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Bretnor Reginald: more books (86) | ||||
41. Reginald Bretnor Published In Sweden This file contains a list of all short fiction that reginald Bretnorhas published in Sweden, to the best of my knowledge. If you http://www.lysator.liu.se/~unicorn/sweden-sf/Bretnor,_Reginald.html | |
42. Reginald Bretnor Science Fiction Fiction Based On Rational reginald bretnor Science Fiction fiction based on rational speculation regardingthe human experience of science and its resultant technologies. http://www.lysator.liu.se/lsff/mb-nr04/sfdef_Reginald_Bretnor.txt | |
43. Item 755227440 (Schimmelhorn S Gold By Reginald Bretnor) , Currently,......Schimmelhorn s Gold by reginald bretnor Item 755227440. _Top BooksServer time May15-2004, 063034AM; EST. http://www.lotauctions.com/listings/details/index.cfm?method=view&itemnum=755227 |
44. Bibliographie Translate this page reginald bretnor. - Fiction n° 2, décembre 1953 Reconnaissance garantie(avec Kris Neville) (Gratitude guaranteed - The Magazine http://www.noosfere.com/heberg/ericb33/Biblio.asp?RevNum=271 |
45. Free Speculative Fiction Online: Reginald Bretnor reginald bretnor. (US, 19111992) ISFDB Bibliography. Nominated for one Nebula.Stories currently online Maybe Just a Little One (F SF, 2/1953). http://www.freesfonline.de/authors/bretnor.html | |
46. Reginald Bretnor AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY AND BIBLIOGRAPHYAuthor Biography and Bibliography. reginald bretnor (19111992) was born inVladivostok, Siberia. The family moved to San Diego, California, in 1920. http://www.worldhistory.com/wiki/R/Reginald-Bretnor.htm | |
47. Literaturverzeichnis Translate this page bretnor, reginald (ed.) The Craft of Science Fiction. San Fransisco 1976. inbretnor, reginald (ed.) The Craft of Science Fiction. San Fransisco 1976. http://homepage.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/Andreas.Haupt/literat.htm | |
48. All Pages. Everything You Wanted To Know About All Pages But Had No Clue How To Regina Pats, Regina Protmann, Regina Rams. Regina Storm, reginald Aubrey Fessenden,reginald Barclay. reginald bretnor, reginald Bélair, reginald Cardinal Pole. http://www.smartpedia.com/smart/browse/Special:Allpages&from=Reed_(disambiguatio | |
49. Science Fiction Research Bibliography PN 3377.5 S3 B6 1982. bretnor, reginald The Craft of Science Fiction A Symposiumon Writing Science Fiction and Science Fantasy. PN 3377.5 S3 C7. http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~brians/science_fiction/sfresearch.html | |
50. Bookshare.org - Books By Author Title. Please log in. Books by reginald bretnor. Here is a list of our books by reginald bretnor . There is 1 book by this author in our collection. http://www.bookshare.org/web/BooksByAuthor.html?author_id=4629 |
51. Daughter Of The Bright Moon Lyn Abbey Dirk Gently S Holistic II Bradley, Marion Zimmer(ed) The Door Though Space Bradley, Marion Zimmer The SpellSword Bradley, Marion zimmer The Spear of Mars bretnor, reginald(ed) The http://www.watsfic.uwaterloo.ca/library.txt |
52. Approaching The '80s Zine Scene: Science Fiction Fanzines References 1. bretnor, reginald. Science Fiction, Today and Tomorrow. New York,Evanston Harper Row, 1974. 2. Wertham, Fredric. The World of Fanzines. http://www.zinebook.com/resource/perkins/perkins2.html | |
53. Criticism On Jackson's Work Jan 1985 v74 p45. bretnor, reginald. Modern Science Fiction. ChicagoAdventPublishers. 1979. Brooks, Cleanth, and Robert Penn Warren, eds. http://www.courses.vcu.edu/ENG-jkh/PW/Criticism.htm | |
54. Sources By Author bretnor, reginald Decisive Warfare , 1969. Briggs, John P. and Peat, F. David Looking Glass Universe , 1984. Bronowski, J. The Identity of Man , 1971. http://www.belisarius.com/modern_business_strategy/boyd/boyd_read_list.htm | |
55. Stith's Info For Writers Bova, Ben. Notes to a Science Fiction Writer. Scribners, 1975. bretnor, reginald,ed. The Craft of Science Fiction. Harper and Row, 1976. Card, Orson Scott. http://www.neverend.com/writer.htm | |
56. Favorite Books And Authors reginald bretnor, also known as Grendel Briarton (an anagram), lived in my oldhome town of Medford, Oregon. reginald bretnor books available in the US. http://thud1.merlinmedia.com/html/books/bretnor.html | |
57. Reginald Bretnor -Of Force And Violence And Other Imponderables Essays On War Po Thought No 6 . written by. reginald bretnor. Emmanuel Levinas, BettinaBergo ! Of God Who Comes to Mind. Geoffrey Johnston ! Of God http://www.reviewofbooks.net/268751_force_violence_other_imponderables_essays_po | |
58. Supplementary Checklists Boom, Ben. Kinsman. 1979. Millenium. 1976. bretnor, reginald. Maybe Just a LittleOne. 1947. Brodeur, Paul. The Sick Fox. 1963. Brunner, John. The Brink. http://www.wsu.edu/~brians/nuclear/supplements.htm | |
59. China Debates The Future Security Environment military science and strategic studies. bretnor, reginald. Juedingxing zhanzhengjunshililun yanjiu (Decisive warfarea study in military theory). http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/china/doctrine/pills2/part12.htm | |
60. Every Day Low Prices - Online Books, Buy Them With Discount - Books By Reginald Great book discounts at our virtual shopping mall, books by bretnor, reginald. TheTimeless Tales of reginald bretnor. Schimmelhorn s Gold. http://www.dayprices.com/b/bretnor_reginald.html | |
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