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Berssenbrugge Mei-mei: more books (29) | |||
41. Arts Literature Authors B Berssenbrugge, Mei-Mei Arts Literature Authors B berssenbrugge, meimei Directory results Works(3). berssenbrugge Some web results for B berssenbrugge, Mei Mei Japanese http://world.ammissione.it/browse_/Arts/Literature/Authors/B/Berssenbrugge,_Mei- | |
42. Kiki Smith Bibliography AAL Stacks N6512 .D47 1992. AUTHOR berssenbrugge, meimei, 1947-. TITLE Endocrinology/ mei-mei berssenbrugge, poetry ; Kiki Smith, art. EDITION 1st ed. http://stuartcollection.ucsd.edu/kiki/bibl.html | |
43. Big Bridge #7 meimei berssenbrugge. SUSIE, KIKI, ANNIE. 1. On its own terms, myproject with them developed a gentle momentum. The vulnerability http://www.bigbridge.org/issue7/poetmbursenbrugge.htm | |
44. Big Bridge #7 serialized at Exquisite Corpse. meimei berssenbrugge was born inBeijing in 1947 and grew up in Massachusetts. Her books include http://www.bigbridge.org/issue7/bios.htm |
45. Anne Waldman Symposium: Presentations meimei berssenbrugge, is an award-winning poet whose books includeEmpathy, The Four-Year-Old Girl, and Nest, forthcoming in 2002. http://www.lib.umich.edu/conferences/waldman/berssenbrugge.html | |
46. Electronic Poetry Review #6 // Michael Tod Edgerton. Nest. meimei berssenbrugge Kelsey St. Press,2003 $14 (paper), ISBN 0-932716-63-6. Nests are fragile constructions http://www.poetry.org/issues/issue6/text/prose/edgerton1.htm | |
47. UWM Libraries, Multimedia Library, Mediagraphy--Asian Studies of China Becoming American Behind the Mask Fresh Approach to Prejudice Being HmongMeans Being Free berssenbrugge, meimei SEE-mei-mei berssenbrugge Between http://www.uwm.edu/Library/media/asianstudies.html | |
48. UWM Libraries, Multimedia Library, Mediagraphy--Literature BECKETT SERIES Endgame Krapp s Last Tape Waiting for Godot Beggar s Opera Bernicebobs her Hair berssenbrugge, meimei SEE - mei-mei berssenbrugge Beyond Words http://www.uwm.edu/Library/media/literature.html | |
49. Nonprint Search Nonprint. Materials. Search. meimei berssenbrugge. Literature;Poetry.ID Number, Format, Black or White, Length, Copyright, CC, PP, Location. http://www.usm.maine.edu/edm/search/detail.jsp?IDNUMBER=3672 |
50. Constant Critic Reviews | Christine Hume Nest by meimei berssenbrugge 07/13/2003. The Next American Essay byJohn D Agata, ed. 05/12/2003. Nest mei-mei berssenbrugge Kelsey St. http://www.constantcritic.com/Christine_Hume.html | |
51. Eximious Books: Out-of-print, Rare, And Antiquarian Books And Autographs: SPHERI With drawingsby Richard Tuttle. Kelsey St. Press, 1993. First trade edition. 44 pages....... Title SPHERICITY Author berssenbrugge, meimei http://www.eximiousbooks.com/cgi-bin/exb455/001896.html | |
52. Eximious Books: Out-of-print, Rare, And Antiquarian Books And Autographs: ART AN Illustrated by John Austen. berssenbrugge, meimei, SPHERICITY. Bewick, Thomas1753-1828, General history of quadrupeds. The figures engraved on wood. http://www.eximiousbooks.com/cgi-bin/exb455/scan/mp=keywords/se=ART AND SPECIAL |
53. Mei-mei Berssenbrugge From A Context of a Wave meimei berssenbrugge. November 5. You could be thinkingabout your physical placement, what can be a continuum and what is chance. http://www.conjunctions.com/archives/c17-mm.htm | |
54. Current Author Index Read Ai s poem The Follow Up in MaverickMagazine meimei berssenbrugge Empathy/ Paperback / Published 1987 / Amazon Price $10.85 ($10.00 + $0.85 surcharge http://www.maverickmagazine.com/currentauthors.htm | |
55. The Galway Kinnell Papers-Writings By Others - Prose And Poetry Berge,, Carol. 8 poems; berssenbrugge, meimei. 50 poems, collection of poemsRandom possession (2 copies) (2f.); Bishop, Elizabeth. 3 poems; Bly, Robert. http://www.indiana.edu/~liblilly/guides/kinnell/kinnell13.html | |
56. Syllabus Scalapino, The Return of Painting, the Pearl, and Orion A Trilogy (Talisman House).berssenbrugge, meimei. Four Year Old Girl (Kelsey St.). Mullen, Harryette. http://www.u.arizona.edu/~nathanso/tn/596fsyllabus.html | |
57. The Greenwood Encyclopedia Of American Poetry: 20th Century Poets medium. Berry, Wendell. short. Yes, Berryman, John. long. Yes, berssenbrugge, meimei.short. Yes, Bidart, Frank. medium. Bierds, Linda. short. yes, Birney, Earl, medium.yes, http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~eoap/20thcentury.htm | |
58. Voices From The Gaps Sandra; Bennett, Gwendolyn; Berry, Venise; berssenbrugge, meimei;Bird, Gloria; Bird Woman, Buffalo; Birtha, Becky; Bjorkquist, Elena http://voices.cla.umn.edu/newsite/WRITERSbyname.html |
59. Companion List Ted 500 words assigned Berry, Wendell 500 words assigned Berryman, John 1000words assigned berssenbrugge, meimei 500 words assigned Bidart, Frank 500 http://eies.njit.edu/~kimmelma/companionlist.html | |
60. WebGuest Directory - Biography : B Bernstrup, Tobias; Bernward, Saint; Berra, Yogi; Berryman, John; Berry;berssenbrugge, meimei; Bertanzetti, Eileen Dunn; Bertha; Berthold http://directory.webguest.com/Reference/Biography/B | |
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