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Brand Dionne: more books (44) | ||
61. Campus News: Author Dionne Brand Returns To U Of G As Writer-in-residence 56982 or 53338. News Release. September 30, 2003. Author dionne brandreturns to U of G as writerin-residence. dionne brand, a recipient http://www.uoguelph.ca/mediarel/archives/003468.html | |
62. The Norton Reader: Eleventh Edition 11e. dionne brand Arriving at Desire (1999). The Norton ReaderRegular (p. 418), Shorter (p. 241). activism. Sites about dionne brand. http://www.wwnorton.com/write/nortonreader/essays/brand/ | |
63. Anthurium: A Caribbean Studies Journal - V2I1 - Johnson, Unforgetting Trauma... Unforgetting Trauma dionne brand s Haunted Histories. by Erica L. Johnson. brand,dionne. At the Full and Change of the Moon. New York Grove Press, 1999. http://scholar.library.miami.edu/anthurium/volume_2/issue_1/johnson-unforgetting | |
64. PSH Webstore - Canadian Poetry And Poets dionne brand. Books by dionne brand Earth Magic Land to Light On No LanguageIs Neutral thirsty. here is an extended profile for an example . http://www.poets.ca/pshstore/author_profile.asp?au_id=773 |
65. PSH Webstore - Thirsty - Canadian Poetry And Poets Click to buy thirsty thirsty dionne brand General (2003) Nominees Winners. Theword Thirsty in dionne brand s long poem is a dying man s last utterance. http://www.poets.ca/pshstore/profile_book.asp?ISBN=0771016441 |
66. Booklist Catharines Vanwell Publishing Limited, 1988. brand, dionne. In Another Place, NotHere. Toronto Knoph Canada, 1996. brand, dionne. No Language is Neutral. http://www.ccach.org/booklist.html | |
67. Eye - BOOKS: Dionne Brand -- No Burden To Carry: Narratives Of Black Women In On REVIEW. No Burden to Carry Narratives of Black Women in Ontario 1920s1950s.By dionne brand, 279 pages Women s Press, in softcover $17.95. by SARAH MINHAS. http://www.eye.net/eye/issue/issue_07.02.92/arts/bo0702b.htm | |
68. Quill And Quire dionne brand. Shesa wanderer. dionne brand has returned home toToronto with a new novel and a new outlook by Suzanne Methot. http://www.quillandquire.com/authors/profile.cfm?article_id=1351 |
69. Dionne Brand Textbooks Textbooks & Books Price Comparison - Direct Textbook Stories, Listed by Author brand, dionne * Madame Alairds Breasts, (ss) Vintage Book of International LesbianFiction An Anthology, ed. Naomi Holoch Joan Nestle, Vintage Books 1999. http://www.directtextbook.com/author/dionne-brand |
70. English At UCLA: Postcolonial Studies Reading List brand, dionne. no languge is neutral. *Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. The Arrivants. brand,dionne. Sight Specific Lesbians and Representation. Cabril, Amilcar. http://englishwww.humnet.ucla.edu/graduate/reading_list/Postcolonial198.htm | |
71. Learning Resources On Africa/Black People In Canada brand, dionne. (1996) In Another Place Not Here. Toronto, Ontario Vintage. PR 9257.R268I52 1996 KNR. brand, dionne. (1999) At the Full and Change of the Moon. http://www.multicultural.educ.ubc.ca/pages/Fiction by African-Canadians.htm | |
72. Detritus Books Catalog Poetry Coach House Press Canadian Literature US$30.00 Add to Cart brand,dionne. Poetry Coach House Press US$20.00 Add to Cart brand, dionne. http://detritus.com/catalog/catalog.cgi?action=search&keyword=Coach House Press& |
73. Dionne Brand Author dionne brand author. http://people.senecac.on.ca/patricia.clark/brand.htm | |
74. Canadian Poetry Web Links - Notable Canadian Poets brand, dionne. Voices from the Gaps dionne brand. Biographical and bibliographicalinformation from the University of Minnesota Women Writers of Color project. http://www.uwo.ca/english/canadianpoetry/links_new_notable_canadian_poets.htm | |
75. Metropolis Web Site CANADA; IMMIGRATION. Carty,Linda; brand,dionne (1988) Visible Minority WomenA Creation of the Canadian tate. Resources-for-Feminist http://canada.metropolis.net/research-policy/litreviews/kob_bib/kob_bib_c.html | |
76. Literary Encyclopedia: List People (B) 1878 1962. Branagan, Thomas (Branagan, Thomas ). 1774 - 1843. brand, dionne(brand, dionne ). 1953 - Present. brand, Max (brand, Max ). 1892 - 1944. http://www.litencyc.com/php/speople.php?no=375&golist=true&init=B |
77. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! Miller, Janette brand, Alice G. ~ brand, Charles M. ~ brand, Charles Peter ~ brand,Christianna ~ brand, Clavel ~ brand, Dagmar ~ brand, dionne ~ brand, Donald http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0048.html | |
78. Bestsellers Books 1. Books In Another Place, Not Here, In Another Place, Not Here by dionne brandMarch, 2000. 4. Books Thirsty, Thirsty by dionne brand 16 April, 2002. http://www.almudo.com/cgi-bin/literature.cgi?locale=us&input_mode=books&node=104 |
79. Giunti Editore S.p.a. Translate this page Gli articoli sono ordinati per data. dionne brand. Di luna piena e di luna calante.Narrativa femminile. Astrea. 12,00, 10,80, 1/1. http://www.giuntistore.it/index.php3?SCREEN=autore&sid=3d75Q2izGl5BRjJ5VoCxMgprs |
80. Booksfree.com: Borrow Buy Or Rent Books And Books-on-CD Brake, Colin, Science Fiction Series. brand, Christianna, Mystery Detective- General. brand, dionne, General. brand, Fiona, Romance - Contemporary. http://www.booksfree.com/Bm_Br.shtml | |
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