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Berssenbrugge Mei-mei: more books (29) | |||||||||||
81. Tomfolio.com: Poetry: General Poetry Book number 000842. US$12.00 Add to Cart Order From Dealer. 9. berssenbrugge,meimei Four Year Old Girl Publisher Kelsey St. Press Berkeley 1998. http://www.tomfolio.com/bookssub.asp?catid=35&subid=214 |
82. IÉ ®XBookweb:m^CgXg Nest by berssenbrugge, meimei, Language Death and Language Maintenance Theoretical,Pract by Janse, Mark (Edt)/ Linguistic Bibliography and the Languages of http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/cat2-1545.html |
83. WU Libraries Special Collections - MLC - Carol Berge Papers 1932 American author L6 C3 M1 Bell, Marvin, 1937- American author L1 Bennett, John,1938- American author L15 C6 berssenbrugge, mei-mei, 1947- American author http://library.wustl.edu/units/spec/manuscripts/mlc/berge/ |
84. Barnard News Center Others to appear at Barnard include meimei berssenbrugge, Eileen Tabios,Lucie Brock-Broido, CD Wright, and Adrienne Rich. Admission http://www.barnard.columbia.edu/newnews/news013003.html | |
85. The Asian American Bookseller: Poetry By Author berssenbrugge,Mei Mei, Heat,The, 6.00, hebeme. berssenbrugge,Mei Mei, Sphericity,14.00, spbeme. berssenbrugge,Mei Mei, Summits Move with the Tide, 4.00, subeme. http://www.panix.com/~aaww/bookseller/autoindex/poetry_author.html | |
86. The Asian American Bookseller pp 210/pb/$12.50 Elephants of Reckoning by Amirthanayagam, Indran 1993/pp 63/pb/$10.00Empathy by berssenbrugge, Mei Mei 1989/pp 76/pb/$9.95 Expounding the http://www.panix.com/~aaww/bookseller/aabpoetry.html | |
87. Berssenbrugge http//www.scc.rutgers.edu/however/print_archive/alerts0284.html meimei MeiMeiBerssenbrugge and the Uses Of Scientific Language, a brief article by Megan http://www.literaryhistory.com/20thC/Berssenbrugge.htm | |
88. Every Day Low Prices - Online Books, Buy Them With Discount - Books By Mei-Mei B Every Day Low Prices Online books, buy them with discount - Books byMei-Mei berssenbrugge. Sphericity. The Heat Bird. Four Year Old Girl. http://www.dayprices.com/b/berssenbrugge_mei_mei.html | |
89. The Intercollegiate Women's Studies Center Calyx, 1999. PS 3552. R2375 E54 1999. Endocrinology by berssenbrugge, Meimeiand Smith, Kiki. Kelsey Street Press, 1997. PS 3552. E77 E53 1997. http://www.scrippscol.edu/~DEPT/WSTUDIES/books_e2.htm | |
90. Questia Online Library - New Search 27, 2002. Subjects Women poetsInterviews, berssenbrugge, MeimeiInterviews,Asian AmericansAchievements and awards. journal http://www.questia.com/SM.qst?act=search&subjects=Poets--Interviews&subjectsSear |
91. Kelsey St. Press- Poetry By Women Order Here. Kelsey St. Press. In this extraordinary new collection of poems by MeimeiBerssenbrugge, writing reflects human presence in the phenomenal world. http://www.kelseyst.com/fouryearold.htm | |
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