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61. Www.ucet.ufl.edu/~mcasal/borges.html jorge luis borges Translate this page jorge luis borges. Empieza por una suerte de revelación. Pero uso fábula. jorge luis borges, Cómo nace un texto (fragmento). Un http://www.ucet.ufl.edu/~mcasal/borges.html |
62. Aus Den Spanischen Gedichte von jorge luis borges. http://home.germany.net/100-163279/illeguan/spanisch.htm | |
63. ALDO AMMENDOLA Una proposta di lettura dei racconti di jorge luis borges. E' possibile scaricare il file direttamente dal sito, o navigare nelle pagine dei racconti per una lettura online. http://www.net1is.it/borges/html.htm | |
64. Borges (Jorge Luis) Translate this page borges, jorge luis (1899-1986). Ecrivain 1993. jorge luis borges est mort à Genève, le 14 juin 1986. A elle seule, la vie est une citation. http://www.proverbes-citations.com/borges.htm | |
65. Ukbar Intro Premi¨re r©daction de l'article consacr© Uqbar et cr©ation d'un champ acad©mique dont l'objet d'©tude serait la fabulation de jorge luis borges. http://w3.arobas.net/~torve/pages/ |
66. Jorge Luis Borges : éléments De Biographie Translate this page jorge luis borges Éléments de biographie, bibliographie, textes. Rencontre avec jorge luis borges, Université de Yale - USA. http://membres.lycos.fr/jes/borges-biofr.htm | |
67. Untitled Document A resource page with related articles about the works of jorge luis borges, Alejo Carpentier, Juan Rulfo, Carlos Fuentes, Julio Cort¡zar, Gabriel Garca M¡rquez and Manuel Puig. http://www.ups.edu/faculty/jlago/fl380/resource.htm | |
68. Jorge Luis Borges : Biografía Translate this page LA SABIDURIA DE jorge luis borges (jorge MEJIA PRIETO). Encuentro con jorge luis borges, Universidad Yale - USA. Visita Inglaterra, Escocia e Islandia. http://membres.lycos.fr/jes/borges-bio.htm | |
69. Antología Literaria - La Web De Félix Poemas escogidos de varios autores, entre ellos, Los espejos y Remordimientos, de jorge luis borges; Conciencia Plena, de Juan Ram³n Jim©nez; Oda a Whalt Whitman, de Federico Garca Lorca; Mientras por competir, de luis de G³ngora; Antiguo Invierno, de Salvatore Quasimodo; Preliminar del miedo, de Mario Benedetti; Una temporada en el Infierno (Fragmento Final), de Arthur Rimbaud; Hacia el Poema, de Octavio Paz y Cada cual, con su quimera, de Charles Baudelaire. http://www.iespana.es/lawebdefelix/antologia.htm | |
70. The Queer Use Of Communal Women In Borges El Muerto And La borges, jorge luis (Argentina; 18991986). Latin American Writers on Gay and Lesbian Themes A Bio-Critical Sourcebook. Ed. borges, jorge luis. El Aleph. http://lanic.utexas.edu/project/lasa95/brant.html | |
71. UVa Special Collections Library: Collections Describes the University of Virginia's 400title collection of borges' manuscripts, some unpublished. Also a biographical sketch of the author. http://www.lib.virginia.edu/speccol/colls/borges.html | |
72. Borges, Jorge Luis. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001 2001. borges, jorge luis. (hôr´h l s´ bôr´h s) (KEY) , 18991986, Argentine poet, critic, and shortstory writer, b. Buenos Aires. http://www.bartleby.com/65/bo/Borges-J.html | |
73. Jorge Luis Borges Ein Unpolitischer Dichter? jorge luis borges und seine politischen Ansichten. Artikel von Stefan Kunzmann. http://www.matices.de/23/23kborges.htm |
74. Borges, Jorge Luis. The New Dictionary Of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002 borges, jorge luis. The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002. Third Edition. 2002. borges, jorge luis. (BOHRhes http://www.bartleby.com/59/5/borgesjorgel.html | |
75. Borges, Jorge Luis encyclopediaEncyclopedia borges, jorge luis, hôr hA lOOEs bôr hAs Pronunciation Key. Related content from HighBeam Research on jorge luis borges. http://www.infoplease.com/ce5/CE006867.html | |
76. El Broli Argentino - Jorge Luis Borges Biografa, obras destacadas, enlaces de opiniones de Umberto Eco, Ricardo Piglia y Adolfo Bioy Casares sobre este autor. http://elbroli.8k.com/escritores/Borges/borges.html | |
77. Jorge Luis Borges Hispanos Famosos borges, jorge luis Poet borges Links to Argentina borges and I jorge luis borges and His Predecessor The Zahir 1 http://www.bilkent.edu.tr/~sbahadir/borges.html | |
78. BBC - Books - Author Profile For Jorge Luis Borges BBC profile and photograph of the Argentinian fantasist. http://www.bbc.co.uk/arts/books/author/borges/ | |
79. UVa Special Collections Library: Collections The jorge luis borges Collection. One of the more notable collections in the Special Collections Department at the University of http://www.lib.virginia.edu/speccol/collections/borges.html | |
80. Borges, Jorge Luis borges, jorge luis. Se også jorge luis borges. jorge luis borges (18991986), argentinsk forfatter og poet, der skrev avantgarde fortællinger og digte. http://www.leksikon.org/art.php?n=4891 |
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