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61. Geoffrey Chaucer john Greenleaf Whittier, 18071892. john peale bishop, 1892-1944, ? Walt Whitman,1819-1892. WH Davies, 1870-1940. FR Higgins, 1896-1941. john peale bishop, 1892-1944. http://www.geocities.com/townoak/authors/poets.htm | |
62. April 4 Deaths In History - BrainyHistory 4, 1953 Rachilde, Marguerite ValletteEymery, French author, dies at 93 April4, 1944 john peale bishop, US poet (Undertaker s Garland), dies at 51 April 4 http://www.brainyhistory.com/daysdeath/death_april_4.html | |
63. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! Translate this page Joan ~ bishop, Joel P. ~ bishop, john ~ bishop, john L. ~ bishop, john Lyman ~ bishop,john M. ~ bishop, john Melville ~ bishop, john peale ~ bishop, Jonathan http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0038.html | |
64. Novità In Libreria Translate this page autore. a john peale bishop, scrittore e amico di Fitzgerald, 1934Lettere. Dalla definitivo. a john peale bishop, 1929 Lettere. Un http://www.alice.it/cafeletterario/158/8887765170.htm | |
65. John Gould Fletcher Papers - Index To Correspondence - B Elizabeth Coatsworth, 3 items, 1928 Bettinger, B., 1 item, 1936 Binnian, WalterB., 4 items, 19391947 bishop, john peale, 2 items, 1934-1935 Black, john, 3 http://www.uark.edu/depts/speccoll/findingaids/fletcher/series3b.html |
66. Alexa Web Search - Subjects > Arts > Literature > Authors > B 3); bishop, Elizabeth (7); bishop, john peale (3); Black, Millenia(1); Blacker, Terence (4); Blackmore, RD (6); Blackmore, Richard(1 http://www.alexa.com/browse/categories?catid=41218 |
67. Authors: B - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities, Actors, 2). Ballard, JG (7), bishop, Elizabeth (2), Bronk, William (1). Bantock,Nick (6), bishop, john peale (1), Brontë, Anne (10). Baraka, Imamu http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Authors/B | |
68. Bishop White House john Adams, Ben Franklin, and Thomas Jefferson were also guests of the bishop. Aportrait of White by the renowned artist Charles Willson peale hangs in the http://www.ushistory.org/tour/tour_bishop.htm | |
69. "Edith Stein" At ZVAB - Register Of Antiquarian Books (order Antiquarian Books O Associated Names Wescott, Glenway,. Associated Names bishop, john peale,.Associated Names Wilson, Edmund,. Associated Dates 18741946.. http://www.zvab.com/offers/edith-stein.html | |
70. Browse By Author - Bi ODES. bishop, Elizabeth. THE DIARY OF HELENA MORLEY bishop, Elizabeth.- POEM. bishop, john peale and Wilson, Edmund. - THE UNDERTAKER S GARLAND. http://www.locussolusrarebooks.com/cgi-bin/locus/quickresults.html?fields=author |
71. Poetry Of The First World War: American Poets john peale bishop, born May 21, 1892, in Charles Town, West Virginia poet, novelist,and critic, a member of the lost generation and a close associate of the http://www.scuttlebuttsmallchow.com/listyank.html | |
72. Chronology from Hill; enters Princeton University; studies with Gauss; friendship with F.Scott Fitzgerald and john peale bishop; writes for Nassau Literary Magazine. http://webpage.pace.edu/dcastronovo/edmundwilson/chronology.htm | |
73. Allen Tate's Life And Career janitorial functions in the building where they sometimes lived, and hobnobbed withsuch literary men as Edmund Wilson, john peale bishop, Malcolm Cowley, and http://www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/s_z/tate/life.htm | |
74. [UK Edition] Books.ontheweb: Daniel Bishop See Also Daniel Williams. Republic of Letters in America The Correspondenceof john peale bishop and Allen Tate £16.15 john peale bishop. Allen Tate. http://books.ontheweb.co.uk/ukshop/daniel-bishop.html | |
75. New Page 1 During the first half of this century, probably the most widely known West Virginiapoet was john peale bishop (18921944), a native of Charles Town. http://www.mountainlit.com/essays2.htm | |
76. PAL: Allen Tate (1899-1979) American harvest; twenty years of creative writing in the United States. editedby Allen Tate and john peale bishop. NY LB Fischer, 1942. PS536 .T3. http://www.csustan.edu/english/reuben/pal/chap7/tate.html | |
77. Andrew Cahan: Bookseller, Ltd.: Results For : FIGURE AND FIELD. Farley, Jean. NOW WITH HIS LOVE, POEMS. bishop, john peale. THESUMMER FETE, A POEM WITH SONGS. Moore, Thomas. MOUNTED. POEMS AND LETTERS. http://www.cahanbooks.com/cgi-bin/cahan/quickresults.html?searchfield=cat1,cat2, |
78. TnEncyc Details He edited A Southern Vanguard (1947) in memory of john peale bishop and a specialissue of the Sewanee Review devoted to Eliot (1966) and completed many other |
79. Biographies - Peale To Peza peale, Rembrandt (17781860) American artist PENN, john (1741-1788) American patriot,lawyer - Tonga PEREIRA y CASTELLON, ( - ) Nicaraguan bishop - Nicaragua 789 http://www.philately.com/philately/biopepe.htm | |
80. Modernism From Bishop To Smith THE FIFTIES TWENTIES. john peale bishop, A Recollection . writtensometime in the mid1920s Famously she descended, her red hair http://www.english.upenn.edu/~afilreis/50s/talk-bishop-smith.html | |
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