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         Bowles Jane:     more books (100)
  1. Plain Pleasures and Other Stories (Arena Books) by Jane Bowles, 1985-03
  2. Astrology, Money & You by Jane Bowles, 1996
  4. Zwei sehr ernsthafte Damen. by Jane Bowles, Adelheid Dormagen, 2001-08-01
  5. Rhetorical Women: Roles and Representations
  6. A Little Original Sin: The Life and Work of Jane Bowles by Millicent Dillon, 1981
  7. Jane und Paul Bowles. Leben ohne anzuhalten by Jens Rosteck, 2005-09-30
  8. Out in the World: selected letters of Jane Bowles 1935-1970 by Millicent, editor Dillon, 1985
  9. "The dreaded voyage into the world": Jane Bowles and her serious ladies.: An article from: Studies in American Fiction by Kathy Justice Gentile, 1994-03-22
  10. Biography - Bowles, Jane (Sydney) (1917-1973): An article from: Contemporary Authors by Gale Reference Team, 2002-01-01
  11. My Sister's Hand in Mine The Collected Works of Jane Bowles by Jane Bowles, 1988
  12. Jane Bowles (Spanish Edition)
  13. The Collected Works of Jane Bowles by Jane Bowles, 1967
  14. Review of Contemporary Fiction Vol. 26, No. 2: Summer 2006: Julieta Campos/William Eastlake/Jane Bowles

21. LitKicks: Jane Bowles
jane Auer was born in New York City on February 22, 1917 and raised mostly on Long Island According to Paul bowles' autobiography Without Stopping, jane bowles saw enough in
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Jane Bowles
The farther a man follows the rainbow, the harder it is for him to get back to the life which he left starving like an old dog. Sometimes when a man gets older he has a revelation and wants awfully bad to get back to the place where he left his life, but he can't get back to that place not often. It's always better to stay alongside of your life.
Jane Bowles 'Plain Pleasures'
Jane Auer was born in New York City on February 22, 1917 and raised mostly on Long Island. At twenty-one, she married Manhattanite Paul Bowles . After the civil ceremony, they took off for Panama. According to Paul Bowles' autobiography Without Stopping , Jane Bowles saw enough in Panama in ten days to enable her to use it as a locale for her first novel, Two Serious Ladies , which was published in 1943. From 1947, she lived abroad, mostly in Tangier , with her husband. In 1954, Jane's play In the Summer House was produced. It was met with acclaim from the less conventional (including Tennessee Williams). She wrote short stories, a novella, and in 1966, her final novel, Plain Pleasures Her work was subjected to much criticism, possibly because of its subtle nature. She took the criticism good-naturedly, although she drank heavily. Her life was like

22. Knitting Circle Jane Bowles
Biography and partial list of works.
The Knitting Circle: Literature
Biography writing bibliography
Jane Bowles
US writer. Original name: Jane Sidney Auer. In 1934 she was returning from Switzerland and met the French author Celine who she had been studying and immediately decided to be a writer. Her first novel, La Phaeton Hypocrite , was printed privately and no copies survive. Her pursuit of female lovers around Greenwich village caused her family concern, but in 1937 she was introduced to the composer and writer Paul Bowles who was gay but they agreed to marry. They were married in February 1938 in Mexico. Her family and her lover, Helvictia Perkins, complained that he novel Two Serious Ladies , (1943), was too obviously lesbian. It was put at number 28 in a list of top gay books in 1999 In 1947 Paul Bowles moved to Tangier, and Jane Bowles joined him in January, 1948. She arrived with a new lover called Cory, who was a hard-drinking tea-shop proprietor. After a while Cory left Tangier and Jane Bowles then pursued a country girl who called herself Cherifa. However, it was a doomed pursuit, and Jane Bowles sought to assuage her loneliness in the drinking scene in Dean's Bar and the Parade Bar in Tangier. Her play In the Summer House was produced in Ann Arbor and then moved to Broadway in 1953.

23. Sans Soleil : Jane Bowles
Eine Biographie in Briefen. Biographie, Bibliographie, Rezensionen.

24. LitKicks Jane Bowles
Short biography.

25. Authologies: Paul Bowles
Biographie, chronologie, bibliographie, pr©sentation de livres et extraits, documents, liens. Egalement une pr©sentation de jane bowles.
The sheltering sky

Que ce soit dans ses romans, ses nouvelles, ou ses récits de voyage, l'écriture de Paul Bowles ne découle pas de la tradition anglo-américaine, mais d'écrivains "exotiques" (en tout cas pour le critique littéraire américain moyen) tels que Valéry, Roussel, Gide ou Gertrude Stein, et plus tard du folklore oral mexicain et marocain. Paul Bowles écoute autant qu'il lit.
en 1987, il disait: "Il est vrai que je comprends la peur. J'y vois le fond de la conscience du monde. Pour d'autres, c'est la joie: je ne connais pas la joie. Je la connais, mais pas quand il s'agit d'exprimer quelque chose. La peur vient sans doute de mon enfance. J'avais peur du noir, de l'obscurité: pas qu'il y ait des monstres cachés, mais juste du noir lui-même. Pourtant, à l'inverse de certains enfants, je ne voulais pas la lumière. Je ne pensais pas que quelque chose allait apparaître de sous mon lit, j'avais plutôt peur que quelque chose sorte de moi, des monstres, ou que je sois moi-même un monstre, ou que ma mère soit un monstre qui allait entrer dans ma chambre au milieu de la nuit."
Dans une autre interview, en 1996, il ajoutait: "Si l'on considère la vie des gens, on peut toujours être sûr que quelque chose d'abominable va se passer, même si ça n'arrive pas. Une fois qu'on s'est protégé de la mort, on peut penser à l'amour, mais pas avant. Maintenant, je suis trop âgé pour avoir peur. C'est-à-dire que plus on est jeune, plus on a peur, on a peur de mourir et de perdre ce qui aurait été une longue vie. Je n'ai pas tant eu peur de mourir que de souffrir, et ça, je ne m'en suis pas débarrassé."

26. Millicent Dillon Jane Bowles - Lauter Kleine Sünden
œber die jane bowlesBiographie von Millicent Dillon.
Millicent Dillon: Inhalt: Sie war eine außergewöhnliche Frau. Verwöhnt, eigenwillig und exzentrisch. Eine Künstlerin, die längst zu einer literarischen Kultfigur geworden ist und die doch zeit ihres Lebens im Schatten ihres erfolgreichen Ehemanns und Schriftstellerkollegen Paul Bowles ( Himmel über der Wüste ) stand.
Einfühlsam und doch schonungslos offen zeichnet Millicent Dillon das Leben von Jane Bowles nach. Ein schillerndes und aufregendes Dasein zwischen Mexiko und New York, Paris und Tanger, das stets voller Widersprüche und Gegenstand wilder Gerüchte war.
Nach Jahren eines unsteten Lebens zwischen Mexiko und Europa, Ceylon und Marokko ließ sich das Künstlerpaar 1948 schließlich im marokkanischen Tanger nieder. Doch Janes Karriere sollte bald darauf durch einen tragischen Schicksalsschlag ein jähes Ende finden.
John Ashberry, New York Times
(DIE ZEIT) Autorin: Millicent Dillon wurde in New York geboren und lebt in San Francisco. Sie studierte Literaturwissenschaft und unterrichtete an Colleges und Universitäten. Als Autorin veröffentlichte sie Erzählungen, Theaterstücke und Essays. Zur Zeit arbeitet sie an einem Buch über Paul Bowles. Erstellt von Christian Barduhn Titelliste: Literatur Index Der Humanist

27. Jungle World 49/1999 :Paul Und Jane Bowles
Artikel ¼ber Paul und jane bowles von Gudrun Holz in Jungle World 49/1999.
1. Dezember 1999 Im Archiv suchen: Home
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Inland Euro International Rubriken Homestory Deutsches Haus Antifa Termine Alternative Lebensformen Sonstiges Archiv Jungle Pin Board Jungle Abos Impressum ... Jungle World in der Schweiz E-Mail Redaktion Webmaster Paul und Jane Bowles
Geliebter Feind
Ende der zwanziger Jahre gehört Paul Bowles zu den jungen amerikanischen Expatriates aus gutem Hause, die Europa gegen die puritanische Provinz daheim eintauschen. Neunzehnjährig schifft er sich ein nach Paris, jobbt als Telefonist, wohnt kurz im New Yorker Village und beendet seine Unikarriere nach nur einem Jahr. Bowles nimmt Kompositionsunterricht bei Nadia Boulanger und befreundet sich mit dem Komponisten Aaron Copland, mit dem er Anfang der Dreißiger nach Berlin reist. Mit Christopher Isherwood flaniert er am Nollendorfplatz, sitzt im Café des Westens und schnappt Vokabeln und Sätze auf wie "Noch jemand ohne Fahrschein?". "Nirgendwo sonst habe ich mich so unerwünscht gefühlt", notiert er in "Without Stopping", seiner noch als literarisches Greenhorn begonnenen Autobiografie. Anfang der Dreißiger fährt er erstmals nach Tanger, aber erst Ende der Vierziger wird - immer wieder unterbrochen von Reisen - die Stadt zu seinem Refugium. Als Paul Bowles 1937 bei einem Treffen mit dem Lyriker John La Touche und Erika Mann die damals 20jährige Jane Auer kennen lernt, hat sie bereits ihren ersten Roman geschrieben. Paul, ein eleganter, hochaufgeschossener blonder 26jähriger, dessen zurückhaltende Art William Burroughs später "beinahe unmenschlich höflich" findet, trifft hier auf eine Antipodin, die verkündet: "You are my enemy!"

jane bowles The official jane Auer bowles site with biography by Millicent Dillon, catalogue of literary works, photographs and jane bowles obituary.
To display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support. The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site
by Millicent Dillon Jane Bowles's total body of work consists of one novel, one play, and six short stories. Yet John Ashbery said of her: "It is to be hoped that she will be recognized for what she is: one of the finest modern writers of fiction in any language." Tennessee Williams called her the most underrated writer of fiction in American literature. During her lifetime and since her death in 1973, she has been considered a writer's writer, little known to the general public but with a loyal following of intensely devoted readers.
Jane Bowles (center), Tennessee Williams and Lilla Van Saher aboard the S.S. Queen Federica , early 1950s.
She was born in New York City on February 22, 1917, the daughter of Sidney Auer and Claire Stajer Auer. Her childhood was spent in Woodmere, Long Island. On her father's death in 1930, Jane and her mother moved back to Manhattan. As an adolescent she developed tuberculosis of the knee. Her mother took her to a sanatorium in Leysin, Switzerland, where she was put in traction for many months. During this time she developed an intense love of literature and an equally intense series of obsessions and fears. Upon her return to New York she began to experiment with writing a novel and with sexual adventures with men and women, though primarily with women.

29. Arts And Entertainment Directory: Bowles, Jane
Arts and Entertainment Directory bowles, jane, including bowles, jane. HomesTop Arts Literature Authors B bowles, jane. CATEGORIES. See, J

Arts and Entertainment Directory

Bowles, Jane Homes Top Arts Literature ... B Bowles, Jane CATEGORIES LINKS
The Jane Bowles Website
Short biography, list of works.
Jane Bowles (1917-1973)
Short biography.
IMHO: Jane Bowles
Review of 'My Sister's Hand in Mine'. Jane Bowles Biography of the writer. Open Directory Modified by Gogog Help build the largest human-edited directory on the web Submit a Site Open Directory Project Become an Editor Privacy Notice ... Contact Us

jane bowles. Deutschlandfunk B¼chermarkt - Kritiken - jane bowles. jane bowles Eine richtige kleine S¼nde Verlags ¼ber das Buch von jane bowles. jane bowles Einfache Freuden
  • Biographie Paul Bowles - Videovertrieb
  • carpe librum - Paul Bowles und Jane Bowles
  • Deutschlandfunk - Büchermarkt - Kritiken - Jane Bowles
  • Jane Bowles: Eine richtige kleine Sünde - Kurzinformation des Hanser Verlags über das Buch von Jane Bowles.
  • Jane Bowles: Einfache Freuden - Kurzinformation des Verlages über den Erzählungsband von Jane Bowles.
  • Jane Bowles: Gonza Magilla - Eine Biographie in Briefen. Biographie, Bibliographie, Rezensionen.
  • Jane Bowles: Zwei sehr ernsthafte Damen - Kurzinfo über den im Hanser Verlag erschienenen Roman von Jane Bowles.
  • Jungle World 49/1999: Paul und Jane Bowles
  • Millicent Dillon: Jane Bowles - Lauter kleine Sünden - Über die Jane Bowles-Biographie von Millicent Dillon. GLEICHE KATEGORIE: INTERNATIONAL
  • 31. Glbtq >> Literature >> Bowles, Jane Auer
    American novelist, playwright, and short story writer jane bowles spent her life examining lesbian identity with an honest and sardonic wit.
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    Bowles, Jane Auer (1917-1973)
    page: Jane Bowles, born in New York City on February 22, 1917, spent her life examining lesbian identity with an honest and sardonic wit. In 1934, on a ship returning from Switzerland, Bowles met the French author Celine, whose work she had been studying, and she suddenly decided that "I am a writer." Her first novel, La Phaeton Hypocrite , a parody of the Phaeton myth, was privately printed. Although admired by her mother, Bowles regarded the novel, no copy of which survives, as a childish exercise. Bowles's adventures in the lesbian and gay bars of Greenwich Village, and her open pursuit of women lovers, caused her mother and her family consternation. In 1937, she was introduced to the novelist and composer Paul Bowleshimself a homosexualand agreed to marry him. The two soon recognized that their marriage would succeed only as a platonic friendship; both continued their homosexual liaisons. Sponsor Message.

    32. Carpe Librum - Paul Und Jane Bowles: A Hundred Camels In The Courtyard Katharina
    Rezension von Florian Vetsch in carpe librum.
    carpe librum rezensionen
    suchen buch-shop forum weiterempfehlen
    Paul und Jane Bowles
    A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard Katharina Franck / Ulrike Haage: Bei unse
    Undefined. Cadmus Editions Sans Soleil, ISBN: 0-932274-55-2
    Dieses Buch Freunden weiterempfehlen. Dieses Buch kaufen bei Buy Paul und Jane Bowles: A Hundred Camels in the Courtyard Katharina Franck / Ulrike Haage: Bei unse at (USA) Weitere Buchbesprechungen bei
    ISBN 0-932274-55-2
    Jane Bowles
    Katharina Franck / Ulrike Haage: Bei unserer Lebensweise ist es sehr angenehm, lange im voraus zu einer Party eingeladen zu werden
    Bonn, Sans Soleil, 1999, ISBN 3-88030-036-4
    meiner Jane, einer anderen und mir “, wie sie selbst sagt. Viele Stimmen mischen sich im Kopf dieser Briefeschreiberinnen, wie ein fernes Echo von Rimbauds „ Je est un autre “. Mit dem Satz „ Vielleicht kannst du mir schreiben, was ich meine “ schliesst das atmosphärische Hörspiel. – Ein herrlich offener Schluss für diese Text- und Klangmontage wandernder, sich verschiebender und überlagernder Identitäten! Francks Sprechfluss unterlegt Ulrike Haage mit Samples von Maurice Ravel, marokkanischer Trance-Musik, Count Basie oder der Musical-Sängerin Libby Holman, einer engen Freundin und wichtigen Briefadressatin von Jane; oder es tauchen Strassengeräusche von Tanger auf, das verlorene Tippen einer Schreibmaschine, Fetzen von Bar-Gesprächen, das Rauschen und Scheppern alter Schallplatten und natürlich viele coole Haage-Moods. So ist eine leidenschaftliche und zugleich erhellende Hommage an Jane Bowles entstanden, eine Sehnsuchtsvertiefung, aktive Memoria, ein Lebendigwerden und Weiterführen von Jane Bowles‘ Stimme und exotischem Lebensweg, der einerseits die moralisch libertine Party-Gesellschaft der 90er Jahre antizipiert und anderseits in seiner ausgestandenen Verzweiflung eine Zeit widerspiegelt, in der „

    33. Paul Bowles Collection
    bowles, jane Connolly, Cyril Cranston, Maurice Dillon, Millicent Ford, Charles Henri Genesis West Harper s Isherwood, Christopher Jones, Elizabeth Lehmann
    Paul Bowles, 1910-
    Collection, 1897-1995
    11 boxes (4.58 linear feet), 5 oversize boxes, 4 galley folders Acquisition: Purchase and gifts, 1967-1997
    Access: Open for research
    Processed by: Chelsea S. Jones and Dell Hollingsworth, 1999
    RLIN Record ID:
    Table of Contents
    Biographical Sketch
    Scope and Contents

    Folder List

    Index of Correspondents
    Index of Works by other Authors
    Biographical Sketch
    Paul Frederic Bowles, born December 30, 1910, in New York City, was the only child of Claude Dietz and Rena Winnewisser Bowles. Bowles began writing short stories and composing music as a child, and he was only a teenager when his surrealist poetry was published in the magazine Transition . Bowles briefly attended the University of Virginia but dropped out in 1929 and moved to Paris where he met and became friends with Gertrude Stein. This began over forty years of nearly constant traveling for Bowles, who once said of himself that he was addicted to movement. He returned to the University of Virginia in the spring of 1930, but left again after one semester to study music, first under Aaron Copland in Berlin (1930-32) and then with Virgil Thomson in Paris (1933-34). During these years he also made his first visit, at Stein's suggestion, to Tangier, Morocco. In 1937, Bowles met author and playwright Jane Auer; they were married the following year. The Bowleses eventually settled in Tangier, although both traveled often throughout North Africa, Europe, Latin America, and the United States. At one point Paul even owned Taprobane, an island off the coast of Sri Lanka.

    34. Bowles, Jane
    bowles, jane. (19171973), author Born on February 22, 1917, in New York City, jane Sydney Auer was reared in the United States and
    Bowles, Jane
    (1917-1973), author Born on February 22, 1917, in New York City, Jane Sydney Auer was reared in the United States and educated in Switzerland by French governesses. She married the composer-author Paul Bowles in 1938, and together they lived in Costa Rica, France, Mexico, and the United States, where she began writing her only published novel, Two Serious Ladies (1943). For a time the couple lived in a boardinghouse with, among others, the writers Richard Wright and Carson McCullers, the composer Benjamin Britten, and the entertainer Gypsy Rose Lee. The couple settled in Tangier, Morocco, in 1952. In December 1953 her play In the Summer House was staged in New York City. In addition to the novel and the play, she also published seven short stories. Bowles deliberately constructed Two Serious Ladies without a plot. Its title charactersone sinful and victimized, the other virtuous and domineeringmeet only twice; their lives are presented alternately, in a style praised for its wit. Her short stories and play also contrast domineering and weak women. Her Collected Works was published in 1966. Bowles's highly individualistic work enjoyed an underground reputation even when it was no longer in print. Bowles died in Malaga, Spain, on May 4, 1973.

    35. HANSER - Suche Nach: 3-446-13982-6 >>> Treffer Insgesamt: 1 <<<
    Kurzinformation des Verlages ¼ber den Erz¤hlungsband von jane bowles.
    Sie haben nach gesucht.
    Es wurde 1 Dokument gefunden. Suchergebnisse sortieren nach: 1. Bowles
    Einfache Freuden
    - Erzählungen
    Erscheinungsdatum: 01.01.1985, ISBN: 3-446-13982-6
    Bereich: Literatur
    Suchergebnisse eingrenzen auf: Alle Bereiche Fachbuch Literatur/Kinderbuch Suchergebnisse eingrenzen auf: Alle Jahrgänge ab 2003 ab 2002 ab 2001 ab 2000 ab 1995

    jane bowles The official jane Auer bowles site with biography by Millicent Dillon, catalogue of literary works, photographs and jane bowles' obituary. jane bowles's total body of work consists
    To display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support. The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site
    by Millicent Dillon Jane Bowles's total body of work consists of one novel, one play, and six short stories. Yet John Ashbery said of her: "It is to be hoped that she will be recognized for what she is: one of the finest modern writers of fiction in any language." Tennessee Williams called her the most underrated writer of fiction in American literature. During her lifetime and since her death in 1973, she has been considered a writer's writer, little known to the general public but with a loyal following of intensely devoted readers.
    Jane Bowles (center), Tennessee Williams and Lilla Van Saher aboard the S.S. Queen Federica , early 1950s.
    She was born in New York City on February 22, 1917, the daughter of Sidney Auer and Claire Stajer Auer. Her childhood was spent in Woodmere, Long Island. On her father's death in 1930, Jane and her mother moved back to Manhattan. As an adolescent she developed tuberculosis of the knee. Her mother took her to a sanatorium in Leysin, Switzerland, where she was put in traction for many months. During this time she developed an intense love of literature and an equally intense series of obsessions and fears. Upon her return to New York she began to experiment with writing a novel and with sexual adventures with men and women, though primarily with women.

    37. Bowles, Jane
    bowles, jane. ( 19171973), author. Born on February 22, 1917, in New York City, jane Sydney Auer was reared in the United States and educated in Switzerland by French governesses.
    Bowles, Jane
    (1917-1973), author Born on February 22, 1917, in New York City, Jane Sydney Auer was reared in the United States and educated in Switzerland by French governesses. She married the composer-author Paul Bowles in 1938, and together they lived in Costa Rica, France, Mexico, and the United States, where she began writing her only published novel, Two Serious Ladies (1943). For a time the couple lived in a boardinghouse with, among others, the writers Richard Wright and Carson McCullers, the composer Benjamin Britten, and the entertainer Gypsy Rose Lee. The couple settled in Tangier, Morocco, in 1952. In December 1953 her play In the Summer House was staged in New York City. In addition to the novel and the play, she also published seven short stories. Bowles deliberately constructed Two Serious Ladies without a plot. Its title charactersone sinful and victimized, the other virtuous and domineeringmeet only twice; their lives are presented alternately, in a style praised for its wit. Her short stories and play also contrast domineering and weak women. Her Collected Works was published in 1966. Bowles's highly individualistic work enjoyed an underground reputation even when it was no longer in print. Bowles died in Malaga, Spain, on May 4, 1973.

    38. Skellarlist Jane & Paul Bowles
    My Sister's Hand in Mine The Collected Works of jane bowles; jane bowles; Paperback; $15.30 of the Collected Works of jane bowles; jane bowles; Paperback (Hard to Find)

    39. Paul Bowles
    The official Paul bowles and jane bowles Web site was authorized and established by Paul bowles literary and musical heirs and friends, with a biography of

    Histories Index

    Francis Bacon

    Jon Robin Baitz

    Josephine Baker
    Jane Bowles

    Paul Bowles
    Malcolm Boyd

    Marion Z. Bradley

    Adolf Brand

    Beth Brant
    ... Find A Subject
    Paul Bowles
    Online Resources Texts: Paul Bowles Music: Paul Bowles VHS: Paul Bowles ... Suggest a Name Names Index: A B C D ... Paul Bowles in Morocco Acclaimed writer and composer Paul Bowles is spotlighted in this intriguing documentary. Leaving the United States in the 1940s, Bowles eventually settled in Morocco. The filmmaker finds this urbane and fascinating man in Tangier, his longtime home. Reading passages from his novels, recounting stories from his past, visiting his favorite haunts and philosophizing about the Moroccan people and their lifestyle, Bowles is captivating. Bowles' homosexuality isn't mentioned; indeed, the film is more about Moroccan culture than about the writer himself. Paul Bowles The Complete Outsider The fascinating life of American expatriate cult writer Paul Bowles, including his marriage to lesbian author Jane Bowles, is candidly revealed in this documentary filmed in Tangier, Morocco, his home for most of his adult life. He recounts his early career in America and life in his adopted land, and fleetingly touches on his own homosexuality. Of special interest to fans is his discussion of his early work in classical composition; he has in fact written four operas. A mystical character, reserved to the point of being cryptic, complex and contradictory and quietly at peace with himself. "A tantalizing sketch of the legendary expatriate."

    Official site contains biography by Millicent Dillon, catalogue of literary works, photographs, obituary and resources.
    To display this page you need a browser with JavaScript support. The Authorized Paul Bowles Web Site
    by Millicent Dillon Jane Bowles's total body of work consists of one novel, one play, and six short stories. Yet John Ashbery said of her: "It is to be hoped that she will be recognized for what she is: one of the finest modern writers of fiction in any language." Tennessee Williams called her the most underrated writer of fiction in American literature. During her lifetime and since her death in 1973, she has been considered a writer's writer, little known to the general public but with a loyal following of intensely devoted readers.
    Jane Bowles (center), Tennessee Williams and Lilla Van Saher aboard the S.S. Queen Federica , early 1950s.
    She was born in New York City on February 22, 1917, the daughter of Sidney Auer and Claire Stajer Auer. Her childhood was spent in Woodmere, Long Island. On her father's death in 1930, Jane and her mother moved back to Manhattan. As an adolescent she developed tuberculosis of the knee. Her mother took her to a sanatorium in Leysin, Switzerland, where she was put in traction for many months. During this time she developed an intense love of literature and an equally intense series of obsessions and fears. Upon her return to New York she began to experiment with writing a novel and with sexual adventures with men and women, though primarily with women.

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