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41. The Griffin Poetry Prize 2003 - Canadian Shortlist - Dionne Brand Click here to purchase thirsty Book thirsty Poet dionne brand Publisher McClelland Stewart From thirsty, by dionne brand Copyright © dionne brand, 2002. http://www.griffinpoetryprize.com/gpp2003/brand.html | |
42. Lauréat Du Prix Littéraire : Dionne Brand Translate this page Conférences, Lauréat du prix littéraire du Gouverneur général de 1997 dionne brand. dionne brand Avec la permission de dionne brand. Biographie. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/3/8/t8-5002-f.html | |
43. Canadiens Et Canadiennes Inoubliables -- Index-matières Moody, Lois; Murray, Margaret Ma . Écologie. de Villiers, Marq. Éducation. Bélisle,Jean; Blodgett, ED; BoraksNemetz, Lillian; brand, dionne; Campbell, A. Kim 1; http://www.collectionscanada.ca/8/2/r2-204-f.html | |
44. Language & Literature Division: Recent African Canadian Literature - A VPL Bookl brand, dionne c823 B817a. Allen, Lillian c821 A427w. Land to light on (1997) http//ipac.vpl.ca/ipac20/ipac.jsp?index=BIB term=.brand, dionne c821 B817L. http://www.vpl.ca/branches/LibrarySquare/lit/afro_cdn.html | |
45. Dionne Brand Teacher Resource File dionne brand Teacher Resource File. Welcome to the Internet School LibraryMedia Center dionne brand page. For other children s authors http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/brand.htm | |
46. Canada Reads A Land to Light On, brand, dionne. At the Full and Change of the Moon, brand, dionne.In Another Place, Not Here, brand, dionne. The Channel Shore, Bruce, Charles. http://www.cbc.ca/canadareads/cr_2002/choice2.html | |
47. Dionne Brand Save your cash. Win your tuition. dionne brand. born 1953 in Trinidad educationUniversity of Toronto died Bibliography. Fore Day Morning Poems (poems; 1978). http://www.geocities.com/canlit2002/brandd.html | |
48. ► Brand, Dionne [Arts: Literature: World Literature: Canadian: Poetry: Poe CANA , 20.00 , A BLACK CANADIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY , BLIZZARD 20.00 , A BLACK CANADIAN BIBLIOGRAPHY , BLIZZARD, FLORA CANA - , 32.95 , AMAP TO THE DOOR OF NO RETURN , brand, dionne CANA - , 20.00 http://www.worldsearch.com/dp.lisa/en/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Canadian/ | |
49. Women Make Movies - Dionne Brand Catalogue Home, dionne brand. An established writer and poet, anddirector of Listening For Something Adrienne Rich and dionne http://www.wmm.com/catalog/_makers/fm25.htm | |
50. Listening For Something This intriguing exchange between eminent American poet AdrienneRich and TrinidadianCanadian poet/filmmaker dionne brand, wh. http://www.wmm.com/Catalog/pages/c314.htm | |
51. NodeWorks - Canadian: Poetry: Poets: Brand, Dionne in entire NodeWorks Directory. http://dir.nodeworks.com/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Canadian/Poetry/Poets/ | |
52. The Parliamentary Poet Laureate - Poem Of The Week dionne brand, dionne brand is a Toronto poet who is often found inother cities where she acts as writer in residence or adjunct http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/poet/poem-of-the-week/poets-e.htm |
53. Le Poète Lauréat - Poème De La Semaine Translate this page dionne brand, dionne brand est aussi une romancière et une essayiste accomplie.Elle a reçu en 1997 le prix du Gouverneur général en poésie. XXX. http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/about/people/poet/poeme-de-la-semaine/poetes-f |
54. Wakki Directory > Arts > Literature > World Literature > Canadian > Poetry > Poe Web Pages. 1997 Governor General s Literary Award Winner dionne brand Biographyand RealAudio excerpt of Land to Light On . www.nlcbnc.ca/3/8/t8-5002-e.html. http://directory.wakki.com/Arts/Literature/World_Literature/Canadian/Poetry/Poet | |
55. Cultural Expressions: Diversity And Belonging: Master Required Readings List NeWest Publishers Ltd. Pages 5156. Module 6. brand, dionne (1996).In Another Place, Not Here. Knopf Canada. brand, dionne (1998). http://www.empirical.ca/AC-09/reqread.html | |
56. Canadian Poets: Dionne Brand Biography about thepoet. View Canadian Poets dionne brand. Comment on DayPoems? If you...... m s. Canadian Poets dionne brand. DMOZ http://www.daypoems.net/nodes/2488.html | |
57. 100 Canadian Poets: Dionne Brand Biography, publications,and list of critical materials. View 100 Canadian Poets dionne brand....... 100 Canadian Poets dionne brand. DMOZ http://www.daypoems.net/nodes/2492.html | |
58. McClelland And Stewart Ltd: Books SORT BY on AUTHOR off TITLE off PUB DATE Titles 1 3 shown. Landto Light On by dionne brand No Language Is Neutral by dionne brand http://www.mcclelland.com/catalog/results.pperl?authorid=3068 |
59. 13212 Records brand, dionne. AT THE FULL AND CHANGE OF THE MOON. NY Grove Press, 1999. brand,dionne. AT THE FULL AND CHANGE OF THE MOON. NY Grove Press, 1999. http://www.bookfever.com/Author_Index/book_index0004.html | |
60. Author Dionne Brand In SLU Writers Series A List 1/26/04 AUTHOR dionne brand IN SLU WRITERS SERIES CANTON St. Lawrence University Visiting Distinguished Scholar and Writer http://web.stlawu.edu/news/dionnebrand.html | |
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