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1. Words Of Women Susanna Blamire Susanna Blamire. (17471794). Need Books on Susanna Blamire? The PoeticalWorks, 1842 (Revolution and Romanticism, 1789-1834) by Susanna Blamire. http://www.photoaspects.com/lilip/blamire.shtml | |
2. Susanna Blamire (1747-1794) Biographical and critical essay of the Cumberland poet. http://www.alexanderstreet2.com/SWRPLive/bios/S7021-D001.html | |
3. British Women Romantic Poets Project Complete text. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/English/BWRP/Works/BlamSPoeti.htm | |
4. §18. Lady Anne Lindsay Of Balcarres; Susanna Blamire; Mrs. Grant Of Carron; Mrs Lady Anne Lindsay of Balcarres; susanna blamire; Mrs. Grant of Carron; Mrs. Grantof Laggan; Elizabeth Hamilton; Mrs. John Hunter; Mrs. Maclehose (Clarinda http://www.bartleby.com/221/1018.html | |
5. Words Of Women - WOW Susanna Blamire Browse a comprehensive list of women writers from throughout history and read selections of their work. Focuses mainly on female poets. susanna blamire. ( 17471794 http://www.photoaspects.com/lilip/poets/blamire1.html | |
6. SUSANNA BLAMIRE blamire, susanna (17471794), English poet, daughter of a Cumberland yeoman,was born at Cardew Hall, near Daiston, in January 1747. susanna blamire. http://97.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BL/BLAMIRE_SUSANNA.htm | |
7. SUSANNA BLAMIRE susanna blamire. blamire, susanna (17471794), English poet, daughter of a Cumberland yeoman, was born at Cardew wrote poems in common. susanna blamire died in Carlisle on the 5th http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/B/BL/BLAMIRE_SUSANNA.htm | |
8. The Poetical Works Of Miss Susanna Blamire "The Muse Of Cumberland." The poetical works of Miss susanna blamire "The muse of Cumberland." Now for the first time collected by Henry Lonsdale, M.D. with a preface, memoir, and notes by Patrick Maxwell All poems, http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/BWRP/Works/BlamSPoet |
9. BWRP -- Index 1839. SGML or HTML; blamire, susanna 17471794. The Poetical Worksof Miss susanna blamire. 1842. SGML or HTML; Blanchard, Anne. http://www.lib.ucdavis.edu/English/BWRP/Works/ | |
10. The Poetical Works Of Miss Susanna Blamire "The Muse Of Cumberland." The poetical works of Miss susanna blamire "The muse of Cumberland." Now for the first time collected by Henry Lonsdale, M.D. with a preface, memoir, and notes by Patrick Maxwell This text http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://name.umdl.umich.edu/BlamSPoeti&y=02D |
11. Susanna Blamire, Literature susanna blamire, Literature. The Poetical Works of Miss susannablamire Complete text. Copyright © 2003 Art5.com. http://www.art-5.com/literature/authors/b/susanna_blamire/ | |
12. 346. And Ye Shall Walk In Silk Attire. Susanna Blamire. 1909-14. English Poetry And Ye Shall Walk in Silk Attire. susanna blamire. 190914. And Ye Shall Walk inSilk Attire. susanna blamire (17471794). AND ye shall walk in silk attire, http://www.bartleby.com/41/346.html | |
13. Susanna Blamire - Poetry Poetry by women index for susanna blamire part of a larger collectionof poetry written by women, much of it before the twentieth century. http://womenshistory.about.com/library/etext/pindx/blp_aindex_blamire.htm | |
14. A Celebration Of Women Writers: 1701 - 1800 Blackwell, Elizabeth (17001758) blamire, susanna (1747-1794) The Poetical Works of Miss susanna blamire ( HTML at UC Davis) http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/_generate/1701-1800.html | |
15. Susanna Blamire - THE SILLER CROUN A poem by susanna blamire from The Home Book of Verse by Burton Egbert Stevenson.You are here About History Women s History. susanna blamire 17471794. http://womenshistory.about.com/library/etext/poem1/blp2_blamire_siller_croun.htm | |
16. Images Of Cumbria - Miss Blamire Of Thackwood endeavoured to sketch a few of the leading features of this beautiful streamscenerybecause it has long been associated in my mind as susanna blamire s country http://www.stevebulman.f9.co.uk/cumbria/blamire.html | |
17. Images Of Cumbria - Cumberland Ballads And Poems Barley Broth, by susanna blamire. Kinmont Willie, a second, longer version.Miss Gilpin s Song, by susanna blamire. The Mayor Of Appleby. http://www.stevebulman.f9.co.uk/cumbria/ballads.html | |
18. Eos - 'bacchus May Boast' By Susanna Blamire susanna blamire 17471794, Cafe Eos. Surfer s Delight Poems, Quotes,and Original Illustrations. Bacchus May Boast by susanna blamire http://www.eosdev.com/Illustrations_Quotes/BacchusBoast/bacchusboast.htm | |
19. Wauu.DE: Arts: Literature: Authors: B: Blamire, Susanna Translate this page Home Arts Literature Authors B blamire, susanna. Links URL hinzufügen.The Poetical Works of Miss susanna blamire Complete text. http://www.wauu.de/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Blamire__Susanna/ | |
20. World Of Quotes - Miss Susanna Blamire And Miss Catherine Gilpin Quotes. Miss susanna blamire and Miss Catherine Gilpin Quotes, Searchable andbrowsable database of quotations with author and subject indexes. http://www.worldofquotes.com/author/Miss-Susanna-Blamire-and-Miss-Catherine-Gilp | |
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