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1. Blevins Research Page New I have made a listing for Owen Blevins' data base Co. NC. John Blevins William Blevins Jonathan Blevins Daniel Blevins Elisha blevins richard Blevins also named was http://www.rkinnie.com/oldsite/listblev.html | |
2. Untitled 1830 Federal Census Index TN558167431. 1830 blevins richard Marion County TN 068 No Township Listed Federal Census Index TN558167437. 1830 blevins richard SR. Marion County TN 045 No http://www.geocities.com/pgraham66/blevins_tn.html | |
3. Blevins In Kentucky 1810 BLEVINS BERRY Pulaski County KY 129 1101050010-00 ederal Population Schedule KY 1810 Federal Census Index KYS1a327062. 1810 blevins richard Wayne County KY 366 30010-30010 http://www.geocities.com/pgraham66/blevins_ky.html | |
4. CARTER CO 1900 WILLARD KY WILLARD BLANKENBECKLER ROBT 25 MW KY WILLARD BLEVINS ANDY 29 MW KY WILLARD BLEVINSJAMES 40 MW KY WILLARD BLEVINS JOS 33 MW KY WILLARD blevins richard 28 MW http://www.rootsweb.com/~kycarter/census/1900_census_willard.htm | |
5. Richard Blevins Richard Blevins. Richard Blevins email address is richblevins@directvinternet.com. McClellan,Alabama PVT Richard Blevins Mar 1987 to Jul 1987 287th MP Co. http://www.militarypolice.com/names/blevinsrichard.html | |
6. Medical Search Results 7610209. Heart and Lung. blevins richard D. MD 1400 29th St SouthGreat Falls, MT 59405 (406) 454-2171. Heart and Lung. Brett Williams http://cityguide.greatfallstribune.com/fe/Medical/Results.asp?txtbusinessname=&l |
7. The Enterprise Record Richard Alan blevins richard Alan Blevins of Mocksville, the infant son of Mark AlanBlevins, who graduated from Edgewood Christian School in 1978, and Amanda http://www.enterprise-record.com/obits32.shtml | |
8. Richard Blevins, Papers A collection of correspondences, manuscripts, journals, and notes. http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/literature/poetry/blevins.html | |
9. Kansas Department Of Correction blevins, richard A (KDOC 0070915), Current as of May 10 2004 500AM. clickfor larger picture. blevins, richard A. Name(s) Name Type, Name. http://docnet.dc.state.ks.us/kasper2/offender.asp?id=41132 |
10. DBLP: Richard Blevins dblp.unitrier.de richard blevins. 2000. 3, Guochun Xie, Reynold DeMarco, richardblevins, Yuhong Wang Storing biological sequence databases in relational form. http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/b/Blevins:Richard.html | |
11. (Rhoda Evaline BLEVINS - Richard C. BLEVINS ) Rial blevins ( ABT 1833 ) richard blevins ( - ) richard blevins ( - ) richard blevins ( ABT 1861 - ) richard blevins http://www.oblevins.com/Blevins/INDEX/IND0470.html | |
12. Onsite Energy Corporation - Information Fact Sheet - Hoover's Onsite Energy Corporation research, richard T. Sperberg Paul E. blevins Specialty Contracting, company profile, Onsite http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://na.link.decdna.net/n/7972/7974/www.hoove |
13. Peter Kidd Papers Many of the poets with whom Kidd corresponded (including richard blevins, VincentFerrini, and PJ Laska) also sent him original poems, photographs, newspaper http://speccoll.library.kent.edu/literature/poetry/kidd.html | |
14. Daniel Blevins Daniel blevins. 1. Daniel blevins 1 b. ABT. 1730, England(maybe Boutentout Co, VA), m 1765.Second Generation. 2. richard blevins 7 (1.Daniel1 ) b http://www.rkinnie.com/oldsite/charau.html | |
15. Ancestorphotopage CRANDALL, Callie LAHE, Andy WILHOIT, Florence LAHE, Rosa WILHOIT, Florida HERRINGSLEDGE, Adaline HERRING blevins, richard blevins, richard Bud CRANDALL http://www.geocities.com/ronscabin/surnamesphotopage.html | |
16. Brenda's Home Page He was most likely the son of richard blevins. Black Squire and richard blevinswere part of the Old Settler migration in the late 1820 s and early 1830 s. http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Prairie/6404/squire.html | |
17. Blevins Several sources have indicated that Jeremiah Meeks married Betsy blevins 8 Feb1802 in Blount County, TN. It is widely believed that this Jeremiah moved to Carroll Co., AR. and there is evidence to support this. Meeks, "Black Squire blevins, richard blevins, Sam blevins others of Cherokee English http://members.aol.com/chantery/Articles/Blevins.htm | |
18. Texas Legislature Online - Bills By Subject blevins, richard. 78th Legislature. HR 48 Author Pitts Sponsor none Last Action03/31/2003 H Reported enrolled In memory of richard blevins of Waxahachie. http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlo/reports/subject/78R/N0049.HTM | |
19. 78(R) HR 48 - Enrolled Version - Bill Text 48 RESOLUTION. WHEREAS, The family and friends of richard blevins of Waxahachiewere profoundly saddened when this esteemed gentleman passed away on January 12 http://www.capitol.state.tx.us/tlo/78R/billtext/HR00048F.HTM | |
20. Richard Blevins, Free Books richard blevins, Free Books. Free Books B richard blevins. richard blevins,Papers A collection of correspondences, manuscripts, journals, and notes. http://www.free-books-1.com/b/richard_blevins/ | |
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