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81. 357 Beach Vintage Aquin, Hubert Prochain Episode McClelland Stewart Kogawa, Joy ObasanPenguin brand, dionne Land to Light On McClelland Stewart brand, dionne http://www2.sfu.ca/english/courses2003-1/357.htm | |
82. Dionne Brand Definition Meaning Information Explanation ILABLILA on-line catalogue brand, (dionne). AT THE FULL AND CHANGE OF THE MOON. (Toronto) Knopf Canada,(1999). brand, (dionne). AT THE FULL AND CHANGE OF THE MOON. http://www.free-definition.com/Dionne-Brand.html | |
83. ILAB-LILA Online-Katalog Anfragen. brand, (dionne). AT THE FULL AND CHANGE OF THE MOON. (Toronto) KnopfCanada, (1999). Anfragen. brand, (dionne). AT THE FULL AND CHANGE OF THE MOON. http://www.ilabdatabase.com/php/catalogues.php3?catnr=1030&membernr=181&custnr=& |
84. Spirits And Transformation In Dionne Brand's Sans Souci And Other Stories Sans souci and OtherStories. Notes, In Études canadiennes, no 35, 1993, p. 223-230. http://www2.biblinat.gouv.qc.ca/rfq/notices/00027667.htm | |
85. School Of Labour - Courses brand, dionne (1991) No Burden to Carry Narratives of Black WorkingWomen in Ontario, 1920s to 1950s. TorontoWomen s Press. brand http://www.gbrownc.on.ca/schooloflabour/ghum1169.html | |
86. Randomhouse.com | AUTHOR CATALOG Random House.com, dionne brand. Born in Trinidad, dionne brand haslived in Canada since 1970, and is renowned as a poet. Her books http://www.randomhouse.com/author/results.pperl?authorid=3068 |
87. SUNY Geneseo College Libraries: New Fiction Lists brand, dionne In Another Place, Not Here PR 9199.3 B683 I5 1997. dionnebrand was born in Trinidad and has lived in Canada since 1970. http://library.geneseo.edu/info/fict898.shtml | |
88. SUNY Geneseo College Libraries: New Fiction Lists brand, dionne At the Full and Change of the Moon PR 9199.3 B683 A92 1999. dionnebrand was born in Trinidad and has lived in Canada since 1970. http://library.geneseo.edu/info/fict300.shtml | |
89. Neuerwerbungslisten 03/2004 / Anglistisches Seminar S DB 105. brand, dionne At the full and change of the moon a novel / dionnebrand. brand, dionne Sans Souci and other stories / dionne brand. http://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/nel_inst/00/EN/2004_03_291.html | |
90. MediaWeb Solutions: , Web Content Management Systems, ECommerce, Web Design & WY We provide browser based content management, wysiwyg html editors, hosting and eCommerce tools in Vancouver Canada. http://www.mwsolutions.com/canlit/authors/brand2.asp | |
91. Sympatico.ca - News Sympatico.ca » News. http://www1.sympatico.ca/news/Specials/2000/trudeau/ | |
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