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Bialosky Jill: more books (22) | |||||||||||||
61. Salon :: :: Mwt :: Feature :: Missing Children, By Rob Spillman :: Page 1 As coeditor jill bialosky writes in her beautiful and tragic account of theloss of her two prematurely born children, They existed; they matter. . http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/1998/05/05feature.html | |
62. Compare Prices And Save On New And Used Books, Textbooks, College Textbooks And Authors (isbndb.com) 59 86 87 88 bialosky, Alan (Alan bialosky). bialosky, jill (jill bialosky).Bialostosky, Don H. (Don Bialostosky). Bialostosky, Karil (Karil Bialostosky). http://www.aaabooksearch.com/Author/Bialosky, Jill/0 | |
63. Arts: Literature: Authors Alegra, Claribel B (1313) Byron, George Gordon,Brands, HW,Bai Juyi,Baudelaire,Charles, Behn, Aphra,Berryman, John,Betjeman, John,bialosky, jill, Bass, Rick http://www.san24.com/Arts/Literature/Authors/ | |
64. Poeticvoices.com July 1999 Book Review: The End Of Desire By Jill Bialosky jill bialosky. Retail Price $13.00 Format Paperback, 88pp. The End of Desireconsists of 40 poems. jill bialosky was born in Cleveland, Ohio. http://poeticvoices.com/9907Bialosky.htm | |
65. Reviews Bernstein, Susan Portrait of a Poet Review by Gavin Whiteside February 1999.bialosky, jill The End of Desire Review by Dean Henning July 1999. http://poeticvoices.com/Reviews.html | |
66. Pittsfield Public Library (Pittsfield, Maine) F BECK, Beck, KK, The telltale tattoo and other stories. F bialosky,bialosky, jill, House under snow. F BINCHY, Binchy, Maeve, Quentins. http://www.pittsfield.lib.me.us/collection/2002-11.htm | |
67. FIÉ ®X 5. Wanting a Child(PAP) US- bialosky, jill (Edt) /Schulman, Helen (Edt) /PublisherFarrarStraus Giroux Published 1999/05 US$13.00 Not Avail? http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/guest/cgi-bin/booksea.cgi?W-AUTHOR=SCHULMAN, HEL |
68. Jill+tompkins Annuaire Adulte Annuaire Sexe Annuaire Porno Annuaire Gratuit Jill Poets Writers Grants Awards March/April 1998 Kalliope, a journalof women`s literature art. jill bialosky was the judge. The http://www.sexycrawler.info/fr/jill_tompkins.html | |
69. Cape Breton Regional Library Bernede, Arthur Surcouf, roi des corsaires. (FR) bialosky, jill House under snow.Black, Cara Murder in the Bastille. Blackstock, Terri Southern storm. http://www.cbrl.ca/whatsnew/junfic.html | |
70. Select General Bibliography For Representative Poetry On-line Belloc, Hilaire; Benét, Stephen Vincent; Benedikt, Michael; Bernstein, Charles;Berrigan, Ted; Berry, Wendell; Berryman, John; bialosky, jill; Bidart, Frank http://eir.library.utoronto.ca/rpo/display_rpo/bibliography_2001.html | |
71. You Have Already Checked Out Item Number I017068 Price $8.00 Order This Book Author(s) bialosky, jill; TitleHouse Under Snow; Publisher Harvest / Harcourt, Inc., Orlando, Fl., 2003 http://www.vintage-books.com/cgi-bin/Perlshop/perlshop.cgi?ACTION=push&thispage= |
72. Literature, Page 13 Vintage Books Author(s) bialosky, jill; Title House Under Snow; Publisher Harvest / Harcourt,Inc., Orlando, Fl., 2003, 1st Thus., Trade Paperback, pp248; Condition Vg http://www.vintage-books.com/cgi-bin/Perlshop/perlshop.cgi?ACTION=push&thispage= |
73. NAME Wood. Bertolino, James. GoatFooted Turtle 1996. 1942. WI/Cincinnati. Hamilton.bialosky, jill. Subterranean 2001. 1957. Cleveland. Cuyahoga. Binkley, Ruth. http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/products/ohioana/OhioPoets.htm | |
74. NAME Yellow Springs, Anecdotes and Reflections (1986). 1911. 1986. Yellow Springs.Greene. bialosky, jill. poetry. The End of Desire (1997). 1957. Cleveland. Cuyahoga. http://www.oplin.lib.oh.us/products/ohioana/WomenAuthors.htm | |
75. Authors: B - World-Of-Celebrities - Your Online Source For Celebrities, Actors, 21). Bain, Darrell (1), Betjeman, John (3), Breton, André (3). Baker,Nicholson (3), bialosky, jill (1), Brisby, Stewart (1). Baldacci http://www.world-of-celebrities.com/Authors/B | |
76. Alibris - Click Here To Find Books By This Author! Seweryn ~ Bialer, Uri Bialik, Hayyim Nahman Bialk, Elisa Bialke, Gary Bialkowski,Carol Bialoguski, Michael bialosky, Alan ~ bialosky, jill ~ bialosky, Peggy http://www.alibris.com/authors/authors0036.html | |
77. 000066 Nathaniel On This Day more; bialosky, jill House Under Snow more;Bird, Sarah The Yokota Officers Club more; Black, Jim River Season http://www.readersadvice.com/readadv/000066.html | |
78. 000374 Nash more; Berg, Elizabeth What We Keep more; bialosky, jill HouseUnder Snow more; Blake, Cindy Second Wives more; Carey, Jacqueline http://www.readersadvice.com/readadv/000374.html | |
79. Books: Poetic Lines Can't Save Messy 'House' (captimes.com) House Under Snow By jill bialosky Harvest/Harcourt 256 pages, $24 jill bialoskywill read from House Under Snow at A Room of One s Own, 307 W. Johnson St http://www.madison.com/captimes/books/topic/fiction/31754.php | |
80. :: Ez2Find :: B Deepti (6) Bhatt, Pooja (4) Bhosle, Asha (9) Bhraonain, Eithne Ni (32) Bhupathi,Mahesh (1) Biafra, Jello (8) Bialik, Mayim (2) bialosky, jill (3) Bianchi http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Reference/Biography/B/ | |
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