklist.php?author=680 |
92. Àðõèâ ÁÂÈ: Ôàíòàñòèêà: êòî åñòü êòî The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://bvi.rusf.ru/fanta/fwho012.htm | |
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